I can't say I agree.
Nora and the twins look close enough, Emma and ... *sigh* ... Martha look related. She and Nora aren't "I see it" close, but there's enough there between them and Meemaw to bridge the gap. Betty and Meemaw have different enough body types that any natural resemblance is naturally hard to see.
Lisa and Debbie are so different physically that it's not surprising they don't look that similar, but they also don't look like they CAN'T be related by blood (in fact, they do have similar noses ...).
Then we have the Mother/daughter pairs Eileen/Kiara and Samantha/Simone. Eileen and Kiara look like they're based off the same model, while Sam and Sim have similar eyes and cheekbones. Jamaal is difficult for the same reason Lisa and Debbie are -- his body-type is so different due to being so fit and, you know, being male, but still has his mom's nose.
That leaves the MC and ... well, maybe he's a Mutant™ and we saw a hint of his powers during the second round with Jeff ...