
Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2022
Went from season 1 to season 2 and transferred my save over but I don't even know what's going on. It looks like a lot of stuff was skipped by either transferring my save or it's just like that going from season 1 to season 2.
Or it can get confusing if you go from patched to unpatched or vice-versa without realizing.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2023
Today I was thinking about the guy that complained there were too many words and images.
To be fair, he also made the same complaint in both the Dick & Jane and MrMen/LittleMiss threads. All the words and pictures are simply too much for slow-firing neurons.
I did search for the info but it was just too much.
This is one of the few threads where that excuse actually holds water. Short of supercalifragilisticexpialadocious I'm not sure what English word you can search this thread for and not get >100 returns. :unsure:
I am a Unicorn
I mean, aren't most of us technically? Even if some of us may need to use the other blue pill to make that horn show itself... :sneaky:
Is this a kindergarten?
If you mean by age...HELL no (closer to a nursing home methinks). If you mean by maturity level...:unsure:...I know you are but what am I?? :LOL:
it's hard for me to understand sarcasm and humor in English.
Having grown up in a kill-or-be-killed sarcasm family, such a possibility never crossed my mind growing up. Then I met my in-laws from the midwest. :oops: They did NOT get my sarcasm at all. I think they just thought I was a moron.

...They may have been right. :unsure:
Yes, I'm the dev. I changed my name because of a Patreon witch hunt.
Ooohhh. What names did you consider? Michael Jackson?? Trope-ic Thunder?? Bob Loblaw?? MisanTrope?? Capricorn, Trope-ic Of?? :whistle:
Kim will be the cathalizer for some interesting events we will see in the future. Stay tuned!
Hopefully that wasn't intended as "catheterizer" :oops:
Lisa's story definitely needs some push. it's a slow burn.
I definitely liked how she went topless at the "compound" this time around - shows some real progress for her and makes me look forward to her storyline in updates in the near future. (y)


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2023
I definitely liked how she went topless at the "compound" this time around - shows some real progress for her and makes me look forward to her storyline in updates in the near future. (y)
and the best part was that she didn't even react when MC showed up. She looked completely comfortable with it. Granted MC didn't make a big deal out of all the others during the birthday party, so it's hugely reassuring for a girl. Even Kate and Jamaal had more to say about boobs than MC :D


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Apr 11, 2022
Great update as usual! great writing!

scrollwheel support in the UI is VERY nice to have :)

if you introduce NTR by pillows then what about dildos? those motherfuckers (literally!) have stolen the first times of many of our virgin girls here! :D

Seems like Solomon will be forced into a clean divorce. I'm guessing it will be a big trigger into full sex for Kiara.

Great work on Kiara's model. Very subtle hints of age were added to enhance maturity compared to Eileen, that was missing before.

Genevieve said she is married but she doesn't wear a wedding ring ?

if we accept Amanda's route, the relationship number doesn't increase ? maybe it's a minor bug ? that value is still used in this update, so it is not abandoned. or maybe it is now used as the "official" publicly know number for the harem after the Great Reveal ?

I was a little bit disappointed that we missed out on a potential truth or dare game :D especially with those characters that we desperately need much more story on ;)

For me, there seemed to be some weird and inconsistent stuff during the talk with Kim.
first, she seems to really like MC a lot, even if the relationship points are low or even in the negative, even though there were several warnings before to try and keep the points decently high. like if MC was a dick about her skin and makeup, it should be a real handicap to any potential relationship, and it is not reflected there. I think there should be a check for relationship points and cut the scene short if MC is a real dick to her. same for her talk with Martha since there wouldn't be much to talk about.
Then I found it weird that Martha's opinion matters that much there. I understand that Kim really likes Martha and sees her as a maternal figure (that she might be missing in her bio family), but if Debbie and Saira are in a relationship with MC and there were no issues after the Great Reveal then Kim's worries should be almost gone. Unless there is something specific in her past that we don't know that feeds those worries and insecurities.
Also it's weird that MC suddenly wants to respect and wait for Martha's opinion on this. for every single other relationships, he didn't care about the opinion of anyone outside of the relationship before starting them. especially when incest is involved, he wait full throttle with his feelings and the girl's feelings and dismissed any need to check on the opinion of others, even when those opinions mattered to the girl, even more when those were bio-family members... and just for this one girl, he wants to pause everything and wait for her to consult someone else's opinion and get their permission ? To me, that felt really out of character and immersion breaking. I would appreciate someone explaining it in details, if you have the time.
Finally, if MC is only dating one girl, but not Martha, the flow of the conversation implies that he is dating Martha or that the one he is dating would kick Kim out of the dorm (as a joke, but it heavily implies Martha or Norah there, as they are the only ones that could) maybe there is one line of dialog missing there just for clarity's sake. maybe it's just the English translation that is lacking in that specific scene and circumstance.

I was thinking this for a while but always forgot about it here :
if Daphne and Erika are twins or clones, they should have the same nipples :D it always seemed weird to me that they were so different.
same for Eva. Seems she is closer to Daphne's nipples. but when she tried to deceive and fuck MC in season 1, she had Erika's nipples. (I guess it was for dev's convenience at the time) it would have been an interesting clue that her nipples would be different from Erika in that scene.
and Erika during her beach first time, seems there has been a backlash for that. but her nipples there were just low quality assets, blurry and pixelated. could have worked if they were of higher quality, honestly.

And on the blinking "debate", I'd like to push my own input here, if you'd let me, Trope95 :
first I want to say that they do add to the lively feeling of the person in the frame. it's undeniable, even for haters.
but it's also true that the blinking "animation" require less work for the posing, as it's only changing the eye lids, even though the rendering required is the same as you still have to render the full scene for each step.
but counting each step of the blinking as a separate render could be argued to be deceiving marketing, even if unintentional.
total number of static renders usually give a feel of the volume of content and duration of playtime the player will get. so including the blinking steps in those could skew that impression.
maybe you should count the blinking steps into the animation renders total that you also count separately instead ? that could be a good compromise. even if then, it could deceive people that only want lewd scenes and animations :D but screw them, they don't even know the story of the characters xD I bet they can't count animation frames :p
A solution for you could be that you would only render the eyes for each step by reframing the rendering output, if it's an available feature in your software. and then only display the eyes blinking steps as some kind of mask over the static scene. and add a loop for that. I think Atemsiel uses that kind of trick in Stormside to show the collars on girls that the player chooses to put it on. as its a choice, it would create tons of alternate renders even though it's really minor in scope, but crucial to the player choice.
for you, it would also allow a huge reduction in disk space and rendering time, so quicker updates and fuller seasons, and for the players, a slight reduction in device/computer resources used and big reduction in download volumes.
Another related issue: the way you display blinking animation is really annoying for URM users :D the way you coded it is really clever from a programmer POV. but it really messes up exploration of choices using URM, as each blink is seen as an alternate choice. :D and if a real alternate path is just behind a blink instead of a text line, it won't show :D that forces the manipulation of variables and character options :p and checking the code to avoid missing paths. it's a very minor thing, though. just wanted to put it out there.

I thought we all agreed to call is Mjolnir and not the light ? :D

to be honest, I completely missed that joke. never even registered it.

more like he got fucked properly. :D

how come ? can't you get it back ? is it because of the name change and Patreon ?

what do you mean ?! topless is the norm now! covered tits are the special things since Lisa defected! :D

yes, it was very obvious to me. was waiting for the camera to switch the whole time. became super obvious once she one-sidedly declared Solomon won the fight to boost his ego :D

Yeah, that too was obvious. whichever the player chooses at the café, it's obviously what triggers that.

why did you play a massive harem game if you were in the mood for a focused monogamy experience?
you describe what harem games are. and you know how they work. why do that to yourself knowingly and intentionally if that's not what you wanted to experience in that moment?

aside from the low quality of the asset, I didn't mind the change.

latest update is on Monday. the foursome was at 2am during the night from Sunday to Monday, so technically Monday.
So results are next update on Tuesday. and MC has very little time left to spill it all to Martha if he has some info that he wants to share before. though it would be better to have the results, honestly.

actually, whatever the results of the DNA test are, there is a very important thing to tell Martha :
Edmund didn't cheat on her with that student. but he DID cheat on her for years before with the mother of his daughter, and he sent tons of money to them without Martha knowing.
so Martha's justification for starting with MC without guilt still holds, but the basis for it are very different, and go much deeper.

isn't that how the "gallery-unlock-demanding" crowd actually play any game ? :D

I would rather bet on Lisa herself, or her kids. her bio-family seems to be quite rich and influential. adding to that MC's future money and influence. and her current interest in actually stepping into politics after MC's nudge... and she is quite engaged with the idea of real change. Kim doesn't seem to have those inclinations at the moment.

My Dorm gallery since season 2 is one of the best in the industry. Especially because it allows to replay every scene, not just lewd scenes.
I wish there was a way to put all the content files of season 1 and 2 into the season 3 folders and have them be available with the new UI and features. it would be a great way to replay the game.
maybe for a steam release if they ever get past the pseudo incest ? :D
The scrollwheel was something that was missing in the last update's gallery and I wanted it in this one. RiamMar (the UI is his child. Thanks, Riam) was kind to provide the code for it. Now it's more user friendly.

The MC hasn't seen the dildos in action, so he doesn't feel threatened by them :D .

Solomon has fucked up in more than one way. He will end up easier than I would have done, but it's a wholesome life and burying people in the woods isn't too wholesome.

Kiara's model is the same I used before. The change in makeup highlight those subtle differences. The different hairstyle did the rest. She did her best to look good for the date. She nailed it.

I'm married and I don't wear a wedding ring while working. I wear it in a chain around my neck to avoid it being entangled. Gen do the same. My father taught me to do it after seeing two co-workers in a week losing their fingers because of wedding rings. We can think Gen's father also taught her.

The relationship count, from now on, is about relationships other girls know about after the Great Reveal. I will use that counter several times in the next update and I will re-count it (removing Olivia's from the count, for example, as they aren't officially in a relationship). Since that counter modifies usually other girls dialogues, it make sense to use it only for the known relationships, and the only relationship the MC doesn't consider as one is Olivia's, even if she's marked with a heart in the profiles screen.

I wanted to do the truth or dare game, but it made sense for Kate to start it on full speed and Debbie to stop her (if on Debbie's path) or Kate getting scared of the reciprocal questions (if not on Debbie's path). She has something to hide now. I preferred to spend some time with Kim.

There's a reason for Kim to don't check her RPs in that scene. She was attracted to the MC since the start (remember the scene at Emma's room with Lisa) regardless of the RPs. She likes the MC (physically if the RPs are on the negative, emotionally if they are in the positive). In both cases she wants Martha's approval. She's the student who got into the "family feeling" the most, because she lacks a maternal figure. And she won't start to think about a relationship with the MC without Martha's approval. She doesn't want to disappoint her or be on her bad side.
Saira's case doesn't apply here, since they were in a pseudo-relationship before.
With Debbie it's different. She's not so fond of Martha and Kim doesn't know if she talked to her before starting something.
Kim is the one opening here to the MC. Be it for something physical or romantical (depending on RPs). And she's the one who cares about what Martha thinks.
MC don't want to wait for Martha's approval. He wants to wait for Kim to be comfortable with the situation, and that means Martha's approval in Kim's case. It won't happen with Kate or Lisa, because they don't care about what Martha thinks and won't put it as a barrier.
The key sentence when dating only one girl who isn't Martha is this one: "Maybe you should talk to her. And then with Martha, if you like what she tells you." The bold her/she refers to the girl the MC is dating.
I just saw that in one of the 6 possible scenarios I forgot to add one sentence that could look like they are talking about Martha.

Eva and Daphne's nipples are the same asset. The different build (less fat) make them look a bit different. I bough that asset after the costume party scene (Daphne's nipples weren't seen before that except in the pool/shower scene in chapter 1). Erika's nipples for the beach scene were bought then also. When I changed them (and I still think they look great) for the beach scene there were a riot, so I returned to the original ones (sauna and Eva's stunt). Daphne's new nipples were seen three updates before the beach (blowjob lesson before the students arrive) and no one complained, so I thought it was right to improve Erika's. I repeat, in my opinion the new ones are better than the old ones. The backlash with Erika's made me return to the originals, but there weren't backlash with Daphne's, so I kept the new ones, scared as I was to return them to the originals.

About the blinking. It's impossible to count them in a way that makes everyone happy. If I add them to the animations, I should add the tree renders (since the three make an animation), so the still count won't reflect the volume of content you talk about. Leaving one in the stills and two in the animation count is even weirder. It also would mean that I go for 239 animations with 5,909 renders (for example, if there were 200 blinking animations and I added the three frames to the animated count), looking like the animations last for 24.7 renders, when the real animations are 61x4, 121x3, 411x1, 49x4, 361x2, 40x1, 216x3, 221x3, 51x9, 48x1, 246x2, 26x1, 13x1, 161x1, 221x1, and 301x2. It will look like the animations are, on average, less than 1 second long.
I don't count Amanda's kick to Solomon as an animation either, but as still frames. I only count as animations what I end up compressing in a webm file (since chapter 6 or 7).
Doing what you say (partial renders) mean postwork I can't do because lack of time and skills. And those partials also need to be posed and rendered. Shouldn't I count my work?

My blinking (and kissing) code is there to be flexible and easy to use by me in the standard game published as it is. I can't see anyone telling Microsoft to change the Windows code because some third party software doesn't work well with it. Why should I change my code because URM is confused by it? I can't see anyone talking to URM coders about their software not being compatible with My Dorm.

The loss of property of the thread was a move from F95 staff when I removed the Patreon links to protect my Patreon account. It was suspended because they received traffic from this site. F95 staff didn't like it and removed ownership. I complained and got threatened.

There are two girls who still hasn't joined the topless trend: Megan and Kate!
Since the topless unlockable pic wasn't thought in advance, it's numbered as a special. 14 because that one was still free for every girl when the party came. Daphne, Amanda, and Eva had #12 ocuppied, and Maddie #12 and #13. The code is thought to be able to increase the count up to 18.

I won't be so sure about the obviousness of the reason for Amanda and Eva skipping dinner.

I wanted the gallery to be able to follow the full story of a girl. I'm studying solutions (like a DLC) to add Season 1 and 2 galleries to Season 3 (and beyond). The issue is that Season 1 code isn't compatible with Season 2/3 interface. And neither is the translation, so it will take a lot of time. It took me 8 days (here and there to avoid impacting too much a single update) to adapt the code so it runs in Season 2/3 interface, but it still doesn't have all the features.

I see all this Kim talk, and I am just curious we are pretty far out from anything happening with Lisa too, right?
Lisa (relationship with the MC) story big step needs Debbie's relationship to be full fleshed out. That's why she's one of the slowest burns.

Lisa's story definitely needs some push. it's a slow burn. :)
there are a quite barriers. but it could all happen overnight with the right push :D

She is definitely interested in MC. and very much aware of him. especially when compared to her previous stale attempt. a trans guy that is still trying to find their identity might not be the best first experience.
MC might have been put off after their first few interactions, though. he is warming up to her new demeanor, recently, it seems.
She's interested in him. They started on the wrong foot, but (if not too much on the negative side) it can be recovered easily.
Lisa has changed a lot. She only needed to know that people in that weird family weren't kind to her because of her money. And that she's "only" one more in the house. She doesn't need to be perfect every minute of the day because no one will treat her like a princess.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Apr 11, 2022
Went from season 1 to season 2 and transferred my save over but I don't even know what's going on. It looks like a lot of stuff was skipped by either transferring my save or it's just like that going from season 1 to season 2.
Season 1 > Autosave > Import into Season 2 > Play to the end of Season 2 > Save > Load the save into Season 3
Season 2 changed the way the incest patch is applied. In Season 1, copying the patch changed the dialogue. In Seasons 2 and 3 it enables a Family/Clones button in the main menu. Family is patched, Clones unpatched.

I think those can be the reasons you feel like something was skipped.

Hopefully that wasn't intended as "catheterizer" :oops:

I definitely liked how she went topless at the "compound" this time around - shows some real progress for her and makes me look forward to her storyline in updates in the near future. (y)
She is used to be judged every day of her life. The birthday party demonstrated that no one will judge anyone in the house. She even was at the jacuzzi game, where people got naked (although there weren't any males there during the game) and no one batted an eye. She's more comfortable now. She feels at home finally.

and the best part was that she didn't even react when MC showed up. She looked completely comfortable with it. Granted MC didn't make a big deal out of all the others during the birthday party, so it's hugely reassuring for a girl. Even Kate and Jamaal had more to say about boobs than MC :D
The MC (being the only hetero guy at the party and potentially in a relationship with more than half the girls) was intelligent enough to not comment on boobs. That reassured her that there's no problem around him. She learned (read above) at the jacuzzi that the girls aren't an issue either. The usual backstabbing between women is totally absent in the house (except for some attempts by Emma, like comfronting Eileen and Saira).


Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2022
I'm married and I don't wear a wedding ring while working. I wear it in a chain around my neck to avoid it being entangled. Gen do the same. My father taught me to do it after seeing two co-workers in a week losing their fingers because of wedding rings. We can think Gen's father also taught her.
At some point in school I saw an Air Force training video (for some reason) on the importance of removing your rings before getting in the cockpit. Lots of stretched and otherwise fucked-up fingers. Pretty gross, but the point was well-made. And it was nowhere near as bad as the frostbite one. :p


Forum Fanatic
Jan 7, 2022
and the best part was that she didn't even react when MC showed up. She looked completely comfortable with it. Granted MC didn't make a big deal out of all the others during the birthday party, so it's hugely reassuring for a girl. Even Kate and Jamaal had more to say about boobs than MC :D
Isn't that so fucking refreshing to see in these here lands of manchilds?

Peace :D


Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2018
I'm really liking DA:Veilguard.
Same here... I'm pacing myself... but it's very tempting to go ham on it...

Peace :D
I was really enjoying it at first, i am about 26 hours in but just now recruiting the last 2 party memebers. Apparently the game really hits it stride in act 2, so hopefully i start to enjoy myself again.
Last edited:


New Member
Oct 16, 2021
Joiplay Season 1 Textbox fix

just paste the files in the game folder and choose to overwrite
makes text size bigger and easier to see and textbox slightly bigger to fit the bigger text
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Engaged Member
Apr 8, 2024
Cool thanks for answering I was wondering about it because its almost tuesday. Also can't wait for the opening
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Yeah, I'm actually quite liking this "cliffhanger" trend that tells me to expect a scene with ______ to start the next update. Even more to look forward to, especially when it's a special one like this update, or a favurite we've not had a scene with for a little while like next time is set to be.


Jan 23, 2017
why did you play a massive harem game if you were in the mood for a focused monogamy experience?
you describe what harem games are. and you know how they work. why do that to yourself knowingly and intentionally if that's not what you wanted to experience in that moment?
That's because before, I've played harem games like Sisterly Lust, Harem Hotel, A House in the Rift, Light of My Life, etc. and didn't expect content to be diluted to the point of one or two scenes per character per year. But enough of that.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Apr 11, 2022
Yeah, I'm actually quite liking this "cliffhanger" trend that tells me to expect a scene with ______ to start the next update. Even more to look forward to, especially when it's a special one like this update, or a favurite we've not had a scene with for a little while like next time is set to be.
I think it's a good system. Giving the player a little tease of what is to come (be it a lewd scene, the pool party, or the DnD game) makes for a good closure of the update, since it gives continuity with the next one.
Ending with a full scene (lewd or not) gave me the feeling of TV series "Everything is closed, see you next month". There's nothing to look forward to.
Obviously, when the scene has been anticipated for a long time (like the foursome), some people can be annoyed that I didn't include the whole scene.

The only times I did it for an important story scene (as far as I can remember) was with Kiara's arrival and the pool party.
But Kiara's scenes were the change between Season 1 and Season 2, so it looked logical (and had the size issue that made me split the game), and the pool party needed a full update for itself.


Engaged Member
Nov 5, 2023
That's because before, I've played harem games like Sisterly Lust, Harem Hotel, A House in the Rift, Light of My Life, etc. and didn't expect content to be diluted to the point of one or two scenes per character per year. But enough of that.
That's like comparing apples to oranges. I've played Sisterly Lust and Light of My Life, neither has near the same size cast as My Dorm does.


Forum Fanatic
Jan 7, 2022
That's like comparing apples to oranges. I've played Sisterly Lust and Light of My Life, neither has near the same size cast as My Dorm does.
Well, I can imagine I would be quite "confused" if I picked up something that I thought was an Apple, bite it and it turned out to be an Orange.

The real issue here is: Why did I thought it was an Apple? Not that there's anything wrong with either Apples or Oranges.

So, what is really in play here is the "Expectations". We, expect that a player understands that this is a Massive Harem game, knowing that screen time will have to be shared, parceled and minute. They expected this to be a small Harem game where screen time is largely focused in 2 or 3 characters.

Neither us nor them are at fault, IMO. As in, I eat Apples and Oranges, sometimes together...

Now, is it our, and in this I include Trope95, responsibility to manage their Expectations? I don't think so. Expectations are personal and as such should remain. It is indeed a major sign of maturity to be able to temper them and adapt them to situations where we misinterpreted and made erroneous assumptions. It is, however, our responsibility to manage and adapt them, no one else.

Therapists make a living out of that, you know...

Peace :(
4.00 star(s) 131 Votes