Imagine this:
I was 19 years old. Repeating "for shame" my 11th next year, spending my Summer on the beach. Now, there is in that beach famous for the tallest waves of the world, a tiny hidden beach. It is known by the locals and sometimes a tourist they befriend (read fuck). It was, in the early 80's, a perfect place to (in no preference order): Read in peace / practice nudism / Have sex on the sand (not recommended) / do drugs. It was my Paradise. I was there from early morning to sundown most days.
Sometime that Summer, a beautiful woman started to show up, minding her business, reading and airing her birthday suit. After a few days we started to talk. Both were smokers, both always had a book, both were naked...
Now, nothing happened between us... could have, but didn't. We talked for hours and hours, about everything really. A really cool Summer friendship. I never asked her where she was from, she never asked me... neither thought of it, I suppose.
Well, Summer's end. School was coming.
First day of school, new teachers (always new teachers every year, sometimes 3 and 4 each year), one of the classes I had to retake was French. I get to class, bored out of my mind, grumpy as fuck.
I sit down, back of the class, near a window, ready to forget I was there. In comes the teacher... My Summer friend... ::gasp:: with clothes on... Fuck me she was even hotter dressed.
Never missed a class of French. Ended up with the best grades.
If only my Maths teacher wasn't a 1,80m tall matron with a face that scared the living daylights of everyone, and instead a clone of my delightful French teacher. Maybe I could've gotten to the University.
Thanks for reading my story. Have a good one...