Unreal Engine - My Lust Wish [v0.8.8 10$] [My Lust Wish]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    it's a game with great promises but they don't come true. The optimization of the game is horrible and very buggy.
    The quests are not obvious at all and the repetitive bugs make the game bad.
    However, I'm still convinced that it can be a good game that deserves to be improved.
    Likes: srg91
  2. 1.00 star(s)

    Papaco Schneider

    I suffered through this so you don't have to.

    In short, "My Lust Wish" is a miserable and painful experience, the only good thing about this game are the graphics which are only better than the Daz3D VN that you usually find on F95. And that's pretty much it, the rest of the game is garbage. Filled to the brim with bugs, an unbearable grind fest, terrible mechanics, no gallery, quick time events during the scenes, atrocious writing and one of the worst stories I've ever read in an erotic game. If you don't care about plot and just want a quick jerk off, you can find better options made by good studios and professionals in this site for free. Value your time and stay away from this mess.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Version 0.4
    Since the original creators left the game due to conflicts, the game has gone woke. The original developers mistakenly had given their IP to get money and no longer have any control of the game.

    Since they left, the amount of bugs have multiplied and the whole premise of the game has changed. Initially it was about a meek, innocent girl named Ashley, who is discovering herself and making money. It was also a game about corruption, a main point stated by the original developers, and clearly seen when starting the game (Shy, modest... Lewd).

    Well, that's no longer the case. The current Ashley is not strong, just vulgar, highly sexual and a bore. Her personality did 180 degree turn, reflected by her highly sexual dialogues & aggressive nature. She is 100% assertive, openly bisexual and aggressive. And the other girls are also shit. Not one bitchy character as far as I can tell as I didn't play long enough. They inserted homosexuality (talk), lesbianism and other stuff. Diversity at all costs, but negating the intended target and premise the game was sold on.

    The new dialogues for Ashley are unrealistic and highly exaggerated. Just openly sexual and aggressive from the start. I mean in the opener you get the option of kicking a student in the nuts. There is no Shy Ashley, it's strong iNdePendeNt WaHmAN! The rest of the other girls dialogues also took a turn for the worse. Mind you the original characters were also unrealistic but kinda of anime like. You had your jockey, your nerd, the bitch etc. But the game had a good vision and delivered what it had promised: a game about corruption.

    This game has been taken over by the same type of people that ruined Star Wars (and Luke). They basically screwed over their patreons, who were paying for a game about innocence and corruption.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    For a game that's been in the works since 2019 its in a pitiful state, an empty map and janky physics with nothing to do. Even in the $300 version of the game there is nothing to do, every toy has the exact same animation, it was build around one toy so the other ones clip thru her hand.

    I would say the game has potential, but i'll probably be sitting in an old folks home by the time it's at a playable state.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Curiosity killed the cat. Played through most of the game. Majority of my time spent with this game was me trying to not have the glitch, break and shit itself.

    This one is a hard pass but I will keep an eye on it in the hopes that something will change for the better.........which it probably won't.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    I gave two stars because of graphics style and design, the game itself is barely playable without restarting sometimes, one time you open the wrong magazine you and never close it again, pick some item and you can't pick anything else because it says your hand is being used, the game prompts don't work most of the time for some reason...

    Game needs a long bug and glitches fix time before it gets any more quest updates...
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    An ambitious 3rd person Life-Sim game with RPG elements and a "needs" management system.

    What works:
    - decent graphics, I like semi-realistic art style
    - hints at a large amount of character customization and activities
    - decently sized map
    - controls are okay (yes, this is a positive because most 3D games on here play like ass)

    What doesn't work:
    - the writing. story and especially characters are just embarassingly bad
    - dialog system is clunky
    - stat system implementation is very rudimentary
    - lots of grind due to this implementation
    - quests are just guessing games or dumb grinds
    - items, their use and the Diablo-style inventory are unnecessarily clunky and need a complete overhaul
    - no scene gallery or memory feature to rewatch some of the cutscenes
    - QTE sex scenes. Why?!

    A couple of examples for why the game is kinda bad at the moment:
    1. To increase the Lust stat to the maximum, you just go through a couple of dialogue boxes literally a hundred times. Within half an hour of playing, the stat will be maxed out, and your character can do whatever she wants (running around naked or masturbating in public). Considering that Lust is supposed to be one of the main game and story elements, this is very poorly thought out.
    2. The photographer quest involves you having to talk to the photographer, run to back of the stage, close all doors, undress, go out on stage for the shoot, run backstage, dress up, run to the front and talk to the guy again, and then repeat this entire loop until the end of the in-game hour. The entire questline is just this one loop over and over again, about 30 times.
    3. To cook food, you have to first buy the ingredients with your extremely limited inventory (are grocery bags not a thing anymore?). Thankfully you can store them in a fridge. Then you take the ingredients, drag them into a matrix, drag the appliance needed for the recipe in the same matrix, and then click a button, then drag the food out of the matrix into the inventory. Also, the game doesn't tell what ingredients or appliance you need.

    My dissappointment largely stems from the fact that many, many other games in the last 20 years have attempted similiar gameplay yet have come up with much better solutions. There is no shame in copying others' solutions instead of trying to reinvent the wheel completely and failing.

    There are also plenty of technical issues, but those are just a matter of bug fixing. The gameplay issues however are more severe and need to be addressed. There is a lot of potential and ambition here, and it is still early enough in developement that things can be steered in the right direction.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is the one I wanted.
    I will definitely wait for the continuation of it, because the character editor, clothes and toys are clearly done wisely, and I'm waiting for more interactive!
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    It's a waste of time. After the intro you're just kind of left in the dark and have to figure out what to do on your own. It's not like a real game where it leads you in certain directions and teaches you naturally.. this just doesn't tell you how to play, what to do, or give you any quests of markers until you find them yourself. Combined with the pitiful movement speed and stamina caps it's annoying as hell to figure out this game. Open worlds don't mix with porn games. Especially when they don't tell you how to get any of the scenes or barely even give you anyone to interact with.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    For the start i kind of understood that the female is not actually the protagonist. Its more like the fantasy of a guy in a train (he would be the protagonist) in which he shows a porn magazine to a girl to make her horny.

    The thing is, unexpectedly (im jolking cause it was predictable) the "female protagonist" follows exactly the plan of the "not MC guy in the train". I would say the female is not the protagonist, but a tool to channel these cheap teenage boy fantasies.
    I tried to avoid the outcome, and it happened anyway inside a dream, so im guessing this thing cant be more linear than this.

    As a girl why would i want to have sex with a guy i just met, who is clrearly a creep (who carries porn magazines?...) and is the opposite of handsome?
    I guess the dev sees it as a plausible outcome.

    Visually it looks default UE4, but being a realtime game, you better have some pc to run it. Dont play it while rendering, encoding or mining.
    I like what the game is trying to do, but i think im gonna have to eat so much horseshit in order to enjoy aspects of it that are not well implemented.

    The jelly physics is a nice attempt
    Changing appearance may be awesome.
    Im sucker for survival but peing takes too long and maybe i did something wrong, but is not much enjoyable from a kink perspective.
    Sandbox? Yess please, but i see no light at the end of the tunnel right now.

    I hope it improves or this game become more popular, im kind of tired of Daz and this is a breeze of resh air, but so far this breeze stinks a little.

    FOR 071:I only did a couple of quests,a nd they were not very entertaining really. The camera is not very attractive to handle. Fucking is apparently super easy, and foreplay is just what you can get from the dialogues until the thing happens. And "the thing" is what kills this game, cause 2 people just spawn naked performing a soulless loop withou any sexyness value, some sort of iddle looking loop, where its even hard to tell when the climax happened. Really I hope the devs got back the investment in this crap, and stop working on it, I dont see it improving even working 200 times more.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Is a good game, but need explain the things what do you need to do better, is for me, the main problem with the game, is a little short but is good, the main character is good, the system of maturbation is good, in general, is a good game, but can be better, i really reccomend play, just try and enjoy
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Alright, first things first, I really think right now, the game is about 4/5 stars, but adding a star because some people don't seem to get that this is an Alpha, and a really early one at that. That said, read on for my review.

    TL;DR: Great graphics, good premise, but fairly empty at this time.

    1. Love the QTE system.
    2. Working out to build stats shows good stat progression.
    3. Good graphics and animations.
    4. Already quite a bit to do, even if it is all kind of pointless currently.
    1. Lots of unimplemented stats, which point to there being a lot of cool plans, but currently these stats are just words on a stat page, so hopefully they become more.
    2. Body morphing system, which changes dynamically, and could produce realistic, gradual pregnancy and fun stuff like that, BUT currently breaks clothes and causes horrible clipping.
    3. Clothing system, which is neat and would be a plus because of how involved it is, but there's not a good storage system, and you can't preview an outfit before buying it.
    1. As stated by many, there's really no point to doing anything right now. While there are quests, they go nowhere and just make you money so that you can... do nothing.
    2. Bugs... lots of bugs. Too many to list really, and they range from quirky to game breaking, although, in my experience, I've not had any crashes or anything, so there is that.
    Yeah, I'm terrible with lists. Look the game is V0.3, just updated from V0.2.7, so if you're looking for a complete game with a cohesive storyline and lots of engaging things to do, then you're looking in the wrong place. However, if you're looking for a game to support, and you want to help build adult gaming into something serious and not just and endless stream of RPG Maker and Renpy VN's, then this is a GREAT proof of concept, and will hopefully become the Morrowind of adult games.

    Edit: Also, anyone still complaining about the Needs mechanics in this game just doesn't like having needs. You can easily go 15-30 minutes IRL without having to address any needs, such as hunger/thirst/bathroom, and can completely ignore shower. Furthermore, sleep allows you to be up and active for like 18-20 ingame hours and then fills completely with <8hours sleep. Not to mention, you can pee yourself and there is no consequence because this is V0.3... hell I don't think there is a consequence to not eating or drinking either. Point is, v0.2 needs were new and unbalanced, but as of v0.2.7 they're balanced enough for a released game, and can still mostly be ignored.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    The idea with RPG elements and clothing system are super cool. The implementation and lack of author's game design knowledge sucks. Not to mention bugs and performance issues. No. I mean more like...BUGS AND PERFORMANCE ISSUES.
  14. 4.00 star(s)



    First of all, I find some of the reviews to be unfair. A small team working with Unreal Engine to bring you a decent porn game so it will take time.

    To all the naysayers I first saw this game when you couldn't do much else than walking around the campus after the train scene. Since then a lot of progress was done so new readers should have a look at the dates of the previous reviews before taking the reviews seriously.

    Graphics: 3/5
    While the overall look of the game is comparable or better than a lot of the mainstream games I see YouTubers fap around cuz it's the new hype there are a few things that still need to be worked on:

    1. Clothes start clipping as soon as your character starts losing/gaining weight or muscle mass. This needs to be fixed sooner rather than later as all clothes present the same problem.

    2. "Dynamic" bones need a bit of tuning. I am talking about the MC's breasts and cheeks. If you're not walking, so running, and fitness exercises them boobs look like they're going through a shredder and her ass is wobbling along like it's made of jelly). I would say that the ass should be increasingly wobbly at Fat 40-50+. Boobs and hair just need fixing, tweaking.

    3. I keep switching between High Quality and Cinematic quality and cannot see much change either in the game's appearance or in the resources required to run the gams smoothly. Optimisation work ahead so I expect less content in the next 4-6 updates and more stuff like optimisation and tweaking/tuning to be done before they can focus on quests, story, skills, progression, etc.

    The sound is ok, but pretty barebones now, can only complain that all shoes have the same walking/running sounds. The same sound applies to all surfaces (dirt, grass, pavement, wood, tilling) including no shoes at all. A few times I realised I have no shoes while I was running around exploring.No idea when I took them off. So this will need to be fixed. MCs sounds (the few that we have) are great so far but she needs to get a voice. I expect this will happen later on since they already gave MC a voice. Also, I expect that more music will be added and with better cell phones/smartphones you'll be able to have the tracks running while you're out doing your chores.

    Limited at this time. A few quests but still WiP but at least you can see some skin and where the game is going. Looking through MC's diary you can see there are a ton of skills and stats in there, and I mean A TON. This pretty much shows the road map of the devs although there are no timeframes on if/when these will be implemented (a few skills examples: makeup, actress, model, porn actress, prostitute, vaginal masturbation, anal masturbation, and a few stats: physical stats - str, endurance, etc., double penetration, incests? - probably a version for those that will pay for the $500 version on "buy me a coffee" or something similar, we all know Patreon got a big flash drive up their USB with regards to this topic). Gotta be hyped about all of these skills and stats, right?
    N.B.: Skills and stats do not always work like in RL and there is no description of how this may work. For example, you can eat 3 whole pizzas in the morning and by early PM you'll start to be hungry again. Even so with a healthy diet of pizza and coke 4-5 times/day, my MC loses more weight when running to the shop than eating an inventory of pizzas. Cannot get her fat to go up at all no matter what. A tooltip may be needed to give some sort of insight into how skills work (or IF they work as this will be WiP for a long time to come)
    One last thing I would like to add is that FAT and strength/legs/hands/press/etc should balance each other out. You cannot have max strength and endurance AND max fat at the same time. Probably will be sorted out later on.
    Money: at the moment money is hard to come by in the game but then again this is what dorm life is like so not too bothered about the lack of it. I am sure this will be fixed as new activities are added to the game.
    Daily needs: this was a hot topic if you read the forums. I think this will be rebalanced several times over the development of the game so not much to say other than it defo needs some looking at as it's not ideal currently.

    What is to do in the game at this stage?
    Short story long there's eating, sleeping, running and working out at the "gym", a few quests and a cleaning repeatable that will give you some money. If you finish all the available quests you will get a decent amount of money depending on your choices so not that bad (fatty quest+teacher quest +revenge quest = $$$). People that complained so far ar those that came in for a quick fap and got disappointed.

    Really looking forward to the next updates, I will wait for more updates just to ensure where the game development is going and may become a patron myself.

    All in all the game is a very ambitious project with a lot of sandbox and RPG elements. It will take a lot of time to complete if the dev team stays the same and if (God forbid) they do not split up and abandon the project.

    The game is at 3/5 stars but I'm giving it an extra star for the potential to be one of the best porn games out there.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    Perhaps this is some great criticism of capitalism that I am too dense to understand, because this game feels like "do repetitive chores for menial money to barely scrape by". Everything is gated by money which you gain in tiny amounts all the while grinding out boring and unattractive daily needs. The highlight of the day becomes being able to go clean floors for a janitor because he's the only one paying any sort of reasonable money.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    I find it very hard to review a unfinished product but the game itself has lots of potential. I played from 0.2.0 to 0.2.7 and have seen a good amount of progress. Bathroom, food and shower timing fixed. Some stories need to be more flushed out like for the revenge quest and the train bathroom magazine needs to be pointed out. I expect bugs and performance issues but I will save a better review for when we actually hit a v1.0.0 mark
  17. 1.00 star(s)

    Old Man From Scene 24

    I really should have read the comments before downloading this garbage, 4 stars? Really?

    First off, the game runs like trash, like I have a pretty decent PC. But if I can run Cyberpunk on High graphics and not this then we have a major problem. On top of that The males look terrible, the first guy on the train I swear is one of the Bogandoff brothers.

    Second, and the thing that kills me the most is the dev. Has anybody...like seriously ANYBODY paid the 250 dollars this man is asking for the full game? If it was say 20 or 30 then sure I would understand, a little high but not out the realm of possibility. So far nobody knows exactly what the 250 dollar tier level actually unlocks because thankfully, nobody has been dumb enough to buy it so far.

    What urks me most is this game basically REQUIRES you to cheat if you don't want to grind while your RAM explodes. Aka requires you to pay 250 dollars for the experience. If the dev priced the game at 20 he would make SO much money, like extraordinary amounts from this game. But alas he aint smart enough for that.

    Don't waste your time OR your money for this trash
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    Confusing as it doesn't have any hint system or tell you what to do. Loaded into the beginning part of the game and I was stuck in the restroom with no way to get out. Spent 30 mins tried everything, the quest just says get out of the restroom.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    I personally enjoy it, but I used Cheat Engine for money and the next time I play it (next update) I am going to cheat stats. Devs are very communicative and are working on improving the game, so I have high hopes for the future.

    +Great models
    +Great animations
    +Possibly my favorite use of piss fetish in a game ever
    +Pretty good writing and plot

    -Grinding sucks
    -The update made the QTE masturbation playable but still annoying
    -Bathroom guage too fast, mostly solved by just walking around dirty
    -Some bugs
    -Not always clear what to do for a quest

    My only real issue right now is that my inventory is broken since taking the Christmas items. Would be 5 stars if my inventory worked and I had a flashlight or something.
  20. 1.00 star(s)

    Harem Route

    One of the worst games on this site.
    The optimization is horrendous, the quests don't explain what you need to do, you need to eat, drink, pee and shower basically every 20 seconds - I can't run from my dorm to campus without getting dirty.
    It is a walking simulator, but the walking speed is insanely slow.

    Also, selling cheats and customization for 250$. Disgraceful.

    The only saving grace for it is somewhat decent models. But really, it's just not worth the trouble.