If the dev had said from the beginning that, that type of content was planned, I would 100% agree with you. It would be really dumb to complain about it, especially because it's avoidable. The issue here is that, at least as far as I am aware the dev never said that stuff would be a part of the game and there was no in game indication that it would be a thing.
So when people see that stuff being added seemingly out of nowhere, I don't think it's that surprising that people would complain about it and would question the dev's intentions.
At the end of the day it's his game and he can do whatever he wants, but it's probably a good idea to be as transparent as possible about the type of content you intend to have in your game to avoid having situations like this.
I agree that being upfront about this stuff ahead of time is a good idea, and ofc I also agree that the dev can do whatever he wants.
It still seems overblown to me to be irate about something being merely a choice. Just don't pick that option! The dev didn't "wreck" someone's game because an alternate path merely exists. It's ridiculous to think so when you're still fully in control of what happens to your MC and his/her LIs.
Yes, I know: "wasting resources on alternate content"... that will only take up maybe 3 updates, based on the dev's own post. Now, obviously, if the dev actually turns out to be lying about that, that's an entirely different story. (I wouldn't count it as a lie if it ends up being 4 or even 5 updates, because he might've misjudged the scope of finishing out that stuff for the story.) If this does end up being a big deception, I will
absolutely be on the side of everyone who said the dev was a liar.
As of now, though, IMO there's very little difference between this situation and one where you've bought a new game on Steam or Gog or wherever and never had access before it was fully released. If you started playing that game and found
optional content you didn't like, you could just avoid that optional content. The only differences in the case of this game would be that the game is still in development, and possibly you are a patron and might want to rethink your support of the dev.
Yes, folks are free to dislike it and express their dislike. Was Pirot King unwise to have this show up without warning? Sure, maybe. But mislabeling something as NTR that isn't is ludicrous, and acting like the dev "betrayed" them or something at this point is premature — especially when 90+% of those doing so haven't sent a single shekel his way.