Its very refreshing to have a Dev thats very active with the Feedback and also regularly gives out new content, especially with a new project, where sadly most new projects often get abandoned fast. I really like the new way the animations are handled, giving the player a lot more room to play around with them. Not sure if anything changed but it feels like the monsters get Love levels way faster then before, which is something i can appreciate while replaying the game each time. I also really like the overworld sprites for the Slime girl and the Amanita, especially the hair like thing on the Slime Girl cracks me up when it wriggles while walking.
Obligatory Typos Correction: Not sure if intentional or not, but in the second Amanita event where her clothes are gone, she says "where clothes gone?", could be a stylistic choice of her speaking ofc but her other dialouge is very normal otherwise, in Nims event where her clothes are gone, your character says didn't you get "milk" on a daily basis, instead of milked, in the first event with torn clothes for the slime girl (only partly torn) slime girl says oh my god "agian" instead of again, in the next sentence you say "did" you want me... instead of do (not sure if a mistake or not, im not super great with tenses but afaik "did" is only used for past tenses and the player clearly talks in the present here), in the event when the slime girls clothes are fully gone, your character says i'll just take your word for and drop the subject, missing an "it" between "for" and "and", in the handjob scene with the slime girl you say what all can you do, instead of what can you all do or just what can you do, in the 5. event with the slime with the stick in her butt you say are you sure "your" alright, instead of you're, in the 4. Event for the Amanita (where she shows you her nacked behind) you say "your" staring, instead of you're, in the second to last event for Nim when she complains about the size of her breasts, you say "i can guarantee you that they are the right size" lacking a . at the end of the sentence, in that event later on you also say got lost in "thought", instead of "thoughts", in the last event for Nim while talking about the massage you say How bad "did" you want that massage, instead of how bad "do" you want that massage, in the last event you say Go ahead and take your clothes off like last time, lacking a . at the end. Later in the massage scene you say HMMMM... I don't if this will work, lacking the "know" between don't and if
Found Bugs: In some combats for some reason monster girls got EXP that were not part of the combat, i had the slime girl follow me in the overworld, fought a wild slime girl with only my amanita and for some reason Nim got some of the exp for the fight, had that later again when being followed by amanaita and defeating a wild amanita with Nim alone, my amanita still got EXP. Not sure if a bug but certain screens, mostly animations or the end of events can only be closed with the esc key and nothing else. Not sure if intentional or not but in the 5. event for the slime girl with the stick in her butt the second to last anmiation is extremly frenzied, way faster then all the other Animations in the game, while the finger makes sense the head reaction makes the slime girl look very goofy and a bit like a bobblehead. When talking to the Window Flasher in the main village, the last sentence is said by the player "No, No i did not." but the bubble says its said by the Window Flasher. In the first masage event for Nim when you are hypnotized by her butt and she calls your name out she says "Player" instead of the chosen player name, later she also says "Player? Did you hear me?".