Ren'Py - My Cute Roommate 2 [v12.10121 Extra] [Astaros3D]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Dare I say "boner-city"? Story is a bit roughshod, but let's be honest, whos here for story? Astaros does another great job with gorgeous models and it's worth a wank. I'm not really sure what else to say to hit the character limit, but assuming you aren't a story snob and you like big boobed bimbos being boned, you'll enjoy this one.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Needs to change the synopsis on this page. As far as I can tell, the MC is in a foreign country as an exchange student and isn't related to anyone.
    Not a big fan of over-sized people. Be it the tits on the women or the dicks on the men. The MC has an over-large dick, though the way it got that ways is kind of funny and is something I've never seen in a game before.
    Hope the story can make up for that one downside.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    LOL. There is no story here. If you are thinking about playing this be prepared to turn your brain of and fap mindlessly to the beautiful models on screen.
    If that is not what you are looking for well u should probably look elsewhere. Id give it s 2.5 but that's not supported so I rounded to 3.
  4. 2.00 star(s)

    Kinky Bully

    If this game was made 4 or 5 years ago then I would give it a better rating. But it is 2022. I will be discussing the pros and cons of this game.
    - Excellent Graphics and image quality
    - Good renders
    - Good animations
    - The Engrish and Writing is nothing exceptional
    - The story is very stupid and illogical (A wasp bites your pee-pee and It becomes a permanently huge monster cock? You serious?)
    - The MC is a spoiled pervy brat and a stupid loser who gets everything from the sky. For what again?
    - Characters lack personality and are basically all sluts
    - Image shaking kills the mood
    - The game also has a few bugs

    I would like to state that I normally ignore a lot of the cons I mentioned. But this is the third game from a developer who has been around for a long time. The developer also has quite an amount of support. These kinds of problems are not acceptable in this case.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    The first game was amazing, good models good build up to the nudity sex and the story and events was decent enough to keep you interested. This game like his last was just so plain, boring and every update was lackluster and more of the same every few months. The models are still good, the animations are kinda weird and everything takes long to accomplish with strange zoom in affects and stuff.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games I ever personally played, a big round of applause to the content creator! Here are some remarks regarding the game

    -Good renders
    -Silly yet entertaining storyline
    -Hot girls
    -Not a blueballs game

    I cannot simply wait for the next updates
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Due to shallow and biased "hate" reviews, I changed it to 5 stars. MODs need to do something about those quick 1 star reviews. At the end of the day thought, nobody cares about this forum :p

    v0.9 Extra.
    After some consideration I changed the rating from 2 to 4.
    I have been playing these kind of games since 2017. The prism of time now made me look at things from a different perspective.
    And I like to think that maybe, just maybe the dev read the earlier review.
    I wrote how the updates were shortcoming. Not much to ponder about. Also the lack of sex scenes with the three hot blondes.
    SO what happened. Astaros went into hiding for four months since 0.8. People thought he literally died. Out of nowhere the 0.9 release came out.

    In it we got four sex scenes: two with Lida, one with Gulya the maid, the last one with Julia (the schoolgirl). One blowjob scene with the hot mom from Girl House. Two bikini showcases with Lida and her daughter Olya. There are also many angles, which make watching the sex scenes much more enjoyable.
    The story line also moves further into the fray. All those quests people were making fun of have been finished or at least are "moving along" into the good direction. Our main protagonist finally doesn't seem to be lost and we with him.
    I want to explain what I really think about the Dick thing. It's a narrative mechanic. Instead of the MC, the dick character holds the reins and talks directly towards to player. This is a much better experience then a mindless harem game. That allows Derek to stay "normal". People complain every female character bangs Derek...This literally happens in almost every other game! Here Derek stay oblivious to his surroundings. He is on a wild adventure. The wicked fate "blessed" him with a massive schlong (which works as an aphrodisiac) and sent him on a Campbellian journey. On top of that THIS IS A SEX GAME. People seriously keep forgetting about this...I don't want to read a god damn Nobel prized novel. Derek lands in the middle of a storm of predicaments. And it's up to him to straighten or "loosen" them all.
    We also get to see things from the female characters' perspective. Derek isn't the only one playing the main tune.

    Astaros, please make a study option/learn (raise intelligence, knowledge, learn) of Rita's seminars when skipping time, so we as the player's can actually feel good about ourselves and have Derek do something meaningful. Maybe when Derek has enough Knowledge, Rita will service him or just unlock new quests for her. I want Derek to be more of a slave for her ;]
    I also want Derek to send Tina, his conquest selfies. Photos of him banging all the hot babes. Tina would get jealous and start sending him back her own spicy selfies in erotic lingerie. Maybe even some sex scenes ,NTR themed ones just to annoy the harem snowflakes :LUL:. I prefer the angry and dominant Tina.
    I like the chemistry between the Dean and Julia. Hope to see more story driven interactions between as much characters as possible(where Derek is more of a catalyst instead off a harem character woman fawn over).
    I noticed a massive hate towards this game. Many one star reviews. I played a new game and haven't found any bugs. People still keep complaining about the wrong, shallow things. The dev hasn't forgotten about the minigames. He stays true towards himself. The card game now makes more sense and requires a little bit attention from our gray cells (maybe some reviewers lack that ability...). The minigames are varied and allow for some distraction without being overtly annoying.
    Honestly speaking I prefer MCR2 over a mindless pastiche like Midnight Paradise...The dev really put massive work into this update. Only now the game looks more fleshed out with arms and legs. It slowly looks like an actual product. I hope he won't give up on MCR2 and keeps making content for it.
    This is truly a No-Man's-Sky redemption arc. Astaros needs to stay focused and on point in order to keep making content with Lida, Anya and Olya.
    P.S. ...pssst dev...more NTR :devilish:
    This dev just doesn't get it...On the menu screen there are three hot blondes...all he needs to do is make content with them...
    Instead he made another scene with Katya...
    He lied and didnt make any sex scenes with the Dean...he literally quit half way through...
    Who the hell asked for the new web cam girl spam? Imagine if the dev continued with Lida, Anya or the Dean...You know...actual content...
    Talk to the Dean 2023
    Buy new bikini for Lida 2024
    Get the data from Ivan's laptop 2025
    Buy a mobile 2026
    Finish the photoshot with Anya 2027(the content with should have been done this update btw...)
    For fucks sake the Anya photoshoot is now one year in the making...
    The gym content is completely useless. We don't get to bang the Dean. On top of that there is no point to it. Ffs The MC can't even work out in it. Dev is obsessed with mini games?! The gym is the perfect opportunity! This could help us in increasing stats needed for scoring with the dean sex...
    I clearly see the problem...
    When i play these updates i don't feel that any progress is being accomplished...It's just random spam...The dev really needs to concentrate on one girl and do serious scenes for her...It feels like we are being feed with bread crumbs...
    We finally got a good glimpse into Lida's life.
    There is a good reason behind her being so sex crazed. I found her desperate attempts amusing.
    I was expecting a kind of a cat and mouse game betwen her and Mikhail. This could have been a continuing effort throughtout the updates. Her trying to get into his pants. More absurd situations of Lida trying to get him to fuck her. Second stroyline next to the MC.
    When she pulled down Mikhail's pants, i was ready to see a proper blowjob scene. After which, Mikhail storming out with Lida following him with her hungry gaze and a mouthfull of a predator still unsatisfied.
    Instead we got a literally deflated example of another dev not having enough balls.
    I already noticed it. The MC with his humongous shlong makes every effort of a storyline pointless. He banged the doc, dean , stewardess with little to zero effort.
    First three updates wasted on useless filler.
    Now we will be getting random scene where he sacks one girl after another in similar fashion.
    One dude complained earlier Lida has no character. She has character but with the MC's pointlessly big plotbreaker, the dev doesn't have to put much effort into writing. The characters don't need much fleashing out, cause they all fall over the MC's baseball bat. It's a lazy device...Shame. Enjoyed the Lida scenes.
    0.3 is a disaster. THREE AND HALF MONTHS of waiting for a blowjob scene with a random girl completely unrelated to the story line.... And again people give out 4 and five star reviews for this nonsense. On top of that the update is bugged.
    His patrons were asking him if the game was bugged, because it ended to fast. They literally thought there is more content...NOPE

    Something broke down in Astaros.
    Today i paid 22€ for rehashed content.
    0.1 is basically a humongous useless filler.
    0.2 should be 0.1. And it's seriously lacking.
    The dream scenes are so outdated it's tiresome. Random sex with a doctor(rehashed model from Girl House) and stewardess. Uneccesary. Then the headmistress which is a next rehashed model this time from MCR1. I get it this is a mindless sex game but we waited sometime. Two and a half months from 0.1 to 0.2. We get introduced to three hot blondes(two of which arent even ingame yet!) and instead get nothing. In Girl House at least the action took place around four particular female characters. In here the dev already wasted time. He should straight from the get go show us some spicy content with the three blondes. Instead he wastes time on filler.
    This dev mentality is really annoying. So backwater. Remeber BeingADIK? How the game started with a BANG party?
    This is really needed here. Astaros creates the best models and then isn't utilizng them to their fullest. Not cashing in! More random sex scenes with characters that are outside the main plot. Astaros fails at coherent writing and setting up sensible sex scenes among the main ingame characters.
    But i already noticed this in his games. As a whole MCR(My Cute Cousin) and GH are visualy the best...when you play them as a finished product. Astaros has some serious problem with update pacing.

    MCR2 is a contentless snooze. Come back in two years time...unless he again decides two drop a project like the earlier two games...
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Obviously this is the very first version of the game, so the rating doesn't mean much. However, it gives a solid idea of what the game will be from now on.

    Compared to the first cute rommate:
    1-Animations are very smooth, and changeable angles during those animations are a good bonus.
    2-Better rendering is easily seen.
    3-Even the sperm animation is good, which is rare to see, cuz its very hard to model.
    4-plotwise its an interesting change that the MC 5-Dialogues are good.

    Overall it seems like the game is going in the right direction,.
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    memes memer

    EDIT: love this game/characters/scenes but the game is a mess and really sucks to get stuck and have to start over because if you don't play it in a very specific order you can get stuck. This could easily be remedied with a mod to adjust money or include a time skip (but as far as I know I can't find any and the guide isn't that good/clear).

    From 4 to 5 stars: think game is a lot better now that the tasks seem to be a lot more reliable than before and have time icons attached to them. Scenes/ideas still excellent and exciting. Really hope to see more continuations of already existing storylines rather than introducing even more characters but they're still good and think it would be good to introduce more characters after first progressing some storylines first like I really wanna see more Masha/the bathroom girl. Writing quality/dialogue is still kinda meh/not the best. Luckily it can be editted which is nice imo so it's 5 stars for me.

    always really loved the visuals of MCR1 but hated the grind so much i never really go into it. MCR2 looks like a big improvement in that regard. the pacing is a lot better. maybe a little straight into sex but it doesn't feel pointless even though there's already sex. it feels like it has good erotic build up. visually looks fantastic. grind is non-existent so far (and i hope it stays that way or at least not nearly as much as MCR1)

    update: I really don't understand why this is getting so many bad reviews. This is far better than a lot of games that are rated 4-4.5/5. This has been a solid 10 overall for me. The biggest weakness it has is the writing execution but the pacing/story/characters/scene setups are all on the better side. It would be better if a writer could develop a clearer sense of tone and personality in the specific character's dialogues because I do feel like design wise, this game does something that is pretty rare which is that all the characters look fantastic but they also look different. You can kinda tell they all fit into the same sense of aesthetic/taste but they don't just look like recycled assets repurposed on different characters. I do think their individuality could be pushed a little more but I'm really not complaining as it's already pretty rare any game has a cast of characters that all look good while looking unique. You only really see that in some of the best games really and even then they sometimes suffer a "recycled assets" look sometimes.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    1. Creative intro
    2. Great, very nice renders
    3. very Nice animations
    4. Nice scripting and characters
    5. The music is great
    6. looks promising for first release

    Highly recommended!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Great continuation of 1-st part, but textures are made better and animations become more smooth. Old characters, but with other side. Hope in this game we'll see face MC from 1-st part, because Derek and MC MCR1 are already met and fucked Decan)
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    As in the first part, I liked the style very much. He lets you cheer and empathize. The tension persists through which the story cannot be put down.

    The character have evolved and all seemed very good animated to me.
    Keep it up!! (y) (y) (y)