
Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2017
Thank you L30.
Incredibly helpful and informative. I went blind and completely forgot about that search box up there. Only noticed the smaller buttons under 'latest updates' and 'lewdpatcher'. So judging from your post it seems like I've almost exhausted current content. Just need a little bit more of Ancilla, Minoni, and the new Tabitha.

If you don't mind me asking, who are you to this game? You seem very knowledgeable about it whiwithout being some kind of lording elitist ass-hat, which is surprisingly rare in the communities I frequent.
Some say that L30 is in fact the living embodiment of the wiki, others have suggested he is Threshhold in disguise, alternatively he's simply a pretty damn diligent high tier patron, i'm not sure which i believe.


New Member
Nov 20, 2018
Not that I think it matters too much at this stage, since the combat is fairly lax, but what do you guys think of the balance? In terms of spreading attribute points around vs dumping everything in 1 or 2 stats?


Engaged Member
Feb 25, 2019
Because there are some mighty attributes at 40 at the respictive attribute I would bring before all attributes to 20 so normal skillchecks are no problem but then put everythin one after another to 40. I can only say, from balance point of view, hard difficulty is easier then easy with putting everything into spirit. Yeah those high spirit makes demon layer very effective but this is only effective agains two bosses which are not optional (Feng and Shizu). I did because of love of game a hardcore grind, lvling up over 150.
Aug 22, 2018
Not that I think it matters too much at this stage, since the combat is fairly lax, but what do you guys think of the balance? In terms of spreading attribute points around vs dumping everything in 1 or 2 stats?
I think offensively, "dump everything into 1 stat" works depending on the stat - Willpower, Technique and Power good, Luck not great, Spirit/Virility fun if you're going to make a Demon Layer build. Defensively and for out-of-combat purposes you'll want to balance out your build.


Jun 10, 2017
Is Power even that useful? Willpower or Technique (or even Allure) seem stronger and have more over-all options than Power...It seems like the one stat that can be safely dumped?


Active Member
Jul 11, 2018
Is Power even that useful? Willpower or Technique (or even Allure) seem stronger and have more over-all options than Power...It seems like the one stat that can be safely dumped?
most pain moves depend on power

EDIT: my mistake only 2 of the 5 pain moves depend on power
Aug 22, 2018
Is Power even that useful? Willpower or Technique (or even Allure) seem stronger and have more over-all options than Power...It seems like the one stat that can be safely dumped?
It affects a few sex moves (Thrust, Pound, I think Multi-Thrust) and a few pain moves. There's also a few out-of-combat skill checks that depend on it, and it helps you avoid some stance/restraint moves or break out of said moves.
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Aug 22, 2018
so when it says in the description that uses power is a lie ?
I think what happened is he copied a few things over from the Whip and forgot to change the description. Or it does use power partially but definitely not as much as Spirit/Virility.


Engaged Member
Feb 25, 2019
Here is the code for calculating Demon Layer damage. Thank you timeracers from the Discord Server:
Ok so demon has a base power of 40, effectiveness can vary between 90% and 110% scales with power making the scaling formula: damage += SquareRoot(power*3)-5
damage += 40*(SquareRoot(power*0.002)-0.1)
Since it has holy it also gets: damage *= virility*0.01

So to plug in some numbers, if you have no extraneous factors apply and you have 20 power and you have 120 virility with the worst possible roll you deal 50 damage(Bearbeitet)

Ok what about 20 power, 120 vir, max roll

61 damage

If you spec into it and have 45 power, 120 vir, min roll: 58 damage

Max roll: 72 damage

ok heavily sepc into power with 75 power, 120 vir, min roll: 66 damage(Bearbeitet)

Max roll: 81 damage(Bearbeitet)

Ok what if you have high virility, say 200 vir, 45 power, min roll: 98 damage

Max roll: 120 damage
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Active Member
Feb 22, 2018
Btw, anyone in this thread know what variables can be console edited in order to boost yourself through some of the tougher fights?


Engaged Member
Feb 25, 2019


Dec 20, 2017
Thank you L30.
Incredibly helpful and informative. I went blind and completely forgot about that search box up there. Only noticed the smaller buttons under 'latest updates' and 'lewdpatcher'. So judging from your post it seems like I've almost exhausted current content. Just need a little bit more of Ancilla, Minoni, and the new Tabitha.

If you don't mind me asking, who are you to this game? You seem very knowledgeable about it whiwithout being some kind of lording elitist ass-hat, which is surprisingly rare in the communities I frequent.
You're welcome, glad you found it helpful. As for who I am, just a Patreon supporter of the title who spends some of their free time on MGD's Discord looking for or trying to glean a little information to share that information elsewhere since not everyone wants to or is able to be on that title's Discord. I'm also someone who likes this title and wants to see its community and support grow by trying to help other members of the community with what assistance I am able to provide.

I do hope that this answers your question, Somebodayyy.

P.S. Where did you find a copy of my school yearbook!? I didn't think there were any copies left floating around after all of these years.

Not that I think it matters too much at this stage, since the combat is fairly lax, but what do you guys think of the balance? In terms of spreading attribute points around vs dumping everything in 1 or 2 stats?
Well, current balance discussions won't mean very much in a few months as Threshold has announced that plans for v23 will include big balance changes to the title. However, there is some merit in having a discussion as it could provide useful feedback that could affect how balance is approached.

In the current balance of the title, investing in a single stat is something of a mistake, especially if you choose Power or Willpower. Willpower and Technique are the two strongest stats in the current balance, Willpower for the sheer versatility that magic affords and the various Willpower checks and Technique for being an incredibly solid stat with attacks that can work on any opponent, the number of secondary attributes it affects, and the number of Technique checks in the game.

However, Willpower and Power both have a major weakness in that Willpower's offense is limited to Magic damage, and as Willpower does not contribute to the Core stat, if an enemy resists Magic damage you may be in trouble. Power has a similar issue in that some of its dedicated moves inflict Pain damage, so enemies resistant to Pain takes away a key strength and limits the angles you can approach combat with.

Sure Power does contribute to Core, but Power does not have very much utility to go along with that outside of a handful of checks and escaping stances and somewhat falters on its own. As for Demon Layer, as Konstantinus asked for information on Discord and shared it here before I came online, Power does add a little to Demon Layer, but Virility is arguably the more important stat for its damage and allows it to work with any build.

In terms of raw damage, Allure was and still is our strongest offensive stat as it also increases all forms of damage the player deals. It was recently nerfed, but it was able to put out over 10k damage hits and it can still deal several thousand damage hits. Its weakness is that it requires several perks to support it and it has virtually no utility outside of recoil damage, the Distract ability to enable escaping stances, and a few conversations where Allure can be used to convince someone.

Luck is terrible by itself but makes for an excellent support stat as it can help any build and make up for deficiencies in other stats and make any build better. But for attribute point allocation, your general best bet is to invest in 2 stats, although you may want 3 depending on which you choose.

For example, Power and Luck or Willpower and Luck could potentially stand to include a third stat to make up for their more niche offensive focus, personally I run Willpower, Allure, and Luck. However, Tech and Allure can more easily get away with just having a single additional attribute focus in general with Tech and Willpower being the arguably strongest general build as you'll be able to handle the vast majority of checks that come your way, have plenty of spells, and have a good range of offensive skills.

For current ranking for the stats though, Willpower and Tech are considered the two best stats with one or the other being the best depending on who you ask, then Allure and Luck are somewhat competitive between Allure having insane damage potential and being able to increase all damage you deal and Luck being able to help out in most situations by boosting several secondary stats and add to any roll check, and Power being the worst due to its limited utility and focus.

Spreading attribute points can work and be done to a degree, and is even encouraged a little based on some of the other checks in the game and helpful perks that can be obtained, but you'll be better served by first increasing the stats that will be your primary focus a fair amount, like 30, 40, maybe even 50, then you can easily grind and diversify if you so desire.

But as I said, all of this will likely become moot in a few months when the big balance update that is v23 arrives.

I do hope that you, and anyone else interested in this discussion, find this useful, Lewdidimus.

As a TL;DR, you may not necessarily need to think too much about balance right now outside of potential feedback as v23, the update after the upcoming NPC overhaul update for v22, is currently planned to be a major balance update that could invalidate current balance discussions.

Also, thank you, Konstantinus for answering those questions and providing information while I was away. I've had a busy weekend so far.


New Member
Nov 20, 2018
Thanks for the very in-depth explanation, L30! Interesting to know that big changes are in the pipeline, I haven't gotten very far yet to notice issues that would require a rehaul. Stat problems to tend to show up more in games when pushed to "high-level".

Also, very cool that the game allows modding. I was wondering if it was currently possible or planned to create 'custom campaigns', where one could make a whole new world map instead of simply an add-on to the current one?
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Dec 20, 2017
Thanks for the very in-depth explanation, L30! Interesting to know that big changes are in the pipeline, I haven't gotten very far yet to notice issues that would require a rehaul. Stat problems to tend to show up more in games when pushed to "high-level".

Also, very cool that the game allows modding. I was wondering if it was currently possible or planned to create 'custom campaigns', where one could make a whole new world map instead of simply an add-on to the current one?
You're welcome, glad that you found it helpful. As for the balance issues, yes they do start to become more apparent at higher level play like being able to achieve a 100% Critical Hit rate which can allow your damage to skyrocket, especially when you combine it with perks that increase your Critical Hit Damage.

While I do not know of any modder that is currently planning a custom campaign, the current biggest mod in development is Kaa's Beach Party which adds a Beach area to explore and you can find a download link for it here, it is likely possible in theory to create such a mod given the amount of support given to mods, the access to the various files, and so on. However, it would also be a great deal of work, although I imagine some effort could be saved by recycling and adapting elements from the base game.

I do hope that you've found this information satisfactory, Lewdidimus.

In other news, Threshold has made excellent progress on hunting down and fixing bugs and will likely release an update today or tomorrow. However, this update will also include Aiko's art as a little something extra to enjoy. So fans of the Yuki-onna rejoice, the cool beauty will soon have her art assets in game which should include her delicious temptation art where she opens her kimono and invites you to warm up.

I hope that everyone interested in this information finds this to be a least a little helpful.
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