Recommending My Favorites Games, With Summaries. Mostly story/romance centered.


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2019
i give high marks to single again btw its like loml in a way
Great. Thanks for the recommendation. I noticed Single Again around here, but I haven't tried it yet. I will try it next, after I play the latest Once in a Lifetime :).

You know what game I have been playing lately? It is a lot different than what I normally like. Lesson's in Love. It uses Kokatsu graphics, which I don't much like, but you kind of ignore it after awhile. It has a lot of content, and you really start to sympathies with the characters. The plot is that you suddenly find yourself as a teacher in a school with 10 high school students, all girls of course, and you don't remember your previous life.
It sounds very cliche, but there is an undercurrent of strangeness that keeps it interesting. Plus a lot of the students have a dark painful past. I've put way more time than I should into the game over the last week, haha. Give it a shot if you can look past the graphics. You might be surprised. I was.
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Active Member
Feb 18, 2018
Thanks, a lot Ju1zzed. I have played a few of them. Reincarnotica is really good, except for the crazy intro, but it seems abandoned unfortunately.
Retrieving the past is pretty good also, I haven't played it in awhile, but I remember liking it.
Tales from the Unending Void is another one I like a lot, that was just updated.

The others are new to me, so I will take a look. If you had to pick, which are your 1 or few favorites from your list?
I would go with Oath of Loyalty and Intertwined. Both are absolutely worth a try.
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Active Member
Apr 8, 2018
Great. Thanks for the recommendation. I noticed Single Again around here, but I haven't tried it yet. I will try it next, after I play the latest Once in a Lifetime :).

You know what game I have been playing lately? It is a lot different than what I normally like. Lesson's in Love. It uses Kokatsu graphics, which I don't much like, but you kind of ignore it after awhile. It has a lot of content, and you really start to sympathies with the characters. The plot is that you suddenly find yourself as a teacher in a school with 10 high school students, all girls of course, and you don't remember your previous life.
It sounds very cliche, but there is an undercurrent of strangeness that keeps it interesting. Plus a lot of the students have a dark painful past. I've put way more time than I should into the game over the last week, haha. Give it a shot if you can look past the graphics. You might be surprised. I was.
couldn't find the game" lesson's in love "using search, think you can post a link?

Edit never mind found it using tag search and just looking lol. might just wait for the next update if its supposedly updated 2 times a month
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Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2019
couldn't find the game" lesson's in love "using search, think you can post a link?

Edit never mind found it using tag search and just looking lol. might just wait for the next update if its supposedly updated 2 times a month
Sorry about that, next time I will use links!


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2019
I know, right? It does bring a lot of questions for sure. I didn't mean to get you depressed. Don't hate me!

It is thought provoking, and creepy and strange, but despite all that, I really like it. I find it strangely compelling, and a little addicting. I have completed up to the current update, but I couldn't stop playing it for 3 days straight, just to see what was going to happen, and I am still thinking about it. The developer is a good writer, I think, and he has really made something unique. It did get pretty dark there after awhile.

I love games (and movies, and books) that are memorable, that stick in my mind long after playing it, so this one definitely fits that criteria.


Active Member
Apr 8, 2018
its good...but too relatable for me since many of my "love interests" had abusive backgrounds so it makes me question a lot of my life and wither i really helped them move on like they told me i did, or if it was all bullshit not to be melodramatic its got some funny moments then moments that hit too close to home


Active Member
Apr 8, 2018
not going to lie for every cry its had good moments lol kind of think of it as someone watching a horror movie to scare themselves just more depressing >.>


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2019
Yes. I should have warned you, sorry. I didn't want to give too much away. But, yes, it has a lot of emotional scenes, and it is tagged as horror.

It has a lot of humor also, not quite at the level of Power Vacuum, but still I chuckled a few times. I only wish the author had used Honey Select studio rather than Kokatsu, but that is just my personal preference. I don't like the style of super pointy chins and just a dash for a nose, haha. But after playing for a bit, I mostly got used to it.

I understand what you mean. It's hard when you have a friend or LI with an abusive background. I think the best thing is just to let them know that you are there for them, let them talk about it to you if they want to, and let them know that you empathize with the pain they are feeling or the difficulty in their past. There is not much else you can do really, except show them by example that not all people are like those in their past. It sounds like you have done all that, so that is really the best you can do for them, and I am sure they appreciated it. You can't really "cure" them, no matter how sympathetic or understanding you are.
Ultimately, there is no "moving-on" where the past never happened, it is more that their experience fades away in their memory a little so they think about it less, but it will always be there in the back of their mind, I think.


Active Member
Apr 8, 2018
anyways just tried out apartment 96 was fun and i enjoyed the story though depending on update size ill probably be waiting a while till i try it again