
Dec 20, 2017
hey L30 can you also make a fetish guide for breast/paizuri?
Yes, I should be able to, but it'll have to wait until I have a little more free time. I did make a on the wiki to go along with the GearlessJoe's feet fetish guide which was copied over, but both will probably be ported over to Wiki blog pages in the coming days rather than being standard pages on the wiki. I planned on posting about the new mod for Mari yesterday but became unexpectedly busy and was able to. That said, I'll see what I can do in the near future.

let's hope it won't affect the variation of the games content...
(the only fetish i really can't stand is: scat:poop::sick:)
also gay and (pedo) loli...
Fortunately for you, all of those fetishes are on the , so you won't have to worry about any of those appearing in MGD.

While this is not much, I do hope that you find this enlightening, decker2.

Someone probably did that joke before, but:
"NameOfScene": "L30 posts",
"theScene": ["ChangeFetish", "MGD", "5"]
> Your fetish for Monster Girl Dreams has become a complete and total obsession, but it can't get any worse than it is now....
Fix how? :unsure:

Small bug:
Somehow I got stuck with 245 monstrous fetish since a recent update. I might have done a respec at the wrong time.
The goddess' PurgeFetishes doesn't reset numbers which are out of normal bounds (>100?). I coded my fetish back to 0 (and everything works fine now), but it might be worthwhile to have an in-game way to fix similar figures.
I'm not certain you'll be able to fix that first issue, but would you really want to do anything about that particular obsession? I know at least a few individuals wouldn't mind that fetish if it kept growing above and beyond that level.

As for that bug, yeah, it's an odd one that has popped up on occasion since v23. Fortunately the console is an expedient solution to the issue. But you're correct that if it keeps happening, then there may be a need for another solution given the impacts it could have on those playing MGD on Android.

Apologies for not saying much here, but I'll see what I can do about spreading more levels of that first fetish around since it seems to be quite desirable, sandsea_urchin.

. Mari has been added to the guide, her mod just came out and it's absolutely amazing. If you're a foot lover then she'll quickly become your favourite. The mod is extremely high quality, and its art was made by ADOPOLICH (the same artist who did Kotone's superb steppy CGs). Congratulations and a big thank you to epickark for creating such a great mod, and to Valentin Cognito (Gren's mod author) for having helped him.
Here's hoping for more Mari content in the future, but most importantly, that we'll get more mods with foot content, even if they aren't as high quality as this one!
Thanks for alerting the thread to the new mod, I had planned on making a release post for it yesterday but had issues arise that prevented me from doing so.

Just wanted to say thank you very much for covering this, GearlessJoe.

İ know this is a pretty noob question to ask but is there a legit 100%save of this game? i know about save editors and the console cheats but save editors from what i read are outdated or bugy and cheats just make the grind faster u still have to grind and i dont want to invest hours into the game if the content isint worth it. There isint even any videos of this game on porn sites so a save would be the only way to check the content out before investing my time.
Unfortunately, no, there are no 100% saves around really. I have shared a number of cheat start saves, but I do not share "100%" saves as not everyone may be into every girl or every fetish they offer. As an example, some people may not want to be addicted to aphrodisiac venom to romance Kaia, others may decide to help boost Tabitha's confidence to eventually turn her into a Hypno-Domme while others may prefer to raise her submission to their character and make her their slutty little submissive instead and others may raise both to turn her into a switch, and then some people may like characters like Sofia or Venefica but may not want to become the submissive pet of the former or go through the "familiar" and/or findom content of the latter.

I'll provide a cheat start save if you'd like that will include several million Eros, be level 110 with all of the skill points and such unspent, and be at the very start of the game. It will have the generic name of Hero, but you can use the console to change this if you are not playing on Android. Feel free to use this cheat start to try out the title and help figure out if you'd like it or not. However, you do have a major misconception about using the console as they can not only make the grind faster, they can eliminate it all together given you can directly set virtually any variable and there is a on the wiki that details a number of console codes and provides examples on how to use them, including an example for changing your character's name. If you want to know if a particular character is for you or features content you dislike, as TFM stated, the is an excellent resource for getting a general idea of the content that a character features given the list of attacks and scenes on the various character pages. It is even slowly obtaining full walkthroughs to help guide through any particular character's relationship content.

And yes, you read that correctly, this is not just a BF-RPG but it features full romance content as well with the ability to establish relationships of varying degrees with a number of unique characters, both human and monster girl. In terms of fetishes, there really isn't anything too out there, a few characters like Kotone, Tabitha the Batgirl, and the unnamed Lumiren utilize hypnosis, most of the femdom is of gentler varieties or you lost and are being ravished after a fight with only certain characters like Sofia offering harder femdom while Venefica can mix in findom along with her femdom if you throw money at her for various things, Gearless Joe's feet fetish guide covers that fetish rather well and there is the previously mentioned on the wiki if that is something you do not like, and I even have the linked close to the top of this post that lays out what content will not be in MGD. The game is generally nice, for example, Blue Slimes will ask to peg you if your Ass Sensitivity is at normal or lower levels but if the sensitivity is high, they'll assume you enjoy it and peg you without asking.

I do hope that this answers your questions and addresses your concerns to a satisfactory level and that you decide to give this title a chance as it is truly an enjoyable little gem, aspava3597.

heya everyone. Was curios if anyone heard anything about one of my favorite girls Kyra. Curious if there is plans for her to get more content, or if she's considered "finished"?
There are plans for her to eventually get more content, but I couldn't say when. Although, you could say that about virtually every named character in game at this point to be honest, even Kotone with as much content as she has is not yet complete. While I couldn't say whether or not she'll receive more content before the Desert, it would not surprise me if she does eventually follow the player out that way if she hears that they've made it that far given she is of the Desert Tribe Lizardgirls and originally from the Desert and only ventured into the Mystic Forest due to not enough adventurers making it to the Desert.

While this is not much, I do hope that this is enough to keep your hope alive and that you are able to keep looking forward towards more Kyra content eventually, Cheesekek.

Now in terms of update news, planning for v23.4 is complete and work has begun on creating the new content for Elly and Venefica. The rough outline of plans for this update is as follows: Firstly, report back to Elly on Venefica stuff, continue working on Venefica stuff and add more to report back on as Elly's quest is not finished and will have more followup parts as she sends you back in to continue investigating, and finally hopefully finish the quest which may not happen due to increasing scope. Potential bonus content would be to add more night time guild stuff with Elly, but the main focus is the Venefica investigation quest which should introduce at least some of her relationship content along with it, so we'll see how it all goes.

So far, Threshold has set it up so you can go into the Guild at night when you have the quest from Elly. You can do any of her existing conversations with her, although some have tweaks because it's night and you're the only there with her, and you can buy skills from Elly as well. Plans for the near future will include alternate intros such as reporting to Elly that you managed to get yourself banned from Venefica's shop and thus failed the quest as well as being able report any of your actual findings about Venefica.

There have also been a few bug fixes and changes for consistency of code such as a break with the MonsterHasPerk, MonsterHasSkill and IfHasSkill functions has been fixed, the MonsterHasPerk function is now IfMonsterHasPerk for consistency, and the MonsterHasSkill function is now IfMonsterHasSkill for consistency. Finally, after a few conversations with artists, there may be a delay compared to the rate of new art being released compared to prior months due to artist availability or lack thereof in this case.

Finally, in terms of modding news, GearlessJoe has already shared the information about the new mod for Mari the Butterfly, so that's already taken care of and thank you very much again for handling that. For other modding news, another relatively recent mod that I neglected to share was made by Lewdidimus. They created a mod called Dirty Cheats, Done For Free that can be found as well as on the page on the wiki. If you use the mod, Just go to Amber's store and ask for her 'special items'. It features Infinite money, an OP item that makes you virtually invincible, and it opens an event in the Mystic Forest that grants a massive amount of Experience.

I do hope that everyone interested in this information finds this at least a little useful.

EDIT: A little more update news as Threshold just announced this right after I made this post.

You can now get night access to the Guild with Elly without the Venefica quest, you just need 50 affection and the Venefica quest will now grant 20 affection up from 10. Said 50 points of progress mark will also add some more options to the night menu if you're doing Venefica's quest, once they have been added, whether in this update or a future update.
Last edited:

Deleted member 1816908

. Mari has been added to the guide, her mod just came out and it's absolutely amazing. If you're a foot lover then she'll quickly become your favourite. The mod is extremely high quality, and its art was made by ADOPOLICH (the same artist who did Kotone's superb steppy CGs). Congratulations and a big thank you to epickark for creating such a great mod, and to Valentin Cognito (Gren's mod author) for having helped him.
Here's hoping for more Mari content in the future, but most importantly, that we'll get more mods with foot content, even if they aren't as high quality as this one!
This mod is incredible. Like Gren, it deserves to be in the base game. Thanks for telling us about this!


New Member
Nov 23, 2018
Really loved this game back when I played it, but I haven't touched the game since v21.1.
This title has received regular updates every month since Threshold has been able to work full-time on MGD. The Caverns is the last story location and has been released nearly a year ago in v21, but development efforts since then have been focused on existing content before advancing the story, including notable changes to the underlying systems such as the NPC system revisions, the introduction of the Day/Night system, and other changes to the Town area such as the introduction of the new Blessing system at the Church that was divided between v21.5 and v22, although there were other mini-builds between v21 and v21.5 as well as between v21.5 and v22. Then major build v23 was the balance update that introduced significant changes to the combat system and overall system balance including changes to the economy, of course mini-updates leading up to v23 contained some balance work and introduced new characters or further fleshed out existing characters such as v22.2 adding Beris while v21.1 added Minoni's art and conversations to Elena.

New builds are either major full number builds such as v21, v22, and so on that either introduce new locations or otherwise include major changes, "minor" builds which usually either introduce or expand on an existing character whether this means adding their art, new content, or both such as v23.1 that added Kotone's art as well as a small amount of new content to the Kitsune as well as art for the Caverns and the Lumiren (these minor builds can involve quite a large amount of work and be equal to a major build in terms of effort and time invested just that the overall changes and additions do not warrant a full number build for one reason or another), and the final type of new build is the lettered builds such as the current v23.3b which are typically dedicated to fixing bugs and typos but have featured new art on occasion when it could easily be slipped in. Every month has seen a new major or minor build at the very least as well as however many lettered builds it takes to address the notable issues and typos.

Advancing the plot has momentarily taken a backseat to correcting game balance and other issues as well as fleshing out existing content given that the Labyrinth is the final dungeon before the story moves on to the Capital, which will be a major undertaking, so these issues needed to be addressed and sooner rather than later considering putting off system changes would just mean that much more work in the future as the title grows. There is one more planned mini-update in the form of v23.4 that fill see Elly's quest for Venefica turned in and also included plans for some level of romantic content with Venefica, assuming plans have not been forced to change. After v23.4 and whatever number of bug fix builds are necessary, work will likely begin on v24 which is very likely going to be the Labyrinth given that Threshold has talked about moving things forward.

That said, the OP does note that the thread was last updated on 2020-09-07, and Threshold, the developer, has a post on this very same page discussing the release of v23.3b for bug fixing and such. Both show that this title is still under development and provide very definitive answers to this question.

I do hope that you find this enlightening, PhoenixGorthalon.

No real clue on how the Labyrinth will be in terms of the story exploration beyond having Beris and her sisters as the Guardians who we'll be up against. Although Threshold has stated that there will be no Minotaurs in the Labyrinth, and unless this was deception on their part, does make it seem like the Guardian siblings will be the only foes we'll face during the story run.

Elf Village is certainly something to look forward to as is the Harpy Village, but no telling when those side quest locations will arrive, whether either one will happen between the Labyrinth and parts of the Capital being released, between releases of Capital content, or perhaps even after the Capital but before the Casino's Dungeon or after the Casino. Similarly with true Harem elements, that will likely be reserved for the Housing system once the player has their own place and can start inviting the MGs to live with them, but no telling when that will arrive later. There could be some interactions beforehand for certain intricately linked characters such as Kotone and Feng as we help them work through their issues, but those are not really the norm considering how scattered most of the love interests are. We know general content plans but do not really have anything like a firm roadmap outlining when a particular facet will arrive beyond what Threshold teases and the order of the main story locations like the Desert and then the Pyramid dungeon will follow the Casino and then finally the Demon Queen's Castle, after possibly traversing the Wasteland around said castle.

More romance content is another delightful element to look forward to, although that's also part of the vicious cycle of balancing the workload between working on existing content, advancing the story and introducing new places and people, and working on underlying game mechanics. At least we'll have plenty of content to enjoy for a fair amount of time to come.

While this is not much, I do hope that you find this informative, Psajchol.

Just a minor clarification, but there are three sisters acting as Guardians along with Beris. Sister #1 sounds more Amazonian, possibly a MILFy Amazon, and apparently acts the most like one would expect a stereotypical Hellhound to act and may also have SHRIFT vibes, Beris is sister #2 and the runt of the litter, Sister #3 was nebulous in concept but her being something of a mage type was discussed, and sister #4 is an enigma who intentionally had no information revealed other than she too may have elements reminiscent of SHRIFT. Given the way evolution works in MGD, all four siblings may or may not be Hellhounds. They're all probably canids, but depending on whether they were born as Hellhounds or born as some type of dog-girl and all went through different evolutions is unknown. There have been jokes about what if all four are secret subs, but this is unlikely to be true and Beris may very well be the only submissive in the group.

Just wanted to clear that up and I hope that you find this information useful, Konstantinus.

Next update is practically guaranteed to be Venefica content and Elly's side quest turn in based on what Threshold has stated about a week ago. The only question at this point really is whether or not it will be handled as a single update or split into multiple updates such as handling Elly's portions in one update and Venefica's content expansions in the next.

This is not much admittedly, but I do hope that you find it at least a little helpful, Volta.
Reading this saved me the trip to find out what's changed, but I have to ask -- about how many hours of content has been changed? With the change of existing systems, would you say it's worth to start a new save (never mind the fact that mine is both broken and outdated)? Has there been something fundamental that might be worth visiting? Combat-wise, has there been so many balance changes that it gives it a different feel? Most of the changes you noted seem to be more gameplay-related changes rather than additional content. iirc, there was a change to the introduction, which while interesting, sounded like it was a minor change to the overall story (a couple minutes read).

Love the game's content and concept. It does look like the mods would be worth downloading so, at the very least, I'll have that as something new. Glad it's still getting regular updates. Might go and become a supporter myself!(y)
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New Member
Jul 25, 2020
If Venefica's content expands along with Elly's quest I wish I could restart it because I asked way too many questions already when I first met her yet I'm still willing to continue with my current progress. At this point I can't undo my decisions in the game unless I restart from the beginning.
Dec 5, 2019
If Venefica's content expands along with Elly's quest I wish I could restart it because I asked way too many questions already when I first met her yet I'm still willing to continue with my current progress. At this point I can't undo my decisions in the game unless I restart from the beginning.
Sorry to hear that mate.
Remember kiddos: if you can save scum, save scum.
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Oct 16, 2017
Why the fuck did my past self didn't download this when GearlessJoe recommended it so many months ago in the ToT thread?
Dude, Mari is just amazing! I have lost so much time fighting an uphill battle in that thread, when there was a goldmine just around the corner.
Also MODS in plural. MODS. Need a Mari banner.


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2017
I had no idea we had so many ToT refugee's here, since i was never a fan of feet or trample in particular i skipped ToT even though the art seemed good and a lot of people liked it, fast forward to now and i'm glad you guys have a game to take up the slack. Honestly this game caters to lots of different fetishes and doesn't do any of them in a half assed way, the hypno/MC content is good, feet stuff if that is your thing and not as an afterthought, the femdom ranges from light to moderate to practically non-existent in some cases, oh and the game is English language as standard which is always nice.

I'm even a little surprised that this game hasn't taken off more than it already has, there are plenty of people playing not so great Japanese game over rape games and succubus RPG's that are objectively lower quality in writing (perhaps because of the whole lost in translation thing), less or similar levels of art and worse gameplay, perhaps it's the fact the game isn't finished yet but i think a lot of people who would love it are sleeping on this game for some reason.


Active Member
Jan 24, 2020
I'm even a little surprised that this game hasn't taken off more than it already has, there are plenty of people playing not so great Japanese game over rape games and succubus RPG's that are objectively lower quality in writing (perhaps because of the whole lost in translation thing), less or similar levels of art and worse gameplay, perhaps it's the fact the game isn't finished yet but i think a lot of people who would love it are sleeping on this game for some reason.
I think it's the "text based" tag that usually keeps people on the fence. This is just my opinion, of course. This has struck me, from the start, as one of those games that only really sinks its teeth in you if you try it out for yourself first, screenshots and even the reviews, positive as they are, don't do it much justice in the end. I'm guilty of this as well, text based is not something I usually go for, but I'm glad I gave this one a chance. The fact Kotone exists is just the icing on the metaphorical fluff cake.


Engaged Member
Apr 19, 2018
I had no idea we had so many ToT refugee's here, since i was never a fan of feet or trample in particular i skipped ToT even though the art seemed good and a lot of people liked it, fast forward to now and i'm glad you guys have a game to take up the slack. Honestly this game caters to lots of different fetishes and doesn't do any of them in a half assed way, the hypno/MC content is good, feet stuff if that is your thing and not as an afterthought, the femdom ranges from light to moderate to practically non-existent in some cases, oh and the game is English language as standard which is always nice.

I'm even a little surprised that this game hasn't taken off more than it already has, there are plenty of people playing not so great Japanese game over rape games and succubus RPG's that are objectively lower quality in writing (perhaps because of the whole lost in translation thing), less or similar levels of art and worse gameplay, perhaps it's the fact the game isn't finished yet but i think a lot of people who would love it are sleeping on this game for some reason.
You should definitely try ToT, it's a fantastic game with a variety of content and not just feet stuff. However, it's been in a tragic development cycle for the past two years. But there's lots there already and definitely worth trying.

I agree with the "text-based" nature being a turn off to a lot of people. It makes you think immediately of all the cookie-cutter HTML games and boring walls of text often written poorly. But MGD has excellent writing of course. It also has a lot more CG than most of those Japanese games you mention as well, which often will boast of "8 base CG, 16 variations!!!" or something like that ( :rolleyes:) so maybe text-based should be removed from this game's tags?
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Dec 20, 2017
Really loved this game back when I played it, but I haven't touched the game since v21.1.

Reading this saved me the trip to find out what's changed, but I have to ask -- about how many hours of content has been changed? With the change of existing systems, would you say it's worth to start a new save (never mind the fact that mine is both broken and outdated)? Has there been something fundamental that might be worth visiting? Combat-wise, has there been so many balance changes that it gives it a different feel? Most of the changes you noted seem to be more gameplay-related changes rather than additional content. iirc, there was a change to the introduction, which while interesting, sounded like it was a minor change to the overall story (a couple minutes read).

Love the game's content and concept. It does look like the mods would be worth downloading so, at the very least, I'll have that as something new. Glad it's still getting regular updates. Might go and become a supporter myself!(y)
There have been a few hours of content added since v21.1, depending on how fast you read. There are several new characters with varying levels of relationship content including Mara who can be found in the Brothel, Venefica who can be found while on a quest for Elly, Beris the Hellhound as an early introduction before we find her out in the field, Galvi the Voltlin as an early introduction before we find her in the Capital, and even a new Bubble Slime on the Mountain. All of the Town NPCs have new conversations with Vivian even offering training, the ability to enter the early stages of romance with Belle, and Lilian receiving a rewrite to her new content that was included as a part of this. There is also a growing body of quality mods to enjoy such as Beach Party, Gorgon's Garden, and Mari the Butterfly that can be found on this of the wiki.

In terms of gameplay, it is not a radical departure, but there is much more flexibility with regards to how you can approach your build as Willpower is not strictly necessary for passing checks as Temptation checks are now a thing that use Intelligence, Willpower, and Allure. Willpower was divided into Intelligence for a magical offense attribute and Willpower for defenses. Power is now much more viable and is no longer as limited to Pain damage moves as it was before. Experience gains, the economy, and so on have been rebalanced which should cut down on the grind to a degree considering the overall higher drops of Experience and Eros.

I'd say it would be rewarding to start up and play again, but if you wait for the end of the month, there will be a new build featuring more Venefica and Elly content.

I do hope that you find this enlightening, yourownchicken.

If Venefica's content expands along with Elly's quest I wish I could restart it because I asked way too many questions already when I first met her yet I'm still willing to continue with my current progress. At this point I can't undo my decisions in the game unless I restart from the beginning.
Unless you've been banned, there is nothing wrong with having asked questions so far. If you were banned, asking questions in and of itself was not a problem, but any of your potential responses while asking questions and your answer when asked who told you about Venefica's place. Vili is the best overall answer given that response provides a large amount of affection, Ancilla is the second best response as long as you have a good relationship with her as Ancilla will cover for you. As long as your relationship with her is positive by the end of the questioning, you will not be banned but even then, you can pay to avoid being banned as well.

While not much, I do hope that you find this at least a little helpful, Mobbob90.

Why the fuck did my past self didn't download this when GearlessJoe recommended it so many months ago in the ToT thread?
Dude, Mari is just amazing! I have lost so much time fighting an uphill battle in that thread, when there was a goldmine just around the corner.
Also MODS in plural. MODS. Need a Mari banner.
Welcome, glad that you're enjoying the title so far and finally have decided to give it a chance. As you're new and have requested a Mari banner, I have a welcoming present for you.

MGD - Mari in the Forest; Midday - Forum Signature.gif MGD - Mari in the Forest; Midday v2 - Forum Signature.gif

You have two different versions to choose from, either a larger Mari with a greater focus on her feet or a Mari ambush with the sun shining through the branches of the tree right above her. Feel free to add these to your master signature post when you have a chance to do so, Teleiah.

I do hope that you find one of these pleasing and welcome again, olorex11. You may like one of these as well GearlessJoe given a particular element of these banners.

As for update news, not much to report on other than work is continuing on the new Venefica and Elly content as well as some bug fixes. The update is slated for the end of the month at the latest, so an update can be expected by September 30th, assuming no issues arise that force a delay.


Sep 4, 2019
ok I'm kind of confused, I want trisha to come clean on her own about the whole inn scam but I don't know what to do


Active Member
Jan 10, 2018
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I don't think that's what they meant, you can get her to confess without beating her.
starlord777 you need a certain amount of progress with her. you need 35 progress with her, with different scenes giving differing amounts. quickest way is passing the drug check, not asking for seconds, and when you wake up, not resisting. that scene gets you 10 progress each time. other scenes don't give as much.
tldr: keep going to her and she'll eventually confess.


Oct 16, 2017
There have been a few hours of content added since v21.1, depending on how fast you read. There are several new characters with varying levels of relationship content including Mara who can be found in the Brothel, Venefica who can be found while on a quest for Elly, Beris the Hellhound as an early introduction before we find her out in the field, Galvi the Voltlin as an early introduction before we find her in the Capital, and even a new Bubble Slime on the Mountain. All of the Town NPCs have new conversations with Vivian even offering training, the ability to enter the early stages of romance with Belle, and Lilian receiving a rewrite to her new content that was included as a part of this. There is also a growing body of quality mods to enjoy such as Beach Party, Gorgon's Garden, and Mari the Butterfly that can be found on this of the wiki.

In terms of gameplay, it is not a radical departure, but there is much more flexibility with regards to how you can approach your build as Willpower is not strictly necessary for passing checks as Temptation checks are now a thing that use Intelligence, Willpower, and Allure. Willpower was divided into Intelligence for a magical offense attribute and Willpower for defenses. Power is now much more viable and is no longer as limited to Pain damage moves as it was before. Experience gains, the economy, and so on have been rebalanced which should cut down on the grind to a degree considering the overall higher drops of Experience and Eros.

I'd say it would be rewarding to start up and play again, but if you wait for the end of the month, there will be a new build featuring more Venefica and Elly content.

I do hope that you find this enlightening, yourownchicken.

Unless you've been banned, there is nothing wrong with having asked questions so far. If you were banned, asking questions in and of itself was not a problem, but any of your potential responses while asking questions and your answer when asked who told you about Venefica's place. Vili is the best overall answer given that response provides a large amount of affection, Ancilla is the second best response as long as you have a good relationship with her as Ancilla will cover for you. As long as your relationship with her is positive by the end of the questioning, you will not be banned but even then, you can pay to avoid being banned as well.

While not much, I do hope that you find this at least a little helpful, Mobbob90.

Welcome, glad that you're enjoying the title so far and finally have decided to give it a chance. As you're new and have requested a Mari banner, I have a welcoming present for you.

View attachment 822134 View attachment 822135

You have two different versions to choose from, either a larger Mari with a greater focus on her feet or a Mari ambush with the sun shining through the branches of the tree right above her. Feel free to add these to your master signature post when you have a chance to do so, Teleiah.

I do hope that you find one of these pleasing and welcome again, olorex11. You may like one of these as well GearlessJoe given a particular element of these banners.

As for update news, not much to report on other than work is continuing on the new Venefica and Elly content as well as some bug fixes. The update is slated for the end of the month at the latest, so an update can be expected by September 30th, assuming no issues arise that force a delay.
I appreciate this, "why not both?", besides fetishes and writing I am really enjoying the RPG aspects of the game. Those roll checks are great and the stats/perks really gives you a personal touch to your character. Next I want to try for Kotone but...gonna take a while, Mari is too clingy :KEK: (not that I'm complaining).
Just to finish I really should have tried MGD way earlier, thanks for the update, the banners and the ETA.
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Nov 15, 2018
Welcome, glad that you're enjoying the title so far and finally have decided to give it a chance. As you're new and have requested a Mari banner, I have a welcoming present for you.

View attachment 822134 View attachment 822135

You have two different versions to choose from, either a larger Mari with a greater focus on her feet or a Mari ambush with the sun shining through the branches of the tree right above her. Feel free to add these to your master signature post when you have a chance to do so, Teleiah.
Added them to the main signatures post.
Also tidied it up a little bit.
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New Member
Oct 7, 2017
I don't think that's what they meant, you can get her to confess without beating her.
starlord777 you need a certain amount of progress with her. you need 35 progress with her, with different scenes giving differing amounts. quickest way is passing the drug check, not asking for seconds, and when you wake up, not resisting. that scene gets you 10 progress each time. other scenes don't give as much.
tldr: keep going to her and she'll eventually confess.
You can also call her cute three or four times in a row once you can talk to her and she'll transform accidentally, she'll confess in a slightly awkward conversation
4.60 star(s) 85 Votes