We need Mr. Leaker so us plebs can "leak" earlier too

(holy shit, who waits almost 3 weeks for free update?

I would say every free player, here and on other sites.
Think about it from other perspectives:
I publish monthly. Since you don't have signatures, I don't know what games you like, but seeing you've been around for 2 years, I would say you have waited for 3, 4, or 8 months for other games to update. I'm not talking about the free update. I'm talking about updating the game. Waiting 3 weeks from the top subscriber update (30 days since the last free update) doesn't seem that bad to me.
Now I'll give you another perspective on the leaks. Imagine Mr./Mrs. Leaker (I've been a bit of a sexist previously, calling them Mr.) has had some extra income and wants you all to enjoy the update the day it is released. S/he signs up for the highest tier, downloads the game, and shares it here. You didn't have to wait 18 days for the free update to come out and you're a happy man. But what happens next month? If Mr./Mrs. Leaker has the extra income once again, it will take 30 days for you to play. But if Mr./Mrs. Leaker hasn't had that extra income, s/he's going to unsubscribe and won't have access to the update when it comes out. So you're going to have to wait the month it takes me to release it plus the 18 days. 48 days since the last update you played.
If you look at it from a third perspective, whoever is in the highest tier, plays every 30 days (approximately). Who is in the intermediate tier, also plays every 30 days. And whoever plays the update when it comes out for free, also has it available 30 days after the last one (if no one leaks the previous one).
Do you still think the leaks are worth it? You're still going to take, at best, the same amount of time to play the update. 30 days.
At worst, you may find that those leaks have caused paying players to stop paying, and that's enough for the developer (and I'm not talking about myself) to think it's not worth continuing to invest their money and time in doing a game they get nothing but criticism for. It's better to play a game you like every 30 days than not to play it again because the leaks have made it unprofitable for the developer, right?
Edit: I want to make it clear that I'm not angry about Mr./Mrs. Leaker leaking the game. I'm angry at him/her doing it badly. It was leaked only 29h before the free update was scheduled, so there was no harm done. The only harm is the time I had to spend fixing up his/her mess.