Review games or rather review bomb the games because of AI?
isnt this why you review games?
You review games to give your insights about their quality to other people.
If your reviews are solely focused on your feelings about a specific genre or detail of the game (as some fucker wrote), those aren't really that informative.
I don't get anti AI revolt folk campaigns and moaning about art techniques or technology choices. If developers don't lie about it and admit they use AI, not real human talents, you can't be misled about the product you get.
AI helps the masses today attain the creative position of George Lucas. He wasn't painter, model maker, animator, he couldn't draw shit (or even write decent screenplays) yet he decided on everything in "his" works by accepting or discarding ideas that other people, real artists developed and were bringing to his table. He was prompting them and picked what he liked, as a director he took position of coordinator of creative process and took final output from it.
To do the same, you would need to be a millionaire or sleep on studio money, just to pay bunch of your court artists to develop something you can't do yourself and then take it or leave it. With AI help, soon anyone with strong PC could attain same position.
AI is blessing in disguise for visionaries without any real art skill set. It may be destructive for a prospect of becoming artist and learn to do stuff with your own hands but bending AI prompts to your will, to get what you have envisioned will be another skill and not everybody with AI in hand will develop or finish his projects.
You gave me idea of bomb reviewing factory socks, which were machine-made, just because they aren't giving me vibes of socks handmade by my grandma.