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Developers Update
Hi everyone.
Checking in just to let you all know what we are up to.
Honestly, not a huge amount to report. Things have been holding for a while as we wait for stuff to come in. I have seen some previews of the renders for Episode 10 and they are looking great so far. Also had some in for some extended scenes in the earlier part of the game.
The aim is to have Episode 10 part 1 out and whatever scenes I can add in. With part 2 the rest of the new scenes will go in and the reworked images for parts of episodes 1, 2 and 3 and they include some extra bits too. The big difference will be in the programming. I’m currently poised, ready to jump in and take a look at the changes but the game is novel length at this point so there is a lot for our programmer to get through. It will bring a new setup for the gallery and the big thing for us will mean we can start working on some translations for the game. Hopefully, we will be bringing in a skip to the latest chapter feature too. Probably a bit late in this release but will be useful for Season 2 for those situations where we mess up old saves. No more pressing Shift to get back to where you were.
Speaking of Season 2. I have just completed the writing of the first episode. I’d love to say more but it would spoil Episode 10 as it picks up very shortly after it. Suffice to say, now we have set up relationships, the sexiness can really get going. We are going to do our best to increase the quality of Season 2 while still aiming to maintain our regular update schedule.
Stay tuned. I’m going to have a frantic few days putting all this together when all the stuff comes in but I see no reason for any big delays.
Look forward to Episode 10 Part 1.
Jim and Sinburn