
Active Member
Jun 23, 2018
Guys,is there a way to advance stella's(the purple bag) story without losing to her? I haven't been sent to temple even once throughout my playthu thanks to save scumming, so I don't want to lose my winning streak.

Also is there any hidden/unique dialogue with some characters if you have never been defeated?

It's not even possible to fight Stella....


Active Member
May 12, 2020
this took longer than I thought, but this cast is indeed very good
Isn't Sofia the cover girl?
And damn,putting Tengu(probably the best looking character in the game)in bottom tier just because she's a generic npc:HideThePain:


Jan 19, 2021
question, if i update, i will lose the mods that im using? since it seem to be a minor update
Yes. BUT since mods are so easy to add / re-add to this game, I've never let it stop me (I keep my fave mods in a folder on my HD, when I update to a new version of this awesomeness I just go into that folder, copypasta the mods, dump them into new version's Mods folder, and I'm ready to fall in love with Beris again.
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Feb 4, 2023
hi, i truly enoy the game and have a suggestion for a skill set you can do in combat.
i fought Ceris and did headpet, she then asked if we could just cuddle. i want that in the game.

skills--> hugging --> hug (this move is a simple hug, similair to kiss. mabey with ceris you can be tempted into a embrace)
skills--> hugging --> embrace (this enters the hugging stance)
skills--> hugging --> cuddle (this is when you are already in the hugging stance)
skills--> hugging --> squeeze (you give a quick gentel squeeze to show your affection)
skills--> hugging --> relaxation (you close your eyes and just cuddle up whith a lot of trust)
(edit: relaxation temps your opponent te use relaxation as wel, this skill also heals, but you take 100% increased dmg this turn.)

perk: loving embrace (you are x% more likly to tempt your opponent into a embrace)
perk: lovers embrace (skills that are gentle non sexual acts have increased effect while in the hugging stance)
perk: unending hugs (your opponents is x% less likly to want to break the embrace stance)

i think dialog should exist with 3 possibilities depending on the charachter
basic dialog for non relationship charachters such as the elf.
advanced dialog should be avaible for combat charachters you can have relationships with. ("want to just cuddle?")
some special diolag for charachters like ceris, aiko, chest minic and possible more charachters that want you to hug them.

i dont have a discord, patreon or something else that can reach out the creator of monstergirldreams.
so i would appriecate it if someone could link, repost or bring this concept up to the creator.

(edited 2 things: lovers embrance cahnged the word damage-->effect, because i typed a bit below the relaxation skill)
The skill tree may be a bit much but i'd like a hug and embrace stance to go along with makeout and fucking. Even if it was just a speed nullifier or just a passive damage per turn for both parties
Feb 4, 2023
v25.9 is now out with Nicci's revised art, assorted scenes, some QoL things, and tweaks to Hard and Easy difficulty.

You can check through the changelogs to see if you're curious, and a few other characters have CGs.

But she's really good at being a tease. :giggle:

screm the auto save changes were supposed to help stop that from happening

adding new skills is a lot of work due to all of the dialogue and interactions, and I have other things in mind I would want to add in skill wise for certain. >.<
As a full skill branch would be more suited to a mod I think?

Are you not tracking the development or are you waiting for something specific?

That's both odd, AND concerning.
If I can ask at the risk of being rude, what influences the rate at which the new CGs get added for each character or how are they prioritized? I only ask because they add a ton of flair to each fight and now every encounter without them feels naked no pun intended. Do you plan to get every stance for every character eventually? The minotaur CGs is incredible


May 29, 2019
Decided to do one too, was pretty fun. As for the tiers:

Top tier means I consider them great in personality, looks and scenes that they have. Except for two, all of them are rather physically imposing, kinda my type, personalities are more varied, having rougher ones like Beris and Kaia but also the gentle ones like Minori and Tabitha, and some in between.

Tier below that means I still really like them, just not as much as the top tier.

Fuckbuddy tier means I am not super excited for one reason or another, I can enjoy a scene with them but it is nothing to write home about at the moment, some select few of them could move up the ladder with CGs or new good scene or two, maybe, but most are stuck here for good.

The blue tier means that I am inclined to like them and put them into one of the two top tiers, but there is at least one big problem that disqualifies them entirely. Kotone is a complete cunt personality wise, Jora and Amy have adorable personalities but just look way too monstrous for my taste, Feng is a corpse and I prefer my meat unspoiled, etc.

Not interested tier means just that, no interest really, slimes, ghosts, weird plants, they all don't do anything for me but they don't quite disgust me.

Starved for content should be obvious, either no or too few scenes to really judge, which is particularly shameful for Amber as she is not only one of the oldest characters, but also has the kind of personality and position in the city that should accumulate scenes very naturally as you progress through the game, yet like the others she is kinda limited to her role only.

Last tier are the only girls that actually disgust me when I picture scenes with them in my head. Massive fuck off spider, massive fuck off lamia monster, they are like Jora but without the massive personality bonus. Worst of all is Gren who, pardon me for even speaking it out, is french, thats an instant no no.
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Aug 8, 2018
Hellhound supremecy as expected and Belle keeps getting to top tier. She deserves it. And probably a new shirt
Beris would've been much lower but the stuff with the brothel turned me around on her. You can probably tell that I like the girls that are into both dom and sub. Well, with a few exceptions, of course heh. I may also bump bed-chan up a tier or two, she's aight


Active Member
Aug 18, 2018
v25.9 is now out with Nicci's revised art, assorted scenes, some QoL things, and tweaks to Hard and Easy difficulty.
the thread doesnt seem to have updated correctly (at least the game shows it's last update to 2 month ago when we look at "latest Updates"

anyway I made my own list I guess. Might need more time to think about it and some character could be in multiple categories I guess xD (like Jora who is in must protect but has nice lickable abs)

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