Kim needs an event to happen to start her relationship, and that event will take some time. Kim, as opposed to other girls, has a different "family anchor" than the MC, and she's worried about what would happen if she started dating the MC. We haven't seen that "anchorness", but will start to see it in the next update (yesterday my wife played the second scene in v.0.19 where that "anchorness" is shown).
Right now, there are 7 LIs (Amanda, Eva, Kiara, Betty, Lisa, Kim, and Kate) outside the harem (+Meemaw, who isn't dating the MC, only discovering the fun of getting intimate).
Three will definitively join the harem before Lisa, and one will join later than her. The order among the other three isn't decided yet.
That's partially on purpose. His ideas aren't written in stone and change and evolve. His principles are, though. He cares for the girls and "mostly" knows what each needs (to do and to hear).
Netori and cucking the Big Boss
Kim is indecisive because of what I wrote above in this post. At that moment she wanted to be convinced by the MC that she was wrong. The moment has passed, though.
The New Students will join the house while the MC is away (with Amanda and Eva) in September. The new girls will integrate into the family differently because the "big family" is already in place and the secrets are out in the light. They, obviously, won't get the Cloneversation the first day, since there's no need to explain Amanda and Eva's presence, but will get it just before the MC returns.
When the MC returns, he will need to learn about the (non-romantical) relationships that have been created in his absence.
Every New Girl will have a different "anchor" in the family: Kalyani's anchor will be Saira, obviously. Patty's will be Scarlett and Daphne. And so on. That gives them the chance to integrate into the family in a different way than the Old Students.
But everyone will (can) be pregnant when they arrive. By the same "absent" man. They will know slowly about the truths in the family and will react to them depending on their personalities (Christy won't be fond of a man dating several women, Kalyani's initial reaction will depend on Saira's relationship (is she in a relationship with the MC or not? Is the MC monogamous with her or not?), Zoe's curiosity will be piqued if there's a harem in place, etc.).
They will arrive while he's abroad and get the Cloneversation just before he returns (with Amanda and Eva). By then they will be integrated into the family (by the remaining home girls) and will be trustworthy.
About "other" the secrets, you are right.
Genghis (the noobish version of the MC when it comes to spreading his genes) disagrees
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Boobieblock with a lady showing her boobs on screen? I just Googled "oxymoron" and your sentence was the first result.
Almost. Let's say Martha's are the third
(and fourth) boobies to be seen.