RPGM - Completed - Motherhood Awakening!? Hypnotic ETD!!! [Final] [hanamigasaku]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    It's good and right up my alley.
    However it's so short that there's no point in this even being a game.
    Games are better for more long form stories with gameplay.
    Some comics are longer than this game
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Way too short, with almost no variety - only a single type of enemy with a single scene, plus a few other CGs along the way, and only one possible ending. The art was good, but there wasn't enough of it to be worth anything, and the gameplay was completely bland for the <20 minutes it lasted. Honestly, skip this one.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    This game reminded me quite a bit of Sonia and the Hypnotic City and NTR Dungeon of Twisted Common Sense, both of which were nice, little, on the rails games about mind control. This game, Motherhood Awakening!?, actually has some neat game mechanics, but falls short in the amount of content and length. You can knock this one out in under 25 minutes, easily.

    The art looks great and even better, the scenes are animated. The game is based on an existing manga, however, I feel an almost gut-wrenching disappointment that the developer did not expand much further than the source material. There's a single enemy with only one scene and I would have really liked to see more humanoid characters (orcs and goblins of course, the natural pairing in a game like this). I believe there's one "old man" and all he does is grope the MC a little.

    Overall, I think this game is conceptually better than most hypnosis H-games, but the lack of content is painfully obvious and leaves me wondering what could have been had there been more effort put in.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is basically a 15 minute walking simulator with predetermined cutscenes pornin' up the place. The artwork's good, but the story and game parts are really disappointing, even grading on the whole "this is a porn game" curve.

    Barely a Game
    You get to make essentially ZERO choices. You just walk around fighting things (Which is just the same scene shown to you some % of the time randomly).

    Corruption too Fast
    I love a good corruption game. I love games with pregnancy. But the corruption aspect is simply announced as you advance through the tiny dungeon levels, and as such it just doesn't work as a storyline for me. I need to see a more subtle progression than "you beat level 1, so she's naked now!"

    Artwork is Solid
    The artwork, such as it is, is solid. There's not MUCH of it, but you're getting new cutscenes every few minutes because the game is so short. So it's a good amount of art/minute, so to speak.

    Oddly, as a game I'd have probably been much happier if they'd done some more of those 10-20% different artworks (facial expressions, cum, etc.) to really show a smoother, more detailed progression between the character's original and end-game personalities.
    Likes: EHall
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is short. Really short. But really, it makes sense, since its just the game version of your average 20-page doujin, ad making that any longer then 20 minutes would have been a stretch. While its a tad bit of a shame that the game teases at some greater meaning behind it's mechanics (which are there, but never actually used due to the length of the game).

    The art and scenes, few though they may be, are excellent. Astonishingly so. Were this a full-length game, it'd probably be one of my favorites, rather then just a pleasant 20 minutes. Still, I appreciate a game that knows what it wants to be, and pulls in off perfectly.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Very short (~15 minutes) , linear and static standard RPGM stuff. Mildly arousing but likely nothing you will ever return to despite the art being fine. The very few H Scenes are only single CGs and very tame at that. It must have been quite easy and quick to translate/edit so little which also has so little complexity.