My posts were deleted as off-topic. Especially my two answers to
mypossiblepast were totally on topic: Asking a player for feedback and uncovering her feedback as a lie.
I guess the moderator is in the same liars club as
mypossiblepast , if he/she says a dev asking his players for feedback and commenting on that feedback is off-topic.
Or a mentally handicapped woke snowflake (Mr. Liar Moderator, that is not an insult to anyone, since I'm not directing it to a specific player) (And no, even if it feels like it, my intention isn't to insult the mentally handicapped woke snowflakes by comparing them to some player) felt so ridiculed by our answers that she started to report every post that showed how ridiculous she was.
Obiously, so Mr. Liar Moderator doesn't feel offended, I want to keep this post on-topic (although the deleted ones were on topic and they were equally deleted): Norah is a goddess.