[R>Translator] [Msize] Someone who wants to continue with the translation of their games


Mar 30, 2021
Hello, to be quick and precise, a while ago I started translating the games of a certain group (Msize), most of them with a crappy translation with Google Translate, but there is one translation that I did finish (The Grandeur of the Aristocrat Lady). I have a tool that is easy to use to extract text from games into a spreadsheet. Due to personal problems, I find myself unable to continue the translations constantly, so I am looking for someone interested in continuing them.

I want to clarify several things:
  1. I'm just looking for someone who wants to continue the translations on their own initiative, I don't want to entrust this to someone who really doesn't want to and I'm not willing to pay for it.
  2. I know the games focus heavily on femdom, so the person who may be interested must know this.
  3. If someone want to do it, don't take it as a quick job, in each game there are about 4000 to 7000 lines of text, so take it easy, or do it when you don't have anything more important to do, or yes IDK.
I just want to see the games with a decent translation, since they are one of the games groups I follow the most and I know that many people would like it too, but my current situation does not allow me to do it.

I attach the tutorial of how to translate these games (VERY sorry for my English)

and there are the crappy MTL games

koi to no femdom fertility jukuatsu Hentai Seiheki Dominance
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