I will say that right now, the battles are super one dimensional, the only moves that feel worth using are the ones that do the most damage, not to mention the girls themselves don't have a strong identity, it might be the lack of information but right now battles feel more like a chore than an interesting part of the game, and I would like to see that changed if possible.
Yeah, there isn't much point to use anything that doesn't deal the highest amount of damage currently, since you don't have a type system like pokémon for example, and battles are so short. (Good for easily getting to the porn, bad for the gameplay.)
Not to mention how increasing arousal doesn't really affect the combat until you fill it completely, which effectively makes it useless when you can usually end it with one-or-two damaging moves instead.
More health for you and the enemies so they don't instantly go down could extend this (but might go against the whole porn-game-part), though perhaps increasing the effect arousal has in battle could make it more viable? Like the higher the arousal the less damage the affected deals, or tying it inversely to enemy defense so they'll take more damage the higher it is, (or even both?) making it a mitigating tool and giving increased viability to girls with less focus on high-damage moves. (...though it still doesn't rectify that most fights can easily be one/two-hit-K.O.'s... Working more status effects into it might work?)
Maybe something like moves or statuses that work like a Protect, but can be circumvented by increasing enemy Arousal perhaps? Like a move that increases Physical defense for X turns, or charging-moves that reduces Physical damage taken the current turn then attacks the next. Vice versa for Arousal moves.
Hell, can even extend it to bosses or special monster-girl fights, where they charge up for several turns, during which the damage they take is massively reduced, and if you can't drop them through Arousal by the time they finish they'll unleash a Massive Move that deals a lot of damage.
Or to bring up pokémon again, maybe some girls are less affected by Damage moves but more affected by Arousal moves, and vice versa. Like as an example, Armadillos having a high defense, nullifying most damage, but they're vulnerable to Arousal. And maybe getting them to max Arousal thus "breaks" their defense while they're down.
Hmm, maybe higher Arousal on the target makes any moves with an Arousal component more effective on them? Get their Arousal up and a otherwise low-damage_plus_arousal-causing move deal a lot more damage.

Heck, maybe the higher your own Arousal is the more effective your Arousal attacks become. Risk vs reward. (though that could backfire by making your enemies more powerful/glass-cannon-y if you can't get them off fast enough.)
ohh, or maybe moves that convert current Arousal
into damage? Or even moves that converts the Physical damage taken into Arousal instead?
Anyways, just spitballing some idle thoughts here.