
Active Member
Jan 5, 2020
Uff! Need more of that hot ass ebony teacher!

Someone pls recommend me a good VN where you get to fuck your teacher or best friend's mom.

Neko-Chan Pacifica

Active Member
Jul 6, 2021
If this incest patch is not applied to the game, does the MC constantly trope about "I cant think like that, she is my mom/sister" kind of dialogues? I was playing through it, and honest to god it almost drove me mad. I got to the part where the mc and rin are in the room peeping out at one of the teachers dominating a student etc. I can't do this, I can't do that, it was just incessantly annoying. I thought I had the IC patch downloaded elsewhere and put in the game folder, but I am not sure if it actually asked me if I wanted to toggle incest on or off.
I am assuming that with the incessant whining of the mc regarding the above. I shouldn't be thinking this blah blah. Honestly he sounds like a 5 year old boy inside a man's body with an overly large most avn's.?
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Devoted Member
Nov 20, 2018
If this incest patch is not applied to the game, does the MC constantly trope about "I cant think like that, she is my mom/sister" kind of dialogues? I was playing through it, and honest to god it almost drove me mad. I got to the part where the mc and rin are in the room peeping out at one of the teachers dominating a student etc. I can't do this, I can't do that, it was just incessantly annoying. I thought I had the IC patch downloaded elsewhere and put in the game folder, but I am not sure if it actually asked me if I wanted to toggle incest on or off.
I am assuming that with the incessant whining of the mc regarding the above. I shouldn't be thinking this blah blah. Honestly he sounds like a 5 year old boy inside a man's body with an overly large most avn's.?
He talks like that a lot more in the beginning. As events progress, he says it far less. I can't even remember him saying it in this latest release, although he may have once or something. So if you can get through that first part, it does happen less and less often.


Apr 7, 2018
Quick question regarding Nonna.

I don't like femdom so tend to avoid anything like that, but also tend to favour the love path over control.

Anyway I just got up to the scene where you visit her home and I appear to be on the control path, but using the mod I was able to see the alternate scene, which appears to the love/lust path.

Is Nonna a femdom character on the the love path like the teacher?


Devoted Member
Nov 20, 2018
Quick question regarding Nonna.

I don't like femdom so tend to avoid anything like that, but also tend to favour the love path over control.

Anyway I just got up to the scene where you visit her home and I appear to be on the control path, but using the mod I was able to see the alternate scene, which appears to the love/lust path.

Is Nonna a femdom character on the the love path like the teacher?
No, I don't think so. At least in my own playthrough, she's not exhibited dominatrix tendencies, although she definitely has the air of someone who could easily be that if she wanted to.
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Active Member
Sep 18, 2021
I am with you there.
Rescue Annie because physical abuse, sure not great.
But why tease us with the darker powers if we can't use it?
Right from the very start of the story, it's kind of established that the guy you were is a "good" guy. The kind of person who would throw themselves in front of a vehicle to save someone from getting hit. It's the whole reason why Selene chose you (assuming, of course, she's telling the truth). It's also the reason why you feel so strongly about helping Annie.

So even if you, as the player, wants to dominate everyone you meet and always go with the darker, easier option, the character isn't the sort of person who would do that at all. He's still wary of the idea of incest (because most people are), and doesn't really trust the blatantly evil goddess who keeps encouraging him to control everyone around him.

But power corrupts, and each step you take makes the next step easier. So the more you give in to the idea of fucking your sisters and your mom, the farther you're willing to go and the less the idea bothers you. And the more you use Hecate's power, the stronger you grow, and the less guilty you feel about using it (which is probably why the "you" whose body you're in was acting like a dick before the coma).

I feel like there'll probably be more choices/opportunities to use the power in the future, but the story being told is still one where you're mostly a good guy who is still wary of using the dark power of a goddess who is clearly toying with you, and doesn't seem to have your best interests at heart.

If you're just looking for a game where you go straight to the darkest possible dom options, there are probably other games out there that will cater to what you're looking for better.

Mind control her to get over the abuse (that's actually a favor really), then reward ourselves by using the power to get her on her knees with our cock in her mouth.
Presumably because the sort of person who would care enough to help her in the first place isn't the sort of person who sees mindfucking her into artificial happiness as a good thing. It isn't really a favor as much as it is trading one abuser for another. It's just that you can abuse her in ways her father never even dreamed of.

Sure, if all you see her as is a convenient fuckhole, who cares about her free will or genuine happiness? But that's not really the story being told.

Hell, it's already a bit morally ambiguous that you're passively mindfucking people with the "power of love". So much so that you can actually kind of imply something along those lines when talking to Selene about Annie, and she suggests you can solve any problem with the power of love. And you can basically say you'd rather help Annie without using either power.

I'm fine with the MC not using Hecate's power indiscriminately - he doesn't trust her and suspects that he'll have to pay a heavy price for using her power. She is far from being upfront about it and he is right to be cautious.
This is how I read things. She shows up, is kind of an asshole, refuses to answer any of your questions (or even tell you her name), and she looks blatantly evil. Why would you trust her? The first time you use her power out of desperation, and the first time you do it by choice it doesn't fully work (implying she misled you about how useful it was). Selene's power feels more trustworthy and less immoral. At least at first, it feels more justified that you'd only feel comfortable using her power on complete assholes (like your teacher or Annie's dad), or when you're kind of desperate.

And then Hecate pulls her bullshit with Annie's dad, giving you even less reason to trust her. And knowing that using her power makes her stronger/accomplishes some goal of hers makes me want to use it even less.

There are at least a couple implications that Selene might not be telling you the entire truth either, and that she might be just as untrustworthy as Hecate (but more willing to lie and manipulate, whereas Hecate just can't be bothered). But as it stands there's plenty of reason why the main character should want nothing to do with Hecate or her power.

Maybe he should use the power of love more - could lead to funny situations like if he used it on Annie's father he'd have to get out of there quickly to escape her father's amorous intentions. Or he could make the goons fall in love with each other - to the disgust of their boss. :ROFLMAO:
I'm going to be honest, because the goddess keeps calling it the power of "love" (not "lust"), I assume it can be used in ways other than just stirring up horniness. As is Annie seems to be clearly falling in love with us but isn't jumping directly on our dick (even if she is getting horny as well and just dealing with it herself).

I half-expected the standoff with her dad to come down to either using Hecate's power to command him to stop abusing her, or to use Selene's power to enhance his own love for Annie and convince him to stop being such a shit, so he'd be a better dad out of love rather than just treating her like a possession and obsessively trying to control her because her mom left him. Like showing him the error of his ways rather than just forcing him to do what we want.

And then... well.

(I was also half-expecting some sort of scenario where Hecate gives him some aspect of her power because he's clearly way more into the idea of control than we are. Or even something like David eventually making that pact because all he cares about is getting women to have sex with him, so he'd likely be more than willing to use the power of command. Basically setting up a scenario where we have to face off against a rival. But I'm not sure that's the direction the story is going to take.)

As for Lin and Rin... eh. I don't like Lin and her obsession with Rin... I can see Dev is aiming for a threesome between MC and Lin and Rin (probably, after seeing Rin reaction about it...)
But I don't want this threesome. I don't see it. Lin doesn't love MC. She only loves Rin, and she is obsessed with her.
The impression that I've gotten is that Lin is mostly ambivalent to you because the original "you" was kind of a dick to both sisters and mostly ignored them (Rin pretty much tells you this). So Lin doesn't really have a connection to you.

But you've still got your date rape aura that makes everyone fall in love with you. It hasn't really had an effect on Lin because you've spent almost no time with her since the start of the story, but if you start focusing on her and interacting with her your influence will grow stronger, and she'll start to fall in love with you just like mom and Rin. And at the same time Rin will probably start growing more affection for her sister. So your threesome will eventually become a more balanced relationship where everyone involved love each other, and not just one where Lin only loves Rin and Rin only loves you.

I laughed hard when the MC received a call from David where he threatened MC and told him to fuck off from his sister (Emily)
Uh, I think I told him to fuck off a while back, which path did you take for this? Though it might be both, regardless.
I'm assuming this depends on what choices you've made with him in the past. I've felt bad about treating David like crap (even if he is a complete idiot), so I've mostly kept him as a friend, and I told him to keep all the money after the cop deal, and when he called me he was super-enthusiastic about me hooking up with Emily (he told me he'd help me get together with her).

He also asked me to rate her on a scale of 1-10, and which option you pick changes his reply. When I told him she was an 8 he was just really happy, but when I told him she was 12 out of 10, he was impressed with how into her I was, and talked about how awesome it would be if I got together with his sister and he could have a threesome with Lin and Rin.


Active Member
Sep 18, 2021
Wishful thinkking on his part if he wants to get with Rin.
I just find it funny that Rin talks about how he's creepy because he's perving on his sister, while she's had sex with her own brother multiple times.

Either it's an indication of just how non self-aware she really is, or might be a subtle hint of just how much your love magic is warping everyone's point of view, and deep down she's actually creeped out by the idea of incest in general.


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2019
I just find it funny that Rin talks about how he's creepy because he's perving on his sister, while she's had sex with her own brother multiple times.

Either it's an indication of just how non self-aware she really is, or might be a subtle hint of just how much your love magic is warping everyone's point of view, and deep down she's actually creeped out by the idea of incest in general.
I'm thinking the latter.
Though, that doesn't mean the latter can't be causing the former either. They're not mutually exclusive.


Jun 9, 2021
Question:In this game there is a muscular girl in the pool (your current teacher) and i wanted to ask can we have sex with her or go like on a date or even flex her muscles for the player????


Message Maestro
Nov 14, 2017
Question:In this game there is a muscular girl in the pool (your current teacher) and i wanted to ask can we have sex with her or go like on a date or even flex her muscles for the player????
sex yes, date no.
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Jan 12, 2020
Yo Pal, what different unren mod and base?
Unren mod is for those that use the UnRen Extraction tool. Base version is for those without it. I personally like to use the UnRen tool because it lets me read script content, so I left that option open for other users.

But I've noticed that too many users are experiencing issues with the mod because they download the wrong type. So from the next version onwards I'm only including the Base version.
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