Let's talk about roaming events and art!
As far as the actual game is concerned I picked up a lot of 'what not to do' things from Sana! Right now I can change things around easily without everything breaking. Improvement!
I'm going to show some screenshots and those could technically be spoilers, but they're just minor things.
Be careful anyway!
So, first thing! Status screen.
I talked about some ideas and here's what I've decided on so far:
Act-specific status screens! Showing how close the main antagonist of each chapter has gotten to Luna. People said they're not really interested for a status screen for villains but what do you think of this approach!
So, for example, the first antagonist can have progressed the whole way and you see something bad happening on the status screen, you move to the second town and the second antagonist might nowhere to be seen yet!
It's not too late to protect Luna!!
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Second, I want to extend roaming events to also have an 'aftermath' moment that Anon can find where Luna might be a little messed up or dirty after a roaming scene played out.
I think this will add a lot to the scenes and make them more impactful. Especially in these moments Anon could really
notice a change in Luna's behaviour over time.
The downside is that roaming events will have more stages, which means even more door spam if you are looking for a particular scene. I think we need to introduce some way to force particular scenes.
Think of Sana in act 4, what if you could pay the inn manager to 'order' Sana to determine the next scene? When a specific town starts having too many scenes I would like to give an option like this for Luna's game! But it will cost you something, like gold.
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But wait, isn't Luna's image huge compared to Sana!?
I want the side pictures to take up more space. For Sana my artist often struggled to fit everything into a corner, especially the ears and tail.
So to give Luna as much space as she needs I'll give the player a
toggle for opacity. The game will check if Anon is moving behind the image and adjust transparancy.
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