VN - Ren'Py - Completed - My Legacy [v1.0] [saddoggames]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    superb rendering and content. Only critique is either the need for a more detailed walkthrough or a better in game assist to minimize missing content opportunities. Maybe also consider providing downloadable endings.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Much better than expected.

    So I went into this with low expectations, but I was pleasantly surprised. While I wasn't terribly attracted to the models they were good enough and the dev did manage to make them feel very expressive, so you did feel as if you were treating them in the manner you'd chosen.
    I enjoyed how roughly and demeaningly you got to treat the various women (depending on your preferences) ... though while the writing for the interactions with people I liked, I found the inner dialogue with MrD and The Brain to not be so good and ultimately added nothing to the experience for me.

    The real star here is the number of possible endings. Your goal is to get all the girls pregnant and I did just that on my first playthrough so thought I'd won ... but I found it odd that I was given 3 possible endings that was any combination of the women (but not all 3 at once) ... I tried playing a second time and treating the women differently and got a different set of endings ... then I went and looked at the appropriate menu and there is a toooon depending on the various states you leave the characters in, you can get them all (I got that one in the end) but even for a specific pairing of 2 girls there's loads of different ways that can turn out depending on how you've warped their personalities ... and that left a distinctly favourable impression with me.

    So it's certainly not the best game I've ever played and I don't think it'll stick with me like some of the absolute greats will, but it's actually rather worth your time and zipping through to see how differently stuff can turn out, I probably won't even clear it off my computer in case I fancy trying some different paths (I presume the ones left are taking a more balanced approach rather than going all out in one direction) ... and while a sequel doesn't feel necessary I'd be more than inclined to play another game from the same dev, especially if it was kept as rough as this one (or potentially even darker) but maybe without the internal gibberish.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    My thoughts:

    -I am in love with Sarah! Pale skin, dark red hair and lipstick, curvy but not ridiculous looking, loving niece, cute personality, and really, really sexual by the end of the game. One of my favorite girls in any adult game I've played.
    -Also really liked Jennifer, just not quite as much as Sarah. Anna's boobs were too big for my taste, but otherwise she was fine.
    -Banter with Mr. D and the brain was an interesting concept and funny at times, but I ended up tuning a lot of it out.
    -Good pacing-feels like very little wasted time and you are always moving things along with each girl.
    -Lots of cool endings but, maybe, actually too many. You can unlock more than 1 on each playthrough but I'm not sure there is enough difference between them all to warrant the number it would take to unlock them all.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the first games I played here, and even after all the time that has passed since its release, it is still one of the best games out here. It's a simple VN game with a simple but somewhat interesting story, quite a few number of endings (for most tastes) and great renders.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    An old favorite. It's not perfect, the fact that getting all the endings is a grind counts against it for example, the renders aren't the most modern (but not the worst either, especially the Mom and redhead), but it is good as adult games go. You'll get what it advertises, plenty of adult scenes, some of the best ending scenes around.
    It is especially good if you're playing it for the fetishes it promises or if you're using the walkthrough to ease the grind (which is borderline needed to get all the endings, and even then one or two aren't covered well).
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    One of the most overrated sex/erotic games out there.

    Gamplay - Some decision makeing several ending typical avarge visial novel shit, but most visual novels that are decision based are acualy at least sever hours of gamplay, not like 2 hours to end whole game and replay for all endings. Normaly i dont give review of "decision" based game, mostly becose i dont treat it as acual gameplay and (what to fuck up ?) but this game makes it so poorly i must So 2/5.

    Characters -Pretty boring and unsexy, especialy compared to other simmilar games, mom is pretty ok, but daughters are pretty "meh". 3/5

    Story - 2/5 story is pretty much not funny, not sad, not interesting story that is there only to provide you with sex scenes.

    2/5 overall.
    Not much more to say, there are way better games then this one, and they last longer, have better and more sexy heroines, and funny, sad or interesting stories.
  7. 4.00 star(s)

    Green Rookie

    It is not very broad (since you only make decisions there is no city or you work to buy something or make an inventory), the good thing is that it has more than one end which makes it very interesting and not only that, there are also the different decisions that takes if you're aggressive, soft, understandable, taken advantage of and that's a good thing that this game has to offer.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 997153

    This might be my favorite adult VN game of all time. It's gotta be either 1 or 2. This game is fucking filthy and the build-up/payoff is incredibly satisfying. The game is perfectly paced. Some might find the MC/brain/dick cross-dialogue a bit too much, however, I enjoyed it. This game is hilarious at times. The three women are well-done in rendering and character. There are so many potential endings that it is much more replayable than most games. The harem ending is unbelievable and unmatched by any other game I can think of.

    Highest recommendation
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    let's be quick (24/50) average game

    the story/playtime (4/10)
    just simple (it's all about having sex and get them pregnant)

    the good thing is .you can do like me and play your own route

    for ex:
    - i got the love romance route with my brother's daughter

    playtime :(about 1 hour per route) depend on your route

    the animation (0/10)
    no animation sadly

    the render (7/10)
    great (one of the best rendered game)
    espcially the red head daughter

    sex scenes (5/10)
    boring most of them just POV and boring

    the decisions (8/10)
    great you can choose only one route or do what ever you like

    - you should try this game (but don't get hype for it)
    - no animation and even sex scenes are boring
    - music is very bad so disable it if you don't like it
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    In my opinion it really deserved 3.5 stars but I'll bump it a bit for the sake of having two completely different choices for all three girls, making for multiple varied endings.

    This game is fun and most certainly one of the more substantial pregnancy Ren'Py games I've found, which is a huge bonus for me. The three parts of yourself talking to each other is pretty great. It really drives home the id, ego, and super ego threads that you can find in various media and it's also quite funny.

    All three girls are stereotypical archetypes you'd find in a game like this but they're all written well and don't feel stale. The two very different paths you can take with each leads to a lot of endings when they all mesh back together which provides actual replay value not seen in most other games.

    In conclusion, if you like pregnancy this game will be highly enjoyable. If you're just a fan of incest, give it a try, it's not too long and I don't think it'll disappoint (too much).
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Basically, it's not a game.
    It's just a set of porn pics.
    Renders are just ok, not too good, not hurt your eye either.
    So if you are up to watching some xxx pics - why not giving it a try.
    Maybe just not my style.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    this game is not bad, the graphics and chicks are also hot. but renders are a bit too bright. it is good, but might have been better. overall it is an OK game.
    also there are lots of endings which is good, and i like red heads, so that is also a plus. as i said chicks are hot but they have enormous tits, which is a turn off for me cause they don't seem real.
    but it was a good experience, i can suggest this game.
  13. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 353129

    An acceptable game with problems in the approach and the way of telling the story, arriving at times to be quite confusing.
    Still enjoy having good ideas and having at your disposal a remarkable 3DCG and a nice fap.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    A fair game with a lot of possibilities and a somewhat liniar story. It is also a very confusing game, because you keep feeling schizofrenic because of the Mr. D and The Brain, who keeps making subconscious messages.

    Cool backstory, great ideas, but weird interactions
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    This game was a really fun kinda short game with an interesting story. The issues is it was short and good of had more things to do besides stay in the house the whole game and trying to get the woman pregnant.

    Art 8.5/10
    Characters 8/10
    Sex 9/10
    Story 7.5/10
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Story 5/5 -> The story here is quite enjoyable but simple at the same time. You get your brother over for a visit with his wife and 2 daughters. Your only mission is to get at least one of them pregnant, no matter how you do it. It has interesting dialogs as the brain and the penis are given their own voices resulting sometimes in quite a funny battle between them.

    Dialog choices 5/5 -> This is how dialog choices should be in games. Do you want to romance your way into the girl? You can do that. You want to corrupt a girl to have sex with you? You can do that as well. Only game over scene you get is if you are too aggressive to soon but it never feels like you are forced to choose one way over the other.

    Sexual Content+spelling 5/5 -> You start having sexual intercourse with the females quite early on in the game and build it up from there. The spelling is pretty good and enough to fool a non native English speaker like me at least.

    Domination/bdsm 4/5 -> This game has interesting domination routes, both through giving low esteem to the girls or simply by corrupting them enough to make them believe that having sex with you is a good idea. It does lack though in the Bdsm department for my taste but the domination and corruption paths are enough to make up for it. Still would've been nice to have it in the game.

    Pregnancy 4/5 -> This game has the main focus on getting to know the girls, trying to have sex with them and making them pregnant in the process, and this game has so many outcomes because of different dialogs that you can have with each girl that you will not get bored for a long time. Only complaint here is that once the girls are pregnant the game stops and does not delve further into that except briefly. Part 2 would be fantastic to build up on this if it ever gets released, but I have my doubts about that.

    Overall this means that this game gets 23 points out of 25, resulting in 92% or 5 stars. This is one of the few games where I come back to quite often, it is that good.

    My star system:
    0-20% -> 1 star
    20-40% -> 2 star
    40-60% -> 3 star
    60-80% -> 4 star
    80-100% -> 5 star
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I join the bandwagon: this game is nice and hot, no grinding (which is truly a rarity) a lot of hot scenes, different paths so that most of your choices matter, different endings, plenty of different kinks. And I was forgetting the interaction between the MC, the Brain and Mr D. Some of them are quite fun. Only problem? It is too short. But with all the different paths, and all the scenes, it is understandable.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Graphics and Scenes get a 4 of 5 from me. The Premise a strait 6 of 5 (it's right up my perv-alley). But what really mad the game great for me were the dialogues between the 'three of you'. At times I didn't even care anymore about the current sex scene and just wanted to know what they say next. As an example, the "give me an S, give me an L, ...." caught me so by surprise I couldn't stop laughing. I couldn't complete the 'primary objective' for which I started the game anymore but I didn't even mind.

    The long and short of it: Awesome game! Enjoyed it a lot.
    Likes: UserX
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    All of the ladies are fully developed sex pots just waiting to be fucked. The game offers plenty of endings so many that you might need a guide to find them all and hunting them down is fun. This game is great and i wish there were more like it.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is Completed...

    Originally Reviewed on 12/13/2017

    Well this visual novel/game was entertaining but doesn't have as much in the way of story as I've seen in other visual novels... It is also another overused Family Sex themed VN/Game...

    The visuals were spot on, and backdrops were alright... I thought that some of the visuals were very creative in how they played out, such as with Jennifer and her dad on the couch, i was laughing by butt off as I did not expect that scene to play out like it did at all... Most of the visuals in this one are erotic in nature since the story pretty much revolves around erotic behavior...

    The script was full of humor and erotic scenes... The plot was a simple one, the protagonists goal is to impregnate as many of the women visiting him, as possible... This is done through many varying methods over a 10 game day period of time, with many different combos and outcomes... You get to select one woman at a time to interact with during certain parts of the game day, and depending on all your choices with everyone, you may get to see certain scenes, that you didn't see with choices on previous play throughs (some combos will open up scenes with more than one woman as a choice, depending on your prior choices)... There is no way to see all content on one play through, as the VN/game is not designed like that... The story doesn't have a huge amount of depth to it, since it really is just an erotic romp from one erotic scene to another... But because the protagonist (who sounds like he has multiple personality disorder at least in his mind) has several inner voices that he converses with all throughout the story, it was definitely a creative touch I've not seen before and there is a lot of funny dialogue that occurs between the different voices, which in turn made this VN/game not just another typical erotic porn game... Yes, this is just a sex romp game, but the dialogue/monologue made it much more entertaining, which was a surprise, otherwise I would have probably stopped playing/reading it...

    Only thing I found that was lacking in the immersion aspect, was that the story takes place over a 10 day game period, and so much happens so quickly over those 10 days, it seems almost impossible... But as long as you dismiss that little bit'o info, the immersion shouldn't feel tainted... And the brother, he plays very little roll in the story, as he's too wrapped up with his own thing, so don't expect much in the way of that character to play any sort of meaningful roll beyond being almost like furniture, lol...

    I did not replay it, as I decided to go down the True Ending path (I guess you would call it the main ending sorta, but there are lots of various endings you can go with, all of which sound interesting) to see what happened at the end... I typically do not play games that are just sex romps without lots of story between erotic scenes, but I gave this game at least one play through because of the inner voice thing... And this VN/game ties up loose ends rather quickly at the ends as well... Which shows me that this VN/game is pretty well completed from what I could tell...

    Over all I was entertained by the dialogue/monologue in this one, even though I normally don't like vn's with back to back to back erotic scenes (usually because they tend to have weak stories and not so great scripts), the protagonists voices in his head thing made up for it with the hilarious back and forth banter between the different personalities... Only warning I really have is that this story is a big family taboo breaker (even if they are all adults), so be forewarned if your not into this kind of game/vn...