The three girls will be at the house during the same weekend. Don't give me ideas!
1.- Thanks for trying the game.
2.- Thanks for deleting the game. I don't want or need players like you. I couldn't wait for you to see Eric if you continued playing.

3.- That scene won't change. It's pivotal for Erika's relationship and it's logical based on the MC's personality.
4.- Your concept of a loser is different from mine. But I didn't get my sandwich stolen in school, so perhaps you can't see other attributes besides fighting in your categorization for loser/winner.
5.- If you played 2 more updates you would have discovered how wrong you are.
6.- Have I thanked you for deleting the game?
7.- Your first message after ~1 month on the forum is to piss off a community (not the dev)? Bad politics on your part.
8.- Thanks for closing the door when you leave.
People with complexes are hard to argue with
Eileen is called Eileen because of that song. I always loved the song and the name. Yes. I'm old.
FatGiant pfp is from a picture in Samantha's room (v.0.13). I sent him the original so it's not in perspective.
Other references to players are
A Black Crow picture in v.0.13 (Samantha's living) and a reference to him in v.0.12 (when Debbie comes for the laptop):
sagerock820 (tester and proofreader)
RiamMod in v.0.12 (when Debbie comes for the laptop):
RiamMar our resident ren'py/python genius
SoliQueen in v.0.12 (when Debbie comes for the laptop): Soliana, one of our resident artist on Discord
An owl dressed like a knight and an otter dressed like a pirate in v.0.13 (Samantha's living): Two guys from Discord
A raccoon in v.0.13 (Samantha's living): Another guy from Discord