You bring up an interesting point. Christian is a known womanizer. The guys in the office have that impression of him, and we've even seen another girl (Addison, I guess?) in is bed.
But, the reason I bring this up, is maybe that's why the husband is so upset that his wife /falls for the guy/. Like, maybe he's pissed that she can't just see that Christian is no good. Not good in any way, other than being rich, having a handsome look and a good dick. But, other than that, he's no good.
The office knows he's no good, and Hutch being in that environment would hold a similar opinion of Christian. I think, if the next update really is focused on Hutch, then maybe we will get to see what's going on in his mind. And, maybe it is that he just can't understand why his wife of 22 years can't just wake up and see the rotten fucker that has somehow seduced her. It's neat that way, if the story comes out and explains things.