Ren'Py - My Cute Roommate 2 [v12.10121 Extra] [Astaros3D]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Bugs, slow and bad translation.

    Sorry to said, this game sucks. So many bugs who crashes the game for no reason.

    Tried to play for one hour: Terrible.

    Game loads slow.

    The translation is not good or not there.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Great of the elite ones here! some silly issues with grammar and english but largely great, wish the grind was a little more rewarding with slightly more diverse animations but it's a great game nevertheless, hope for more from this publisher
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    No wonder the game got such low ratings. Tbh, I would give 3 or 4 stars only for renders but beside all bugs, that annoying, unending patreon intro of a talking dick nothing but triggers you at the very beginning.

    A free advice: If you wanna write an easy going, poor sex story, make it the MC got a giant dick accidentaly. Plus, if you make almost all female characters sex addict, you won't think about events. Just MC's dick be accidentally exposed in most sensual moments. It's done.

    A well deserved lonely star.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Models looking good
    Animations are ok

    Bugs .. many many bugs
    Minigames with no other purpose than stretch the playtime
    The "Dick" commentator
    Updates have barely more than 10 minutes of content
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    This game was deserving of its 2,5 stars until now where you get interrogated with questions before the game starts. It's all about getting support on Patreon. If you chose that you can't support or don't want to support, the game closes.
    When you open the game again you have to apologize before getting the same choices. I assume by promising to support the game you can play the game. I'd rather delete it.
  6. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4716251

    Another trash game from Astaros3D.
    Only good thing is some female models.
    The dev looks like didn't learn anything from his finished games.
    This game is the worst game from him.
    Here's advice, don't waste your time with this trash.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    I was really hoping this game would improve. The models are good but the rest is not good. The MC acts like a young boy that acts like he is in a different reality. The 'is she my GF' troupe got hold after the 1st time. It is also very buggy with some bad minigames.

    I was hoping this would improve things instead of making it worse.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Considering this is the ? 3rd? vn this author has put out, I was expecting better.
    Slow transitions, poor graphics, and a really bad story line.

    The MC runs around and if someone has sex w him, he then starts asking if they are his girlfriend now.... More or less like in elementary school if a boy talks to a girl or passes a note...then asks if she is now his gf... At the same time he is approached by the cia to take out a terrorist....
    The game also suffers from crashes, but maybe they will get it fixed...who knows.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Yeah, trying to guilt trip and bully people into giving you money when they open the game, real fucking classy move.

    What manner of sad fucking narcissist made this. Feels like I was messaged by Elliot Rodger. Get fucked.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    + Art style and render quality looks pretty good.
    + We have animations for sex scenes and their physics and FPS value are pretty good.

    Bad Points
    - We have a kind of continuation story from his first game but the whole story of the game still feels empty.
    - MC is pretty much a cringy boy and has no character development at all despite this game taking place after years from DEV's first game.
    - Our choices mean nothing, you can't choose anything you want or avoid anything you don't want. We have some unavoidable scenes like Lida's GYM scene, or Tolik's scene involved with you, Katya and Dean or Gulya's scene in Slums. This is a sandbox game and it should give players choice.
    - Game is buggy AF, there is an instant crash when you make too fast save-load or there is a bug on MC's PC and it literally blocks your whole progress and the list goes on.
    - Despite having good-looking art and renders some girls/women's faces looks quite unattractive or attractive ones looks unattractive when they make some facial gestures etc. Their bodies looks hot that's for sure but faces and facial gestures needs some changes.
    - Why we have talking dick with eyes and teets?! And he is even blinking... That's just... Creepy AF...
    - Minigames are annoying AF, seriously who told adding annoying minigames to stream is a good idea? Why do I need to wait and click some circles for making a stream and earn money while MC literally jerking off?! We need to skip the minigames option ASAP.
    - Why every girl acts like horny whores and there is literally no love interest in this game? That's just boring.

    For The End
    Well, what can I say? This game has the hardest part a lot of games don't: good quality art and renders with well-made animations for sex scenes but every other thing about this game is just poorly-made... What a waste of potential... Again...
  11. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4887608

    You would expect someone who has already made 2 games to understand how the game dynamics work before implementing it but nah not here it's just buttload of crap where you would be stuck in some of the bug which wouldn't let the game move forward & if that was not enough now you have a talking dick interrupting the dialogues every two minute.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    So I was excited for this follow up. But so far this is disappointing. I'm on version 4 . The story about a spy sounded promising but so far this has not been exploited. Maybe later it will be more prominent. Also, playability is clunky, in the house you cannot walk around. You have to use a map to visit each room. You cannot walk around like you could in their prior games. However, you can walk around in the school so maybe this will change in future updates.
    The renders are good. Astaros always has good renders.
    I never listen with volume so I cannot say much about Sound or Voice Acting.
    The tasks are very simple. "talk with the dean," or "borrow a camera." In the prior games the player needed to explore to solve the tasks and that exploration is very easy because the world is very small but also because the game indicates the exact map-positions to explore to complete the tasks. I would like it to be a little more challenging. I seem to have found a bug where my task is to ask the dad for money to get a camera but when I ask him, the only dialogue option is "nothing."
    I don't remember seeing any animations but Asteros always has good animations and I'm sure they will be good in the future.
    Grammar needs improvement. English is obviously a 2nd language because sentence structure is awkward and distracting. Asteros' completed games don't have this issue so I'm sure it will be corrected before completion.
    I know this is a work in progress and I know Asteros' prior work is good quality but for the amount I in Patreon, I expect more quality content.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    I give it a 4 mostly because of it does the job. When I start a porn game I'm here mostly for porn, a little bit of gameplay, decent protagonist, and girls. I'm not looking for the next last of us in terms of overall everything.

    Pros: Good art, animation, and good grammar.

    Cons: (Not a big one for me) Writing is mid if you're looking for a introspective story on life, love, and art,
    1. Why are you playing a porn game
    2. LMAOOO you're not gonna find it here.

    Go in to the game if you want to beat your meat.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    Game version: 0.4

    The games by Astaros are obviously getting dumber game by game. "Girl House" had at least some sort of (yet bad) story, MCR 2 starts with situations and scenes that might be great to fap to (that's what we are all here, at last..), but storywise, it's a hard failure. The animated scenes are done quite well, some offer different angles to choose from- good!
    The performance (another former issue of Astaros games) is nice, much better than in Girl House. No isses to far.

    What really made me "downvote" this game was the miserable presentation + story. I don't mind games that come straight to sex, but others aren't that confusing at least.
  15. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 795684

    Like I said for the first game: Great renders and good animations. But this guy really needs a writer. I can't enjoy a game if it's writing is this level of bad.

    Also what'a all these games furthering away from real incest. Find a way to do it!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Gfx and anims are awesome. If you've liked the earlier games from this dev you'll prob like this also. The story is fairly straightforward - PC travels to Russia (oh noes... cancelled!) on a student exchange program and stays at some mafia oligarch's household of hot blondes, while also being recruited by a hot CIA agent to prevent him from carrying out a terrorist plot... you get the picture. It provides a framework for the lewd content without being bloated and overly complex, which is what I expect from these games. 5/5 from me.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    It's not a game... it's a collection of dev' errors, mistakes, bugs and copy/paste'd content from the previous game.

    Do not play this if you value your time.
    You can be fooled by the appearance, but then the lack of substance of the game will severly hit you. There is a word to describe this kind of "work", and it's not "good game".
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    My Cute Roommate 2 (0.5 version) is a step up in many directions with regards to the first one, but not in all. The bad is the story, this one is way more outlandish and makes even less sense than the first, and isn't written any better. The small tie-ins with the first would be nicer if I cared about those girls but I didn't, and now the second one is not making a better job creating build up and tension. But the sandbox part seems to have been simplified which is nice, making it easier to navigate and find what to do but grinding has come into this version with a terrible minigame and it's a very bad sign.

    The big step up is in the production. Character models are very good this time, much improved with regards to the first game. Animations are also way better, even though sex scenes are still just "stick in. fuck, cum", nothing more. Music and sound effects are nice, but not incredible. As for bugs, like in the first, they are present and important, I actually had to restart the game because the map wouldn't show up to one point; now it's not a drama, but it brings back bad memories from the first game.

    So, I didn't want to rule this one out when I played version 0.3 but now on 0.5 seems like the evolution is going in the wrong direction. And the introduction of the dick character is just down stupid.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    After the terrible game that was Girl House, I was hesitant to play this but did after a few patches and it's turning out to be a good game like the first Cute Roommate game, hope he keeps it up with a good amount of content and sexy scenes!
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    I tried this cause i liked the previous game, but oh boy, this is so much worse.
    The begining how the MC came to his large dick was funny, but after this it goes downhill, very fast.

    For the good :
    -Models look good
    -Animations while being short, are ok

    Now for the bad:
    -There really isn't any kind of story
    -The women are all sluts (oh what a big dick, need to jump that)
    -The dialogue is just bad

    The horrible:
    -The MC
    Did u ever watch Forrest Gump ? Because good old Forrest looks like Einstein compared to the MC, reading the dialogue and monologue of this MC is painful.

    As for the plot, honestly every cheap amateur porn clip has likely a better one compared to that whatever this should be.