Others - Completed - Monster Girl Quest 1-3 [Final] [Torotoro Resistance]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The story is amazing to the point id recommend the game to people even if they don't like monster girls. If you do like monster girls and want a good read id give this a 100%.
    A simple premise of the fake hero Luka trying to overcome impossible odds and his unlikely partner the traveling gourmet Alice following along.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I never did make a review for my favorite H game so here we go.

    I love this game because of the story. Yup, I actually don't care too much about the H scenes though some of them are pretty hot.


    MGQ is a story of monster girls, humans, and Goddesses. The Goddess Ilias has made 5 commandments for humans to follow:

    (1) "Thou shalt not have intercourse with monsters”;
    (2) “Be dutiful in your prayers”;
    (3) “Point your sword at the Goddess and thou shalt cry”
    (4) "Thou shalt not rely on other gods";
    (5) "Thou shalt not disgrace the Goddess

    This has created heavy discrimination against Monster Girls and countless wars. Luka is a boy who has been called by Ilias to become a Hero to defeat the Monster Lord. He strives for co-existence between Humans and Monster Girls. He is joined by a Monster girl called Alice and thus begins his adventure.

    What I love about the overall story is how in-depth it relates to the real world, discrimination, opposition, and political views. Prepare for a comedic, tear jerking, and exiting story. It also teaches a heavy lesson which I'm sure anyone who plays this will carry forever.


    There are so many unique, beautiful, crazy, and nasty looking monster girls. The main characters of the story are all likable.... except for one very unfortunate fella :) Its just my opinion, but every important character has a unique personality and they all grew on me.

    Art, Audio, Animation:

    Some very sexy, odd, and creative art. You will never see the same monster girl which I loved about this game. Everything is well drawn in beautiful 2D art, very professionally made. The music as you progress and the sound effects really draw you into the story and the combat. Imo, it needs a bigger library of soundtracks but everything fits well. This game doesn't have any unique animation but I love the combat effects/animation used on attacks. I'm not sure if its unique to this game or built into the engine but I haven't seen them on other games.


    Not your typical rpgm turn base game (sort of). The combat was well thought out and difficult especially if you challenge Hard mode. This game has no items, armor, or weapons you can purchase, everything depends on using the resources your character has to win. You have to defeat every monster you come across so the lvl you gain is fixed so you can't be over powered and you can't grind, only progress. Defeat them or be raped and made into a monster girls toy.

    Conclusion, top notch game and I would love to see a sequel or remake of this.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I absolutely love this game, at first I was hesitant to play this game but after I actually start trying it I found the beauty of this game. The battle system is just like the plain RPG but have a deeper meaning in a way, and what make the game shine is its long entertaining story. The story is outstanding, at first I would see the H-scene but later on I just skip it so i can continue the story. It is also funny in some scenes, and there certainly have some pretty intense moment. Overall, 50ish hour well spend.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Ara Ara Ara

    Man, so I was searching for other games to play on DLSite and I stumbled back into this game.

    As I was looking at the cover art on DLSite. Old memories came rushing in. The amount of tears I've shed. The amounts of nuts I busted. The way the story DREW me in and MADE want to continue forward to see what is in store down the road. The drive it gave me to keep pushing forward into the story.

    I completely forgot how many hours I threw into this game to finish it way back in Augest 2016. For whatever reason, for the past 4 years this game never came into my mind.

    I felt like I had a wonderful relationship with this game and I left it all alone and forgotten. It literally hurts my heart that I had forgotten about this game at all.

    This is one of the few games I've 100% completed, that alone should speak volumes about this game. I have a hard time fully completing RPG games but I love RPG. This game just blows my mind on how the fuck did these people make this game back in 2013. Most games now are crap but this one here. This is it Chief. This game should be placed as one of the Best Eroge, not only for the hentai but also the story. In my honest opinion it is perfectly balanced like all this should be.

    To finish up, what people say on the reviews here are 100% true. "You come for the nut, and you stay for the story." So download it and give it a run.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Undoubtedly the best H-game I have ever played. It was also one of the first I have ever played, so it might be that I am a little biased. However, surprisingly aside from the H content it also has an amazing story and great gameplay. 10/10, would play again.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Pomf Oniichan

    I'm one of those guys that proudly admit that this will forever be my favourite 'game'.
    People expect me to say Nier, FF7, Borderlands2, The Witcher... Those are all excellent games, but games come in all forms.

    This game focuses on telling a story, along with addressing issues on morality, religion, co-existence. I truly wish sometimes that this game wasn't labelled an H-game - because then I can tell more and more people about it.

    If you're here for GAMEPLAY, I'm sad to say you won't find it here. The only gameplay is a very linear turn-based battle system, yet it's design is genius - it makes you feel as if you ARE the protagonist. The battles serve more as a distraction.
    Honestly, at a point, I just wanted to blaze through the story. I didn't need these distractions. I just wanted to go.

    I've replayed this game 3+ times. I've introduced it to some of my friends:
    -A mormon missionary
    -A girl who makes poor decisions
    -A hardcore engineer gamer
    ...And they all finished it. In fact, the first two finished the final chapter in just one day. They loved it.

    It'll start off silly. There will be times at the beginning where you ask "why am i doing this". Just keep going.

    Once you look past the 'hentai' aspect of this game, underneath it lies a brilliant gem.

    A fucking masterpiece.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing, not a fan of shota but i still love this game, the amount of monster girls is pure insanity, there is so much diversity and creativity it's really something.

    The story is really good, a classic adventure journey that at times delve into serious subject while nothing too deep or new it's a plus for the narrative, the main girl is really likeable.

    The mc progression is really well done.

    The gameplay is some good turn based jrpg but with some interesting twist and possibility that make this stand out.

    Overall an amazing and really lengthy experience, would really recommend it even if it doesn't seem like it would be for you at first glance !
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This is simply one of the best hentai games I've played, and I've played it multiple times.
    This is the definition of "came for the sex but stayed for the story."

    It's got philosophy, really engaging plot, hilarious humor, well-designed characters, and awesome soundtracks.

    Just go play it and you won't regret (maybe regret some degenerate sex scenes. DEFINITELY regret some degenerate sex scenes.)

    It's so good that it's the best selling hentai game title on DLsite in Japan.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    In 2012 this game alone is what started my anime hobby and most of all my love of anime tiddies. Fast forward to 2020 and I'm corrupted beyond all hope and I wouldn't have it any other way. This game truly was a life changing experience for me and I give my deepest thanks to Torotoro Resistance for giving us all this masterpiece. Alice will always be my #1 waifu.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    The greatest femdom game ever made (and yes, this is definitely a femdom game despite the missing female domination tag.) Wonderful art, a plethora of monster girls each with their own sex scene upon losing to them in combat. Some monster girls even have multiple scenes! There's even some sexy voice acting (in Japanese) for some of the main monster girl characters. What is really above and beyond for a hentai game however, is the story. For some reason, this game has a story much more interesting than it has any right to be, it really sets a new bar for storytelling while getting your rocks off. The gameplay itself is solid, and thankfully isn't a tedious grindfest like many other hentai RPG games. Overall a phenomenal work from Torotoro Resistance.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Truly beautiful You will regret it if you don't try this

    It feels like reading an amazing VN with some sex in it...
    There is so many twist and heart touching moments at some points it's almost made me cry lol.
    Altough there's some vore scene, you can just disable it and you're good.
    the battle system is great it's evolving you don't get stuck with same battle style troughout the game. maybe they need to fix the buffing system cuz at some point when you need to use buff and guard at the same time it's kinda suck.
    for someone who enjoy story more than just fuck and go like me this is truly masterpiece...

    Man... Good review is not enough to express my feelings right now for me which is never pay to a game I even want to donate to the developer to express my gratitude
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Came for the nut, stayed for the feels. Twists that actually surprise, a classic few archetypes turned on their head, and lots and lots of sex. The art style is not consistent, but all of it is good, just slightly different from one another. There's a lot of references to, well, everything in here. From the Bible, to Greek Mythology, to Japanese mythology, there's a bit of everything in here that everyone might like.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    What else can I say except this is the best eroge of all time ..

    if you have already played it you know I'm right , and if you have never played it STOP READING THIS IMMEDIATELY AND GO PLAY IT NOW !!!!!

    one of my first sex game and still my number one after all those years

    the fetish in it are just perfect for me
    ( I love femdom and monster girl , and vore too , and even if you don't you can disable it )

    the art is just stunning , they have such a imagination for creating some of the monster girl

    the music are just perfect , some of them are even in my phone so I can listen them sometimes

    the 5 most important monster girl are fully and perfectly voided
    ( in japanese of course )

    and the story make me cry like a baby , this game have one of the most complex , entertaining , epic and touching story I've ever see

    each scene in the game can be replayed for your own pleasure in the "monstropedia" , a journal of all the monster girl you can find in the game

    and this game is so popular that he have a ton of side story created by the fan so even after finishing the game you have a lot more to explore and fap ;)

    ( too bad F95 have ban the three "vore centered" spin off of this game :
    " delicious breakfast / lunch / dinner " because of rule 7
    ( which is stupid because the character in those spin off are present in the original game and the original game is allowed ... )
    by the way , I can't post those spin off here but if you want them I can share you a mega link ( they have become extremely hard to find in english )

    I can't wait to play the sequel of this game , monster girl quest paradox
    and it's on RPG maker , it's not just a visual novel like this one so there is so much more to explore
    ( and for those who don't like RPG maker , this is a good use of RPG maker , no grinding or exploring for hours just to find a stupid weapon , no gigantic map which take 10 min to go to one side to the other .. )

    I tried the first part and finished it but there is still a lot untranslated so I will wait for the entire game to be out and fully translated ( yeah I know I will have to wait 2 or 3 years )
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a wonderfull game. I am not a shota or a revearse rape fan but the story and the development of the charakters are really well made. The art of this game match with the game and the fight are not too easy. I recommend the game for everyone who like a good story with littel challenges here and there. When you like monster girls ( like me :D ) then this game ist 10/10 and for every other one who looks for a good story game its still a 8,5/10. I played 3 times in the past 2 years and everytime its fun and emotional. When i have to say something bad about this game then its the fact that you need to be defeated the for almost every sex scene.
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Captain Pervert

    Allright even if you are not into Monster Girls... the story of this game is totaly worth it. This might be the best written story and the best character development I have seen in years. Some big game publishers should take an example from it. Also the grand final in Part 3 was just epic. Good Music btw.

    The lewd stuff is also nice if you are abit into femdom. As a warning It has alot of vore that can be pretty off puting for some people but you can turn that off in the options. If you cant handle it at all.

    I didnt want to play this game for years..... because monster girls arent realy my thing.. but wath the people said about this game was true... you come for the porn but you stay for the story.