Recommending My Favorites Games, With Summaries. Mostly story/romance centered.


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Apr 8, 2018
on another side note i get what you mean about mods i was kink shamed and ganged up on and attacked by mods in the past who realized i was the one on defense and later apologized after deleting my posts also been attacked because i called out a game about futas that was trans because its one of the few "out their" kinks i have a futa needs a pussy otherwise its trans its that simple if you say "futa paradise" and all they have is an asshole thats not futa lol futa is a hermaphrodite with 2 sexual organs but only one working its why i ignore balls in a real futa because its whatever the main issue is futa=pussy and dick


Active Member
Apr 8, 2018
also been threatened by mods in the past and had posts deleted for derailing when it was the truth lol but its a pirate site so i cant say shit really
edit: its why my numbers are so low been ignored or posts deleted by mods so it is what it is and why me talking here is more then most lol i tend to stfu and hold it to myself then share or rave about what i love


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2019
Yes. I know what you mean. I don't get why the concept of trans versus futa is so confusing to people. I tried to get the tags separated on the board forums, but the mods were against separating the futa/trans tag for some reason. I think that leads to at least a little of the confusion here.

To me, they are totally different things. One is a real life person, the other is an imaginary sex creature. I am the opposite of you, haha. I don't like games with futa, but I don't really mind the occasional trans character if handled well.

I don't pay any attention to the numbers, I don't even know how it is calculated. I just post what I feel like, and try to be respectful. If everyone wants to facepalm my posts, it is a minor annoyance, but they can go ahead if it makes them feel better.


Active Member
Apr 8, 2018
actually futa is real just not as "pretty" hermaphrodites can look more like men with a vagina and the opposite and most have the non functioning organ removed at birth with parents consent its easier to call a futa a chick with a clit dick lol but i can understand it out of my few "extreme" out there fetishes futa is one of them trans is a little meh im not that into anal and male backsides are not pretty lol and unless your getting implants "she" will never have tits above a B

though i will say the way futanari is done typically "magical sex creature" would be apt lol but sexy chick able to fuck another woman and be fucked has its advantages lol anyways i know you have no interest so ill just leave it like that
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Active Member
Apr 8, 2018
numbers are easy top is posts made and botom are any emote used on stuff you post, so if you post a download your likes typically will skyrocket unless it was a useless post other ways being just really amazing at being on point with how the crowd is feeling and getting lots of likes or facepalms as the opposite reaction haha


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2019
I get it. Thanks for the clarification. For me my interest in VNs is about simulating a realistic story, so futa don't really fit. I would be fine with it if it was a real person, rather than a magical creature. I try to be open minded. The only things I am not interested in at all are furry stuff, anything non-human (aliens, etc), and skeevy things like sleep-sex.

I know it is all just a game, but I like it to be at least a little realistic, so I can experience it as an imaginary participant. That is why I like romance and story-heavy games, rather than just sex-fests. There is regular porn for that.

I am a bit older than you, but I definately don't have your experience. I am a bit amazed actually. I lead a super-vanilla life, and am very boring in person, haha. I never had the confidence to be with a lot of women, honestly. Even one is not easy. At least the one I have, haha.
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Active Member
Apr 8, 2018
I get it. Thanks for the clarification. For me my interest in VNs is about simulating a realistic story, so futa don't really fit. I would be fine with it if it was a real person, rather than a magical creature. I try to be open minded. The only things I am not interested in at all are furry stuff, anything non-human (aliens, etc), and skeevy things like sleep-sex.

I know it is all just a game, but I like it to be at least a little realistic, so I can experience it as an imaginary participant. That is why I like romance and story-heavy games, rather than just sex-fests. There is regular porn for that.

I am a bit older than you, but I definately don't have your experience. I am a bit amazed actually. I lead a super-vanilla life, and am very boring in person, haha. I never had the confidence to be with a lot of women, honestly. Even one is not easy. At least the one I have, haha.
lol i had a strange time growing up went from almost no friends to over 80 female friends all because of one girl i had met during summer before jr high lol and they were all pervs! haha ill tell you what going from shy to bold doesnt take long with a ton of girls playing boob ass and crotch tag through out the day and in-between class, lunch was fun though it was like the wave but with constant groping and giggles, hell i diddnt even lose my virginity till high school but the one i lost it too bragged or something all of a sudden i was swamped with pussy lulz i cant complain it was fun times, also cant complain with all the experience ha! making a woman squirm was always fun always been more of a giver then a receiver

in all honesty much of that part of my life felt like one of these vn's even considered making one and useing some of my past as content but i would have to learn all the shit needed to do so and i cannot imagine how much of a pain rendering all those shots would be


Active Member
Apr 8, 2018
lol been playing more fantasy themed games and i know your not into "fake" so havent posted them
but i did give my 2 cents on cathy "being the mc" on AKT thread lol


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2019
lol i had a strange time growing up went from almost no friends to over 80 female friends all because of one girl i had met during summer before jr high lol and they were all pervs!
Ha. I can imagine, barely. I was a woman repellent in high school, haha. But I got better in college. It took me longer than most to build up my confidence with women. It didn't help that none of my high school friends had girlfriends either.

Thanks for the recommendation. Happenstance is pretty good, but I haven't played it the last few updates because it seems a little too slow, even for me. I like the other girls more than the main girl, but it will take a long time before much happens with the others, if ever, I can tell. I am glad to see that things are progressing, so I will try it.

lol been playing more fantasy themed games and i know your not into "fake" so havent posted them
but i did give my 2 cents on cathy "being the mc" on AKT thread lol
Well, if it is really good, go ahead and mention it. Maybe I will expand my horizons. I've tried Reluctant Archon, and Alenja's Adventures, and Long Live the Princess, which are fantasy themed and pretty good.


Active Member
Apr 8, 2018
less porn more book with nudity i loved it honestly its got one sex scene in ep2 but its got a good explanation as to why there isn't much and i don't want to spoil anything, theres a few others but compared to them i would rate this one much higher so ya

also for episode 1 i would recommend the full points walkthrough mod since it makes the experience more fun story wise


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2019
Haha. I think we play 90% of the same games. I played Rebirth from the beginning. I liked Life with Mary, so I was happy to try the dev's next game. Rebirth is great. I like that it has a well developed story, which is more than I can say for most VNs here. I am happy with few sex scenes if it means a better story, though I need at least 1 or 2 to look forward to, to make me want to play the game, haha.


Active Member
Apr 8, 2018
thing about rebirth is your a vampire so your a corpse basically, and shit doesn't really feel as good from the narrative they gave, so it explains the lack of sex add the fact you have to drink a lot of blood to fill the erection it makes even more sense i loved the writing tho gave a "the vampire diaries" vibe that i enjoyed and we most likely do play the same ones, its why i can share so many and you end up enjoying them lol plus our views on most games we talked about are much alike as well, amusingly i never expected to make a friend through porn likes but id say its fun being able to talk about similar interests, porn was more of a personal thing to me for a long time, weird kinks, not wanting to feel bad about about what i like etc. till i started using the F95 forums, and talking about what i did or did not enjoy in a game, it made me feel like i found a group to discuss shit with like you would in a book club some what except a good 80% are teens or low sexed adults complaining about everything for the wrong reasons xD but its the smaller % that matters imo
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Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2019
Haha, yes. I feel the same way. I didn't even know about non-japanese porn games until about a year ago. When I discovered this site, I was amazed by the variety, even though 90% of them have the same plot, and terrible dialog, haha. But the top 10% are really good, and some are great.
Have you tried Deluca Family? I don't remember if you mentioned that before. Oh, and also Estate Dominate. They are both completely unlike any game here, that I've played. The dev on Estate Dominate seems irritated that his game is pirated, so I do not totally confident he will finish it. I was a supporter for awhile, but the updates are so slow I stopped for awhile.


Active Member
Apr 8, 2018
DeLuca ive fallowed since it started haha def a fave just wish it was being worked on more haha 2 updates a year that small. it stinks tbh, ill try estate D dont think ive herd of it even while browsing around

Edit: estate dominate was ok, writing wasn't too bad but personality switch from sub, neut, dom are extremely high instead of any real build up of change, besides that it wasn't really my "kink" so wasn't easy to get into plus i think my favorite woman in the game was the sister and she's treated like trash, besides neut where you actually save her and free yourself i guess or lose her to Elisabeth on sub rout
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Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2019
Hey, I finally played another one of your recommendations. Sorry it took so long, since so many of my long-time favorite games had recent updates I was playing first, haha. And of course I have to work, so I can't play all the time :).

Once in a Lifetime is great, thanks for the suggestion. I don't know how I missed it.
I haven't completely finished the current update, but I love where it is going, and all the characters have a great personality. It is odd that the sisters look so alike, yet they are not twins. It confuses me sometimes which one is which, although of course the hair gives it away. The only knock I have is that the burn is a little faster than I normally like, but it isn't extremely fast, like some games. But, it has an interesting story, on top of all the relationship building, so that is a minor point. I think I will try Now and Then next.

I am with you on estate dominate. I really only like the scenes with the sister, and also the other maid, but it is unique enough that I enjoy playing it, for the most part, though it isn't in my top 10. The teasing with the sister, is very hot I think. I haven't played the latest update, or really went through the walktrhough to try all the different paths. I tend to always follow the "positive" path, and don't really feel motivated to try all the alternative paths, though on estate dominate it has a major impact on the story.
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Active Member
Apr 8, 2018
ran out of things to recomend lol all thats updating is mostly trash sadly its like a bad season of anime so thats where i am binging anime while i wait for updates on the 40 some good games i want to play xD

beyond name being trash half the crap ive tried after 1k of them were that noob atempts bad writing poor animation or renders i could go on but you get the point just crap in general


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2019
Haha, yes, I know. I try a lot of the new games too, if they get a few decent reviews but most are pretty bad, like you said. I just can't get into a game with writing that terrible, haha. Every once in awhile I will be surprised by something good.

There are a few updates that were good in the last few weeks, I think. Alexandra was updated, which is always good. Halfway House updated a few weeks ago, which was great.

By the way, I tried AOA Academy, that you recommended. Wow, how did I miss this one? It is like Being a Dik, with more wholesome likeable characters, without all the BS mechanics that Being a Dik comes with. And you can tell that several of the characters have a dark past, which is a Dr. Pink trademark. The quality is amazing, better than most of the top tier games here. It is too good, actually. I think that a few of Dr. Pink Cake's team must have branched off on their own, or maybe it is Dr. Pink Cake himself, earning himself some extra money. It is good for the rest of us, so all power to them.
Sure, the story is a cliche, and every women throws themself at you right from the beginning, which isn't my preference, I like the slower, more realistic LIs you have to build up over a long time, but it is pretty sexy. It is impossible to pick the best girl, haha. I have like 5 save paths I have to keep track of.

I have a few more recommendations, of a few games I've tried recently that are pretty fun, though not a huge amount of content starting out.

Apartment 96. It is similar to how Power Vacuum works, with the girls in different rooms of the house, though less repetitive. And there isn't much humor, but the girls and their Mom are pretty cute. It is still starting, so not a lot of sexy content, though there is some, but I enjoyed it. It has a unique art style that I like also.

Retro Soviet Style Undies - The title is ridiculous, and the dialog is very stilted at the beginning since you can tell it is poorly translated from the original Russian, but once you get through the first dream sequence set in Greece (i skipped it), and the train scene, and get to the factory, it gets pretty good. The art is also very unique, and I warmed up to it a lot. The characters models are different than what is typical. It is set in 1980s USSR. Give it a try, you might like it. It is pretty sexy also, though it has a long way to go.
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Active Member
Apr 8, 2018
Haha, yes, I know. I try a lot of the new games too, if they get a few decent reviews but most are pretty bad, like you said. I just can't get into a game with writing that terrible, haha. Every once in awhile I will be surprised by something good.

There are a few updates that were good in the last few weeks, I think. Alexandra was updated, which is always good. Halfway House updated a few weeks ago, which was great.

By the way, I tried AOA Academy, that you recommended. Wow, how did I miss this one? It is like Being a Dik, with more wholesome likeable characters, without all the BS mechanics that Being a Dik comes with. And you can tell that several of the characters have a dark past, which is a Dr. Pink trademark. The quality is amazing, better than most of the top tier games here. It is too good, actually. I think that a few of Dr. Pink Cake's team must have branched off on their own, or maybe it is Dr. Pink Cake himself, earning himself some extra money. It is good for the rest of us, so all power to them.
Sure, the story is a cliche, and every women throws themself at you right from the beginning, which isn't my preference, I like the slower, more realistic LIs you have to build up over a long time, but it is pretty sexy. It is impossible to pick the best girl, haha. I have like 5 save paths I have to keep track of.

I have a few more recommendations, of a few games I've tried recently that are pretty fun, though not a huge amount of content starting out.

Apartment 96. It is similar to how Power Vacuum works, with the girls in different rooms of the house, though less repetitive. And there isn't much humor, but the girls and their Mom are pretty cute. It is still starting, so not a lot of sexy content, though there is some, but I enjoyed it. It has a unique art style that I like also.

Retro Soviet Style Undies - The title is ridiculous, and the dialog is very stilted at the beginning since you can tell it is poorly translated from the original Russian, but once you get through the first dream sequence set in Greece (i skipped it), and the train scene, and get to the factory, it gets pretty good. The art is also very unique, and I warmed up to it a lot. The characters models are different than what is typical. It is set in 1980s USSR. Give it a try, you might like it. It is pretty sexy also, though it has a long way to go.
yeah i played halfway house and alexandria was too short to bother with download size vs play time others tell me so ya, ill try those out sometime soon sorcerer is a good one to try and recently updated as well