This is a comment about getting your money's worth from games. MEL4 comes out once a month with about 6 hours of game time. That's 6 hours/month with the CLVG team. Other devs/teams might come out every 2 -3 months, with a half-hour play. That's 0.25 hours/month. I don't understand why CLVG is so productive and almost all other developers are not. The question is not that quality is different. CLVG graphics are better done and less simple-minded than most other developers. So, better quality and 20 times as much game time. This just doesn't make sense.
I actually didn't try this game, but I tried most all the other ones CLVG created:
The look of the models is not the only aspect, that makes the quality of a game. And for me, it isn't even an aspect, that lets me come here over and over again. At least decent looking models are standard today in most of the games. And at least for me decent looking girls are enough, as long as all the other aspects fit for me. What keeps me in looking here at the CLVG-games are not even the models, but the casual nudity/nudism-aspects, that CLVG builds in his games. This is something, that I'm personally interested in and that only few people build in their games.
In other quality-aspects, the game is not that good at all. The game is highly repetitive, the girls have not much of an own personality and agenda and after one has corrupted them, they have even less of an own personality and are only obedient sex-zombies, which lack any interesting personality features.
I can even live with when a dev needs 6 months to figure out, how he can transfer the chocolate addiction of one girl into a sex-addiction while keeping her overall personality in 6 to 7 very creative scenes. This keeps me much more entertained than repeating 7 times the same scene with different clothing (see MBFD season 1) or just add one image more per scene (see RfR) just to go one step further. Because there are only few games that actually can deliver in this, as this is seemingly something that takes its time.
In my opinion, stories (and games) need rather reductive narratives which present only the most important points of a story and not every single moment of life to create tension and other feelings and keep them up. Repeating scenes time after time only bores me despite the good-looking models.
And if I can decide between giving my money to a dev who provides me fun every 6 months and giving it to someone through whose game I bore myself every month just to see some interesting nude models, my decision is clear.