TropecitaGames ; apreciate that you put your "Broccolli" free meals at risk

to give us a punctual update!
My family would have tied me to a shack trolley and took me along

if i'd performed like you did !
As you know, I sleep very few hours (4-6), so I took advantage while my wife was sleeping during our trip to post here, on Discord, etc., and to write a bit of the script for the next update and for the spin-off (no rendering on my crap laptop).
When we returned, I convinced my wife to let me work at half steam because she wanted to know what happened to Lisa (she was in the same darkness as you about this). Once that scene was wrapped (only 129 renders), I continued working on the (heavily animated) second scene (769 animated frames + 139 stills right now) and on the animations for the Scarlett date (164 frames already rendered). I can't leave my computer too many nights without rendering, it will become lazy.
So bun is in the oven eh, well that is true for all the LIs in my playthrough
Also in mine. At least 9 buns in the oven!