One of the most overrated sex/erotic games out there.
Gamplay - Some decision makeing several ending typical avarge visial novel shit, but most visual novels that are decision based are acualy at least sever hours of gamplay, not like 2 hours to end whole game and replay for all endings. Normaly i dont give review of "decision" based game, mostly becose i dont treat it as acual gameplay and (what to fuck up ?) but this game makes it so poorly i must So 2/5.
Characters -Pretty boring and unsexy, especialy compared to other simmilar games, mom is pretty ok, but daughters are pretty "meh". 3/5
Story - 2/5 story is pretty much not funny, not sad, not interesting story that is there only to provide you with sex scenes.
2/5 overall.
Not much more to say, there are way better games then this one, and they last longer, have better and more sexy heroines, and funny, sad or interesting stories.