What does it say in the Journal? What Tasks do you have?
Thank you for answering but I found what was the problem... Sometimes, to trigger some scenes you need to go out to the map and get into it clicking on the big icon. If you just see the scene changing from inside the class, it doesn't trigger.
Now that I know that the game was much more easy to... navigate I guess.
Right now I have another problem and it sucks because I don't want to keep bothering people but... I saw the ending of the "good route" and the "bad route" but people say that there is a true ending. How can I get it?
I am reading the forum backward, to find the answer. I am on page 65 or 63 and the only thing I have found is "in some point of the bad girl route choose to not be a whore". Where? When? And then some people say that they don't have the choice because it's greyed.
I don't want to repeat the same mistakes again and again, so any other explanation would be great...