Nice game. It's not often that a game peaks my interest at 0.1, no actually that's never happened.
Animations 4/5 for now, as of 1.1 onward
Story 5/5
Gameplay 5/5
Characters 5/5
Character Personalities 5/5
Renders 5/5
Replay Value 5/5
Tons of potential. This game has a very pleasant and calming atmosphere, Is easy to navigate, and there's a nice amount of content already. I love all of the characters and how the story flows.
- Nice characters and personalities
- An excellent MC
- No mini-games
- No stat grind
- Easy to navigate
- All H-scenes are animated
- Animations look good and are very smooth
- Nice renders
- Nicely written story and just the right amount of balance between talking and gameplay.
- Some animations have changed for 0.1.1 onwards. Personal preferance, I liked the original ones. See below.
Worth a playthrough. Keep it up.
Edit >> As of 0.1.1 and onward some of the animations have changed. I didn't realize the change until trying 1.6a (I had skipped 0.1.1 - 0.1.5), when I started a new playthrough.
I only have a few minor complints that do not affect my rating, for now >> One of the original reverse cowgirls for Selena was better >> The original doggystyle for Epi was better (angle wise) >> The original pov reverse cowgirl for natalie was better (angle wise) >> The original doggystyle for the Zombie was better, but the new one is pretty good >>
The penis simply stretches and retracts during some blow job scenes and doesn't penetrate much, found the reason, it's a Honey Select issue and can't be fixed. What can I say, I have an ass fetish. I'm late in saying this, but wanted to be sure to put this in my rating. I may change my rating, depending on if I like or dislike the H-scenes in the upcoming 1.6 release >> Update. I liked them Great Job
