So, played it for 4 hours.
And this game has A LOT more choices than the first one. And more annoying to grind.
- The 'girl want to see X girl' subquest is annoying because it blocks the progression with the succubus until you've found the correct combination to summon the girl she wants.
- The heart entries are locked behind love%. And each heart entries can only be played ONCE per succubus, meaning EACH FORK in the dialogue means you'll need another succubus of same species to unlock. What's worse? Unlocking each heart entries are a massive pain in the ass because it means you'll need to raise the heart% to certain level and lower it through work.
- Save system is a mess. You can drop a manual save but you can't load the manual save, only the autosave.
Which means you'll want to MANUALLY copy the save file to unlock each of the 'marriage endings' without 'wasting' the succubus materials.
- You'll pretty much max your skills from doing sacrifices BEFORE the first of your succubus hits 500/500 on both charm and skill. And since newer succubuses made from higher star material and the passive from Church skill tree gives you more starting status, it's far cheaper to kill the girls for resources and create a same-species girl with higher tier material to get better stats.
- You can choose to start a new game from different chapters. BUT you'd basically start from zero anyways because all those chapters did was unlock new shop and mechanics.
And there's many other problems, including the endings. So the verdict for this game is 'play with cheats on if you really want to play, it wasn't worth the grind'.