The workupload link worked for me, the others are all dead, can't manage to get it working though, even with the additional steps by fun_master_BW.
Steps I followed (on windows 10, still not working for me):
01. Extract to C
02. Run @haruko_maniax-JP.bat
03. Noticed that process name is ânâïâRâ}âjâAâbâNâX.exe and not ハルコマニアックス.exe
04. Ran ânâïâRâ}âjâAâbâNâX.exe directly, got error in non japanese (similar but not identical to sifilis's post above)
05. Ran ânâïâRâ}âjâAâbâNâX.exe with locale emulator admin, got error in japanese
06. Imported the registry update provided by fun_master_BW in regedit
07. copied ânâïâRâ}âjâAâbâNâ to C:\Users\%user%\Documents\age\ハルコマニアックス.rio.rci
08. Ran ânâïâRâ}âjâAâbâNâX.exe with locale emulator admin, got error in japanese
09. Renamed all instances of ânâïâRâ}âjâAâbâNâX to ハルコマニアックス
10. Ran ハルコマニアックス.exe with locale emulator admin, got error in japanese
11. Tried installing japanese language pack in windows to extract again, still nothing
Edit: Managed to get it working by
1. downloading this torrent:
You must be registered to see the links
folder [100928] ハルコマニアックス
2. Running start.exe and install in C:\age\Harukiハルコマニアックス
3. Copy afhook.pkg from the OP download for translation (optional)
4. Running ハルコマニアックス.exe with Locale Emulator - Japanese (Admin)
It has some issues with stability (game crashed 4 times before I reached the end) but the translation appeared to help.