Others - Completed - Monster Girl Quest 1-3 [Final] [Torotoro Resistance]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    A masterpiece.
    Story: Magna cum laude
    Characters: OMFG! Gramberia! OMFG! Alice XVI! OMFG! Tamamo! OMFG! Alma Elma! OMFG! Black Alice!OMFG! Promestein!OMFG! The Next Dolls! OMFG! Michaela & Lucifrina! and could continue... A Lot others interesting characters and mosterns...
    Plots, subplots and side stories: a whole lotta lot.
    Combat: lot of different special attacks one could learn.
    Sex: wow , some are really lewd, others a little unsettling but fine...
    Only problem, it fix a very, very high standard, once you got into it ever other game would be in serious trouble matching it!
    only one I've found at a similar LVL (about all about characters and story) is Pale Carnation.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Congratulations!!! You have arrived at the location of the second most influential piece of monster fucker media, beat out only by MGE. Monster Girl Quest is an amazing game with a story for the ages, the game is well known for having people come to it for the "plot" and stay for the PLOT, and for good reason. The characters are great all around and it's entertaining to see their interactions, the humor is quite good in my humble opinion, and the story is quite frankly legendary, I'd rate the story a 9/10 and that is NOT just in terms of being an H-game, in fact, watching a playthrough of MGQ is what made me realize that H-games can actually be games, and that is almost all because of it's storytelling. Though if I had to guess what you are here for (for now) it's the H-scenes, and I must say, overall, 8.5/10, they don't get any better without getting animated in my opinion, a little bit of something for a lot of people in here, why, you can even fuck a (sort of) human! The gameplay is, well it's pretty fun, adds some nice depth rather than just being a visual novel and there wouldn't be so many good songs in here without the battle system after all. Overall, I give the game a 8.5/10. Play it, play it now, and if you've already played it, DO IT AGAIN.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I dont understand why this game just has 32 review. After finishing this game i felt like this was best game ever. Definitely better than popular games in this site . So you should try it. Sequel is also great ,so you cant be sad when you finish game
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    With a new review, I tackle a new series. Starting with the Original series, of course! Very soon, also covering the Paradox series too. Maybe more?....
    For the Full Review from my Blog (with the Full Saves), here:
    [The Link]

    And for the brief part of it:

    All Scores:
    ================ Plot = 10
    ======== Story = 10
    ======== Characters = 10
    ================ Gameplay = 8.74
    ======== Mechanics = 9.5
    ======== Complexity = 7.5
    ======== Uniqueness = 10
    ======== Replayability = 8
    ================ Scenes = 8.5
    ======== Visual = 8
    ======== Audio = 9
    ======== Written = 9
    ======== Interactivity = 7.5
    ======== Replayability = 9
    ================ Development = ----
    ================ Obtaining = 8
    ======== Price = 7.5
    ======== Methods = 8.5
    ================ FINAL SCORE = 8.81


    This game series is a real big-shot among the Monster Girl games, one of the biggest in sheer size and content offered, and also being of quality, employing a plethora of Visual Artists for the CGs, having an incredible Soundtrack, and even making use of a bit of nice Voice Acting. A bit high in cost, but, much like with the great classics, it's good to know where many others took inspiration from, and pay respects to said Inspirations.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Good luck! Though somewhat linear, the gameplay was enjoyable, and the Salamander + Daystar spam in the endgame was busted. starts off a little tacky and straightforward, but the characters were quite complex. 10/10 would advise.

    Later on in the game, the protagonist gains access to the power of spirits, which he can employ to his advantage in combat. For instance, the strength of the wind can improve combat speed and boost the likelihood of escaping an attack (increase defence and attack power and higher chance to struggle out of grapple).

    It turns out that benefits are mutually exclusive. Thus, the power of the earth would be extinguished if the hero used the power of the wind AND the power of the earth was also active.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I've never expected much from a hentai novel, but this is surprisingly deep. And the community is here too! My friend turned out to be a fan of this, yeah.
    One day I will gather enough courage to walk into the world of modded MGQ.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    No sugar coating here: gameplay is shit. It's just VN with "combat", which are scripted or RNG or both scripted and RNG. Hard mode boss fights become RNG screwed fest.
    BUT! I don't fucking care. I love this game (novel). I'm biased!

    To be honest, when I played this game years and years ago I was expecting good RPG porn game, because people praised it so much. At the time I was waiting for the game to get good, you know, classic RPG grinding and collecting gears, get overpowered. What I got was a novel to read instead. I was considering ditching this game so many times, because it was just reading, and frustrating (Hard mode) and boring combat. But I pushed through, because people praised it. And I got hooked in to the story.
    I hate a lot of things in literature done bad.
    This game's writing and story structure however are what you might call text book for storytelling. It's a trilogy, but it's more like one really long story planned from the beginning. Characters are fun to read and the main ones got good development.

    If anyone decides to play the game; READ Ilias' Evaluation! She's not the Goddess of Creation, she's the Goddess of Humor. And finish the game, anyone ditch this game, I'm gonna haunt your fucking dream!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Best H-Game or Best Game ? i'd say its best game i have ever played well i can say its Equal to God of War series and Better than Last of Us series. Story is fun .great writing .high quality characters. but most important thing is in this game series is Ilias. not only in Trilogy but also in Paradox .She is definitely my favorite character right now .
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This game was a surprising delight to play, I expected to get a bit into it before moving on but never expected it to be interesting enough to leave a review.

    The story is in general, what you would expect from games like this, but this game mixes that with some interestingly substantial moments and ideas, for a game so sexual, some of it can be touching and even emotional.

    The art is overall good, none of it appears low quality or unfinished, though the quality can vary overall, whether it's because of the different artists that made the art or some characters just weren't as important, I believe it could be forgiven with the sheer range of characters and scenes that exist. There's so many enemies and characters, and the amount of scenes could possibly even be twice that much. Though it is unfortunate most if not all scenes are censored, it's not excessive or jarring, I find censoring terrible generally but this game was still enjoyable with how it was done.

    There should be no issues with performance and the only few "bugs" I can think of are not severe at all, skipping through scenes on the auto mode can be finicky at times but you can simply just click through them, it seems related to the voiced scenes but I'm unsure, and the saving can be rough but that simply seems to be a product of the translation, just don't read through scenes too crazily fast and you won't accidentally pass a save location.

    As stated before, the amount of content here is truly immense even if it is all a bit linear, this also means the variety of content in the game is also very wide, there's options to turn off at least vore scenes, but I would still suggest going in with an open mind, knowing you'll run into some strange stuff.

    I would agree that this game is certainly something worth a try for everyone, the NSFW content was really extra on top of everything, the combat was cohesive and understandable, RNG played small roles here and there later in the game but figuring out how to use your points and ability can get you through the fights just fine. The grammar and English is all done very well, there wasn't really any spot where it was not understandable or even out of place. Overall, the game is enjoyable, the characters are likeable and understandable, and the writing is solid but self-aware. 10/10 going back for maybe just a couple more of those achievements.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Monster Girl Quest is such a high quality game. Easily one of the best H-games ever made. The story is amazing, the fights are challenging yet super fun. The H-scenes are obviously amazing, and there are tons of them. My favorite part though? The music. It's so good. Every fight becomes 10x better because of that amazing music. I even downloaded a song or 2 for a gaming playlist.

    I highly recommend this game. I feel like everyone on f95 should have to at least try this game out.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This is it. THE h-game. This is not an h-game to fap to, it's an h-game to actually play. Fantastic writing the whole way through with a very original story. The combat requires you to use your brain. Plan ahead, think about what is weak to what, determine for yourself what sacrifices you will have to take in order to ultimately win. The game also teaches mechanics progressively as players get new abilities by having fights with minor enemies, then makes you use everything you know against a boss, then repeats while throwing some great plot at you the whole time. Eventually it grows in to what may as well be a high-stakes chess match but with fantasy rpg combat. If you haven't heard of this series, you must be new because this shit was regarded, and until paradox is completed, is still regarded as the best h-GAME ever made. My friends who don't play h-games even played it and they agreed, it's just awesome as an actual game. I could honestly talk about this game all day with how brilliant it is.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Here we go again...
    You play as a kid, who wants monsters and humans to coexist, but in the process of realizing this dream, he goes on a long journey, destroying his own illusions, inconsistencies, gaining superhuman powers and making allies on the way to his dream.
    Along with typical CLICK TO GET NEXT MESSAGE, you also might encounter scripted fights and get many bad endings.
    Fights are in the typical for RPGM games style, but strength of the main character is rising smooth and harmonious, granting you many powers that will be relevant to the end of the game.

    Graphics and sounds
    I don't want to criticize graphics, but... some arts looks worse than others, and drawn in different art style. Yet, I didn't see bad or ugly arts.
    Music here is different kind of art.

    Problems and bugs
    1) Of course, the main problem is obvious, you can't save your progress at any moment, but save points are mercifully placed.
    2) Some of the off-stories might crash, when the enemy is grabbing your character.

    Great story, great characters, greatly developed world, great music. 10 raped shotas from 10.
    I eagerly await the continuation of this universe
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Monster Girl Quest 1-3 [Final] [Torotoro Resistance]
    The first Eroge I played, played for the first time years ago, and the best eroge I ever played.
    The story is fantastic, the OSTs are really beautiful, especially Alice's OST, an OST that has a place in my heart despite all the past years.
    Good gameplay, remarkable fights. Many scenes (most of the scenes) I can not appreciate them, the monster girls of this game are more scary than anything else (which is normal given the "world" of the game), but the game is still excellent.
    Alice is obviously the best characterized character and it is difficult not to love her (she is not the best of aesthetics).
    I recommend the game.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Almost 2 years after entering the adult scene and playing far too many games, I've still yet to find one that gave me an experience like Monster Girl Quest.

    This game is LONG. I played for more hours a day than I would like to admit, and the game still took me over a week to complete. The story, world, and characters were all very interesting. The combat was great, though frustrating at times.

    I thoroughly enjoyed 90% of this game. There were only a few things that bothered me, and that mostly had to do with the H-Scenes. For the non-main girls, or the random monsters you meet in the game, their art and scenes are often quite shoddy. It's evident that there were multiple different people with different artstyles and skill level doing the art throughout the game. Its quite inconsistent outside of the "main" girls.

    I also found some of the scenes to be quite grotesque, though given the nature of the game, I suppose I can't complain about their inclusion.

    Overall, I'd recommend Monster Girl Quest if you're willing to put the hours in to finish the game. There is a vast amount of content, and it's all done quite well outside of the few issues I mentioned above.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Quite good visual novel with more or less decent arts and disastrous, in a bad way, battle system...no, way....ehhh, approach????

    But about everything in order...

    Story starts simple, you a boy Luka that wants to become a hero. But then things escalates...

    Main point of a game is a story, not sexual content. So if you just want dirty you pants its a wrong game for this. And by story I mean not something that moves by actions like "jack of my dick in you mouth, I know you like to suck".

    Story itself is more or less predictable, if you played in enough games/read enough books/have intelligence 9 and perception 7 or higher, but its not a bad thing.
    Still, story contain some TWISTS, but they are not....ehh comes from thin air???...I mean small things that are casual mentioned at the beginning of a game turn out to be quite important things closer to the end of a game. What I trying to say is, whole plot holds one piece. There are no "deus ex machina" situations where new characters/situations/etc appears just to create tension and move plot from dead point.
    Yes, there are some roughness and plot lines that lead nowhere, but I can count them on fingers of one hand...even if its hand of sad sack yakuza.

    Story itself is not something completely new that world didnt see in the past. But the way its told is solid. There are some funny moments, some sad moments, some moment when "shine, glorious we run, we stare into the blackened sky, save the last command, the virtue blinding" and also some silly moments.

    It is worth mentioning that this is a story about the formation of a hero, not about already formed hero. That means there are a lot of scenes where you have high chances to smash your face till blood with facepalms. Just deal with it. You play as a boy after all, not a master of universe.

    Does not contain ray tracing.
    Arts for characters are serviceable, but there are no a lot of variations. There are only "happy face", "grumpy face" and "neutral face". And even than, not for all characters and even not all plot important characters!!!1111 Most of the background characters doesnt even have dedicated sprite at all, only silhouette that shows who are you talking right now.
    There are some attack animation sprites, but they just overlays over whole game window, is not something special and the only reason I mention them is to increase size of a review.
    There are also erotic scene sprites...no that counts as pictures, but I want to talk about them later.

    It have them. That all I can say about them.
    I mean, its better than deafening silence, but they are not too special. Just a music/sounds, nothing to see hear here.

    Not very good. How is it on english...can of worms...DONT STICK YOU DICK IN IT....at least not yet, let me finish with it, in both senses, firstly...

    So, as enemies here are a various monster girls, obviously.
    Basic gameplay is simple, you attack enemies with default attack.
    This attack (didnt matter it landed or glance/missed) generate skill point which can be used in future for special attacks.
    Each special attack require different amount of skill points.

    At the beginning of a game its simple enough, attack three times with default attack, use super attack on generated skill points. But there are a little problem that later becomes a size of an iceberg that sowed Titanic.

    Monster girls able to inflict debuff attacks or grapple hero. At first its simple and easy enough, just wait until debuff or struggle, nothing serious. But later in the game both debuffs and grapples become worse.

    For example some special attacks of some monster girls (not everyone) can charm hero, which means he cant act at all, which mean defenseless for several combat turns, which mean restart whole battle from the beginning.
    If hero grappled he can struggle, but it takes some turns, in which attacks of the enemies become more dangerous.

    This is bad, but enemies uses such attack randomly so you can smashing you head through a wall and beat such enemies with pure luck, BUT...

    Later in the game hero obtain power of spirits, which he can infuse himself with in battle to gain some advantage over enemies. For example power of wind, which increase speed in battle (chance of avoiding attack) or power of earth (increase defense and attack power and higher chance to struggle out of grapple).
    Guess what, advantages are mutually exclusive. That mean that if hero use power of wind AND he have active power of earth, power of earth would be dispelled. Much, much later of the game hero will teach how to use both of them simultaneously, BUT...

    Relation of used spirit power to attack are ALSO mutually exclusive.
    That mean that hero MUST dodge some attacks using power of wind. "You dont have power of wind/have earth power??? Pfffffff, who do you thing you are, proceed to game over screen, asshole."
    Some attack cant be dodged and grapple hero, which MUST have earth power buff to successfully struggle out of it. "Dont have earth power/have only wind power??? Sucks to be you, proceed to game over screen."

    Game over screen are actually specific to each monster girl and are in fact are a lewd picture featuring hero having sex with monster girl and short, or not so short, story which always are "monster girl are raped you to death".

    To be fair to the game, after this its possible to get a hint what exactly you have done wrong with this specific monster girl.
    BUT, that will work only for that specific monster girl. Guess what, that specific type of monster girl are not encountered future in the game.
    So most of a time you replay battles at least two times (some monster girls have not one but two-three-four trick in their sleeves, which mean repeat battle three-four-five times).

    So if you, like me, lost enough brain cells, years of life and NES/Megadrive controllers in Battletoads turbo tunnel, and dont want to lose any more, just cheat.

    So overall, gameplay is main weak point. Thats the reason for 4 star rating. If to addition to this it would be impossible to use cheat engine that would be 3 stars.
    As usual like, subscribe, comment.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    The story to this game is S tier. Though the art may be inconsistent at times, the plot carries it. (The real plot, not the *plot*)
    I remember vibing to the music of it a bunch too, the game has a great soundtrack, MGQ will never be forgotten.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Played this game a few years back and loved it. From time to time I come back to replay things from the monsterpedia. If you haven't played it id highly recommend doing so. :)
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I am a lurker on this forum. I come here to find some games that match up with a couple of my fetishes, smack off, and go back to whatever I was doing. From the top of my head, I don't think I ever even posted on this site before, and I never in my wildest fucking dreams would've imagined myself writing a review for a porn game of all things. I still can't believe I am even writing this review. However, as dumb as this feels to write, I believe this game deserves recognition in some form or fashion, and since I can't simply rate this game five stars without writing at least 200 words, I thought I might as well just let out my thoughts on this game and why I enjoyed it as much I did. My rating for this game is entirely based on the story as I thought it was unbelievably good, but I will also touch on the typical things one would want in a porn game as well.


    If you haven't played this game, you're probably wondering why the fuck there is a spoiler-free section for a porn game. The reason for that is this game has an amazing story, and I can't believe I am saying that about a porn game. I got emotional while playing this game, and I almost never get emotional over any show or game, so it has been an extraordinary experience for me that a fucking porn game was able to do what countless TV shows and video games that are meant to have compelling and emotional stories with much larger budgets than this game failed to do. The story will definitely not be for everyone, and the reason I loved the story so much is likely due to the game already hitting on most of, if not all my fetishes. If you're into monster girls, femdom, and some of the other fetishes in the genre section of this game, I HIGHLY recommend you give this game a shot.

    Anyways, onto the actual review. (I tried to limit the number of spoilers, but there definitely are some)

    Story: (10/10)

    The story is this game's selling point. I actually first downloaded this game maybe two years ago doing what I said I typically do earlier in this review, to have a quick jerk-off session, and because this game is so fucking long, I decided to drop it after reaching the first H-scene. However, around two months ago I decided to give this game a shot again, and this time, I was still spamming through the game but was skimming through the dialogue as well. Soon enough, I began noticing possible foreshadowing, character development, mystery, and more. The story was actually somewhat interesting, and the characters weren't half bad either. Before I knew it, I wasn't pulling my pants down every time I opened the game. I was just playing it for the story.

    The story follows a boy named Luka who wants monsters and humans to peacefully coexist. For some context, most of humanity worships the goddess Ilias, including Luka. Ilias despises monsters, and as such, most of humanity follows suit in that hatred. The story starts with Luka beginning his journey to bring peace between humans and monsters by slaying the monster lord (the leader of all monsters) as he believes the monster lord's death can end the turmoil between humanity and monsters, but his journey is stopped as soon as it starts by a loud bang in the forest of his hometown. After investigating the noise, Luka meets a snake girl by the name of Alice who caused the bang. She is first quite hostile towards Luka as he hails from an extremely religious region of the world that despises monsters, but after a short back and forth, Alice begins to take an interest in Luka due to his surprisingly kind attitude towards monsters and his unique dream among humans of creating a world of coexistence for monsters and humans. Alice decides to tag along with Luka on his journey, and they set off to travel the world, resulting in tons of character development and deep conversations about the struggles of reaching coexistence. Luka is thrown into the life of monsters through his conversations with Alice and quickly realizes that reaching his dream won't be as simple as he first thought.

    Genuine emotions were felt while playing this game, and I don't get emotional easily. I wish I could find more shows or games that could replicate the emotions this game was able to cultivate inside me. I’ll say it again. If you are into femdom, monster girls, and are interested in a good ass story, I HIGHLY recommend giving this game a shot.

    Characters: (9/10)

    I’m focusing mostly on the main characters for this game. If I were to consider all the characters, I would probably give this section something like a 4/10 because if I’m being honest, I didn’t give a fuck about 90% of the characters in this game, but the main 10% were outstanding in my opinion.

    An idealistic boy who dreams of creating a world of coexistence between monsters and humans even though the task seems more and more impossible. Luka, throughout the story, constantly struggles with balancing his ideals of coexistence with his faith in Ilias as the two are always contradicting each other. This conflict takes place all while his monster girl companion, Alice, is there pointing out the many rules (commandments) Ilias has in place that would lead to the utter extinction of her and every other monster’s race. Luka's character rapidly develops in this story and watching his transformation from the beginning of his journey to the end is a treat to behold. I very much enjoyed Luka’s character, and though he isn’t my favorite main character of all time, he is certainly a good main character.

    A rational and intelligent monster girl who decided to tag along with Luka on his journey of coexistence between monsters and humans. She is a pivotal character in the story and is one of the main reasons I loved this game as much as I did. She brought so much to the story and was always there to push back against Luka’s idealistic solutions to complex problems between monsters and humans. Alice served as a perfect counterbalance to Luka and is easily my favorite character out of the entire game.

    Though Alice initially followed Luka as an observer on his journey, as the story progressed, it became increasingly clear that Alice and Luka's relationship was evolving past her being a simple observer, and she began assisting Luka in many of his battles to ensure his survival. As there relationship grew, Alice also acted as emotional support for Luka when he suffered a hard loss or felt down by encouraging him to continue pushing forward to accomplish his dream of coexistence. Without Alice, I'm not sure if I would have even considered finishing this game, let alone write a review for it.

    The Four Heavenly Knights:
    It’d take too much time to write about all four knights individually, so I’ll compact them all here. The four knights are the monster lord’s top warriors. I really liked all of the knights. Each one has their own unique character that is nothing like the other knights. I can't even think of which ones I like more than the others. I thoroughly enjoyed these characters, and now that I am writing this review, one slight criticism that I have of this game is that we didn't get enough of the four heavenly knights.

    The goddess Ilias is, as stated earlier, the goddess who is mostly responsible for the turmoil between monsters and humans. Her commandments have led to the rise of many radical groups hellbent on wiping monsters off the planet. She has a fairly interesting story. However, I wouldn’t say her story is anything above the ordinary.

    There are many more characters in this game. However, the ones listed above, I believe, are most worthy of recognition for their importance in the story.

    Amount of Content: (10/10)

    The game is fucking huge. There isn’t much more to say. If you read through everything or most of what the game has to offer, this will take over 15 hours, and that is lowballing it as much as I can; a more realistic number would probably be 25+ hours.

    Art: (5/10)

    I’m reviewing this game on its story as that is why I played it. However, it’s a porn game, so I might as well touch on this topic. I wasn’t a big fan of almost all the H-scenes (porn) in this game. 90% or more of the monsters in this game were not jerk-off material in my opinion, and the abundance of vore isn’t to my liking either. However, the H-scenes with Alice and most of the H-scenes with the heavenly knights are all 10/10 in my opinion. Except for Tamamo because smacking off to loli shit feels wrong on so many levels in my head.

    Sound/Music: (7/10)

    Almost all of the sounds in this game are fine. They do what they’re meant to do. The music, on the other hand, is mostly pretty average. I would say 90% of the music is subpar with a couple of soundtracks being great. In particular, “Alice 3” (Alice's third theme) was my favorite OST. One of the biggest emotional moments I had in this game was when "Alice 3" started playing at the end of part 2.

    Gameplay: (8/10)

    This is a porn visual novel with a very basic turn-based fighting system. The fights do get somewhat complicated later in the game as you unlock so many abilities. However, the fighting isn’t the selling point of this game, but it achieves its goal. The fights did get tedious at times, so I’ll knock off 2 points.

    Grammar (10/10)

    Being a grammar nazi, I always hate seeing simple grammatical errors, especially if they’re abundant. However, this game had great grammar as far as I could tell. Nothing negative comes to mind when thinking about the grammar in this game.

    Overall: (10/10)

    I am reviewing this game based on its story as that's what I played it for. I will be the first to criticize most of the music, most of the H-scenes, most of the monster girl designs, and the way Luka is drawn (dude is apparently an adult but looks like a 10 year old). However, ignoring these details, this game has been able to do for me what countless other shows and video games couldn’t, especially at the end of part 2. I won’t go into detail, but part 2’s ending was phenomenal. I actually shed a tear at one point during the final battle of part 2, which is fucking insane for me. I just don't cry at stories, but a porn game of all things managed to pull it off. This is without a doubt a story I won’t forget for the rest of my life.

    Holy fuck this turned out to be an essay even after I tried cutting it down. Oh well, no one will read this shit anyway :)
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Good Game! Story was interesting, gameplay was fun even though it was kind of linear, Salamander + Daystar spam was broken for endgame. Starts of kinda cheesy and simple, but the characters really had alot of depth to them. 10/10 would recommend.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    it was my first hentai game gonna try it again the nostalgia hit hard! great plot with great "plot" and it has 2 of my favorite monster girls dragons and lamias (granberia and alice) i don't remember it having a hellhound or oni but a good rpg with monster girls waifus how can i say no?