This isn't that deep. The game was clearly written with the patched version in mind, I'd assume most people play with the patch installed. Obviously, the non-patched version doesn't make perfect sense because it's pretty hard to justify a bunch of strangers living together their whole lives without straight up calling them a family. Maybe the patched version isn't "canon", but it's clearly the version that makes the most sense.
It doesn't really matter either way though because really it all falls down to preference. If you don't want to see incest then don't install the patch. Does it really matter what is canon or not? Nobody is here for the story, let's be real.
I don't know what in my 2 comments did you read that I want or don't want incest, that I recommend a patch or not. In that, I do have a VERY informed opinion and have expressed it here in detail.
What those 2 comments are about, is the assumptions made by someone that didn't play the game. Either patched or unpatched. And still had an opinion about the story, the relationships, the motifs, the who stays or not, and why. Without knowing anything about it.
Then you come along and add even more fuel to it, by repeating the same assumptions.
I don't care what you like or dislike, if you want a patched experience or not. But, for heavens sake, at the very least, PLAY THE GAME FIRST?
Also, your quip about nobody is here for the story... well mate... most of us are here for the story TOO. Why? Because both versions of this story are GOOD. Really good. If you are more sci-fi inclined play the Clones one, if you want a more... shall we say... salacious one... play the Family version. Or, play both. Many of us do.
But, at least PLAY ONE. And, oh, this is a rather long read. So if you skip to the H scenes, don't come complain that you didn't understood anything, we'll laugh at you.
Now, go. Download Part 1 and play, or don't... but... try and come here and start pounding fish about what you think the story is... I will laugh at you... both of you.