ok reading the readmme.txt it clarify all.
This patch will add all Book One content to "Moniker Smith's Bloodlines". It will unlock all Bloodlines: Book One story content, images, animations, and music in any build of Bloodlines starting with v0.33, but it is incompatible with builds pre-dating v0.33.
Installing this update will NOT overwrite patches like the Low Spec Patch and Nicest/INC Patch.
This patch is cross-compatible between Heavy, Lite, Mac, and PC/Linux builds of Bloodlines.
1. In the "MonikerSmithsBLOODLINES-BookOnePatch" zip file, find the folder labeled "game".
2. Now, find and open the Moniker Smith's Bloodlines installation folder on your computer.
3a. For PC/Linux users, move the "game" folder from the "MonikerSmithsBLOODLINES-BookOnePatch" zip file
into location "MonikerSmithsBLOODLINES-0.##-pc" in your Moniker Smith's Bloodlines installation folder.
3b. For Mac users, move the "game" folder from the "MonikerSmithsBLOODLINES-BookOnePatch" zip file into
location "MonikerSmithsBLOODLINES.app\Contents\Resources\autorun" in your Moniker Smith's Bloodlines installation folder.
4. Run the game as usual. This patch will allow you to start Bloodlines from the beginning of Book One and access all of the Bloodlines menus in Book One.
This patch will NOT interfere with your game progress or overwrite patches like the Low Spec Patch and Nicest/INC Patch, but saves made in Book One may not work with an installation that does not include the Book One Patch.