None Monobeno -Happy End- [Machine Translation Request]


Aug 28, 2022
How do you bypass the DRM from the exe that was in the Mega?

Also, assuming you can bypass it. Is there any way to apply the uncensored patch after?


Jan 12, 2020
A crack request needs to be submitted in the appropriate subforum to request a crack for the exe.

I am also still looking into applying different patches for the different versions of the game, and do not have an update for that yet.


Engaged Member
Sep 22, 2016
Release is a damn mess.. why doesn't someone prepatch it and just release the English without all Extra crap. Also how damn bad is the MTL since it says MTL and not AI translated. Why is anyone using crap MTL anymore.


Jan 12, 2020
Why is anyone using crap MTL anymore.
Because MTL (NMT) translations are basically free where MTL (AI) translations are not.

~500 lines can be processed in <30s and Sugoi v4 NMT offers a half-decent translation, especially considering the price (basically free). Compared to that MTL using AI always costs money. Translating 500 lines takes ~5 hrs on an average modern CPU or half that time on GPUs in exchange for dramatically increased power usage. Tensors exist on modern GPUs to make processing NMTs really fast but that alone is not enough to speed up AI processing to where it is within the same ballpark as NMTs at all which makes AI translations very expensive in comparison.

Translating Monobeno using Sugoi v4 NMT, which is probably what SugoiVisuaNovel did, is maybe $1-5? The cheapest AI for a game this long would be $100 maybe? GPT-4 Turbo is 10x the price so maybe $1000? If you are not going to pony up the cash for AI translation or offer an API key to a translator, then there is no use complaining about a free NMT translation being offered instead.


Jan 12, 2020
Anyway! Minor update time.

I have learned a lot about the kirikiri game engine recently. So far, I can unpack/repack the basic archive package, extract the scripts, and translate them using my and SLR Translator. Repackaging images is more of the same and finding the translatable UI strings in the game engine is annoying, but not impossible now. Both of that should allow for a translated UI, backporting any uncesored CGs, and repackaging the scripts.

I still do not understand the game engine well enough to like, backport the Chinese translation into the JP version, but that is a pretty minor issue as long as the Chinese version did not add any new content.

Right now my queue is Doki Doki Oyako (CSystem) -> Bloods 2 (kirikiri) -> an RPGM game -> Monobeno (kirikiri). Bloods 2 and Monobeno are both kirikiri games so I should have a fairly good idea as to how things work by the time Monobeno comes up since I am expecting this project to take me a while, like month, once I start working on it but I need to learn more about how kirikiri handles images first in order to translate the UI and backport the uncensored CGs.