Tell me, what do you think an ADHD person is. What do you think the condition is. What are the consequences of it.
I do not need to think what the conditions are, because I had a person with diagnosed ADHD in my family. I can tell you in the shortest sentence I can think of it's a overactive, impulsive person having attention problems. But you'll turn my words against me, because you have your whole life experience with it and are biased about it, while I had a decade with such person. I would say two, yet I was kid back then, not understanding what even ADHD stands for.
Remember, that I am one, I have lived with it. I am married to another one. Had and raised 4 others (as best I can). I say this before you think that you can pass around anecdotes and biased info as truth.
It's your choice to either believe in what I wrote or not. It's not like I'm forcing you to share my point of view. Sadly, you believing or not won't change it happened and is still happening.
An ADHD carrier is a victim. But, it is easier to blame them instead of understanding them, right? They are as able to change their brains and it's processes as you are. They have no responsibility of the way they were born, yet, society decides to brand them as defective and blame them for not being capable to escape their genetic prison. The fact that anxiety, depression and suicides are so high among us (my oldest boy, tried it at 7 years old) also contribute to the social out-casting. It is now established that almost all (as high as 90%) of the adults that survived their teens as ADHD, have PTSD symptoms, caused by the extreme conditions they have lived under.
We are playing with the cards we've got. Life is not fair, and some people got better and some got worst. I can sympathize and I can try to understand the other person why it's like that, why it's behaving like that, what caused it, be it someone rich or poor, sick or not, but I can't just turn my head away or look past thier actions if those actions are causing problems to other people and even harm them or are using thier condition as bargaining chip. You are responsible for your actions. Because you had worst of this world it doesn't mean you're are allowed more.
If we don't kink-shame people on this thread, do we really need to disorder-shame people?
Some people play life in easy mode. They are beautiful, tall, born into a rich family in an advanced country, and without any genetic disorders. It can even be called cheat mode.
Never shamed anyone, nor trying to. If it looks like it, brand me as one if it can make you all feel better.
Don't shame people for carrying ADHD. Don't shame people for being black or white. Don't shame people for being Americans, French, or Indonesian. Don't shame people for being extremely fat or thin, short or tall.
I've heard the "I knew a (or several) person(s) with X characteristic and it's a bad person (add here anything you want to criticize)" too many times. X can be a skin color, nationality, gender, sexual preference, job, or any characteristic different from what the speaker considers "standard" or their own "group". The speaker should ask themselves if everyone in their "group" is a good person. The answer usually is "NO". So being a caucasian white Spaniard diabetic bald short ex-guinea-pig male is not a foolproof recipe to be a good person (even if I considered myself as such). Neither is any other combination. For goodness or badness.
People tend to generalize. Even the best of us are not safe from it, because it's easier to cope with the outside world and people than trying to meet everyone.
Luckly I don't have to ask myself that question, because I know I am not a good person and I accepted that. Even though I chose to be an outcast, I very well know I still can be, and was, judged and look down upon for my nationality, my language, my roots, my genetics, my very own existence. I accepted my flaws, that I am retarded and people see me as such. The thing is I just don't give a fuck about what world and people think of me. Still, I know people have thier own problems, so I try to not cause more for them, as I do too not want more in my existence.
Remember my second sentence in this text wall. People playing in easy mode. How many of those who were born with the cheat mode enabled would be your best man at your wedding? Are they really winners if they haven't met you?
Had a friend like that. Left for a different country trying to find a place for himself on this planet. If I had a wedding, he would probably be there, or so I think. But for a second question I would say yes, my "had friend" included if he hasn't meet me.
To keep the post on topic with the game. How would you feel criticizing Kim for her vitiligo? I'm not talking about whether she's attractive or not for you. I'm talking about trying to skin-shame her. For something she didn't choose. Even if you know someone with vitiligo who is a bad person.
I would criticize the person with the condition, not the condition itself, if said person is using said condition as a bargaining chip to achieve or acquire something or is causing problems to me or other people. Because having a condition might be an opportunity for said person to play on my emotions and feelings to get me to do something or get something from me.
As I wrote eariler, It's hard to see the white when all you see is dark when blindfolded.
And with that I'm ending my participation in this topic.