Tool Completed MTool translator, nifty translation/cheat tool


Jun 8, 2018
Excuse me if I'm doing this wrong, I've never started a thread in this forum before. However, I give yall full permission to execute me in public if you find a typo.

I've been using this nifty translator for over a year now. Dev is in China, funds off of Patreon and Patreon like services, but has reliably updated the tool the entire time I've used it.

All you have to do is drag and drop the .exe file of the game you're trying to play, and it will install itself into the game. Through MTool, you can translate the game into English (MTL, but you get an option of Google, Bing, etc), and you can also edit save files and use cheats. You can even force edit the speed your character moves in RPG style games if you want to move through maps all zippy.

The free version is good enough for 99 percent of uses. I'm on the first tier supporting cause I've been using this forever, the dev hasn't let me down, and sometimes game translations are just slightly too large for Google's API to let you do it for free. Also, the paid version lets you use some not-so-MTL options.


Apr 14, 2018
Your introduction for MTool is very well written! The developer has an account on this forum and created a thread advertising it, but English is clearly not their first language, so I hope more people will find your post (it's especially useful with the visual examples). Dev's post:
I've been a free user since Jan. of this year and I haven't been limited in translating any game until just today, ironically by the very same Circle * Fairy Flower game you're previewing in your images. Would you be able to share your MTool translation file for it?
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New Member
May 29, 2022
It is a good tool, quicker than Translator ++.
However I've noticed when translating Visual Novels that the further you read the slower and laggier the text becomes.

Also you need the tool whenever you wanna open the game again. So that's a hassle.
Though quicker and easier atleast Translator ++ let's you save the progress and not need the programm every time you open the game.

So I'd recommend using both, when one doesn't work rely on the other.


Sep 10, 2017
I still think this should be stickied, or at least point to the other thread.

This thing seriously outclasses Textractor, which I've been stuck on for years.