Can you post the link for "ITH" please ? I would like to try your method because i'm having too much crashes with Mtool,
and i'm owning the original raw version of the game (bought on Dlsite)
Problem is not from the english patched translation but from Mtool, i hope the dev will fix theses issues..
I don't have any mods or english patch on it but just the original game + Mtool but nope the game is still crashing
I bought the game because like you i thought crashes came from the english translation + Mtool mixed together but nope, then
i tried the cracked version + Mtool without any english translation or mods on it, game is still crashing
Then i bought the game on Dlsite and tried Mtool on it and it's still randomly crashing
That's why i will probably do your method because Mtool is not optimised for MGQ paradox
Appreciate the advice on how to cheat harder, however I'm mainly interested in what ITH + Translation Aggregator is and if you have any links for that, since the primary roadblock for progressing is the constant crashes caused by MTool instability.
Ok, first of all, I'm sorry for taking so long to respond, but I haven't had time these days, so to make things easier (and I'm not doing any promotion or anything like that) I'm posting a link to a page that a friend of mine gave me that explains in detail and with images how to do things step by step.
htt ps: // weebsai . wordpress . com/ 2020/07/ 14/ tutorial-ta/
(obviously just put the parts together, since for some reason the page refuses to pass the link)
Just as an observation, don´t pay attention to the part of Deepl about leaving the box checked so that it automatically translates things and better just leave Bing and Google, since Deepl has a limit on how much you can translate per day and better save for when you really want to know what something says, just manually select the text in Japanese and then click on Deepl to translate it, since Deepl is the best at translating but with a limit and I haven´t discovered how to link an account with Deepl pay to not have a limit to this method.
By the way, another observation, there will be times when the dialogue is too long or has too many special characters and only part of what was said will be translated, for that dialogue, if you want to know what they said, go to ITH and select the last text written and it will automatically be translated correctly, it´s a common error that happens due to how RPG Maker VX Ace is built.
And if this method doesn´t work, on the same page and in the same section at the beginning and end it gives you links to an index where you can find other ways to translate, just one detail, the page is in Spanish, so simply use a page translation extension and that's it.
I hope that with this, finally more people will be encouraged to play the game (and buy it of course or at least support Torotoro on their Ci-dlsite) instead of waiting for the translation, since and without disrespecting the translators team, this game deserves to be better known right now and above all, for the material in part 3, need to have many memes. Since this game gives for that and more.
In the next few days I will share a full review, as I am literally going over and reading every single text, dialogue and even battle conversation in order to get the most perfect image possible of the game. Because simply put, Torotoro outdid itself 50x times over with this ending to the saga and although there are many details and problems in its narrative, it´s still a game that simply deserves to be mentioned by Gametheory or someone of equal caliber, so that it can even become something of popular culture, since as I believe is the case for many, this saga was the beginning of many in this world of games of this type, since I remember that back in the days when there was no good control, I saw it promoted on a common page and that is why I´m here today.
I love Alice so much, but oh god, this is making Ilias one of my favorite characters lmao
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Ilias is my favorite due to her development Alice did not change from the VN, but Ilias went from massive self imbued bitch to actually a pretty decent person at the end.
In fact I think that was the joke from the beginning with Paradox, because if you think about it, always from the side of having chosen Ilias, you end up knowing more about the world than with Alice and Alice despite the fact that she is a great character, as happens with Nero and Neris who appear during the plots of part 1 and 2, his "moment" has already passed and although in route 3 although I haven´t reach the point from a image that I saw, she has his new "moment" in general terms but sorry Alice, this is the story of Ilias' redemption and the story of how Luka finally, as happens with Talion in Shadow of Mordor, can finally drop his sword and let it sink into the ground, leave behind his armor and equipment and finally have a life in peace and happiness after so many problems and traumas that the character had to go through 3 times (since let's remember that although after completing a route we can choose to go to before the great decision, really Luka by logic has to start all over again to "being reborn" again into the world, so having to have lived through almost the same thing 3 times in a row must be absolute hell and then add to that the centuries or millennia of having to be a Worldbreaker or a Judge).