In a lot of countries the date isn't written as it is in the USA...
In France, Great Britain, Germany, Italy and almost, if not all, Europe today is the 5/6/2023 while in the US it's the 6/5/2023
So? BG said that he'll release in May. People have to be far in denial to defend him by saying something like "Nono. He didn't mean May 6th, he meant June 5th!"
And then go and write a lengthy explanation why that theory makes sense. It doesn't make any sense and tomorrow those explanation won't even have to make any sense. And he won't release today.
If BG said he'd release on 05/06, sure, knock yourself out, people. But I don't get how you can misinterpret May/06 or 06/May as 5th of June, let alone May/30 or 31, or "I'll release in May".
And I'm from Poland. I'm well aware and I always double-check date formats. As a side note, US format doesn't make sense. It doesn't even serve any practical purpose. If it was at least easier to sort, but it requires special handling rules.