Don't say that Name, we have seen Dingbats who have been traumatized by that name
Just imagine they meet a "Name" in Real Life
To be honest, I just saw "you know who" in few games as a douchebag, so his face is just a punching bag synonym for me. Wherever I see it, I'm betting he will be a douchebag waiting for a punch. I don't think I was ever wrong.I imagine how because of this name the crowd is ready to burn him like a witch.... View attachment 3375629
But imagine creating a game in which MC model is actually the "one who must not be named" and his grand face reveal is at the end of the game, surounded by all girls players gathered and loved. Now, that would be the ultimate evil. The creator would be tortured, surely crucified and burned like a witch on that cross,
It's just a milk... It's only the source that is different and generally accepted to mingle with.I don't want to kink shame but