The epilogue isn't sad, what is (was) "sad" is the story around the epilogue in my real life.
As most players know, in September I was diagnosed with a health issue that could be fatal at any moment. I had a "medium-high risk of sudden death". I'm on medication and the issue is improving. In the last revision, the docs told me the risk had lowered to "low to very low".
As any writer (besides George RR Martin
) I want to finish my story, and I want the players to know how it ends, so I spent some days working on the epilogue in a way that could be understandable to anyone besides me. There is a post on Patreon/SS with a scheduled publication date of 2 months in the future. Every week I change that date. If I can't change it, that means the docs were mistaken about the risk, and the epilogue will be published in pdf format, so you can know how the story ends.
It was sad (for me) because when I did it 0.12 wasn't even published, so no Kiara, no Saira, no new students, and no relationships with the ones already at home would be developed. The epilogue sounded empty because many of the things that led to it haven't happened in the game yet.
He means this sentence in a previous post of mine