True, he's certain that a fixed number of his followers will pay 6+$ each month, regardless if he actually releases a new update each month or so. He's surrounded by "yes" men everywhere and anyone who disagrees on his discord server etc gets instantly permabanned the moment constructive criticism is unleashed upon the almighty BON. The project should just die already, given his attitude, broken promises, excuses etc. It will only get worse the longer people keep paying him for being a lazy developer. I just wonder how long will he be able to stall this project out tho? The game is basically finished and has been since 2019, he just refuses to finish it at this point IMO. If Lucy doesn't receive a decent amount of replayable content in the next update, he will receive the biggest backlash to date IMO. Even bigger than the last time when he released an abysmal updateBro...the real reason he is this way is that he stagnated in life and artist vision...
He got 800 zombies that will donate to him and praise his decisions... which created a safe and abusive relationship whit the internet"Safe" is his discord that attacks critics."Abusive" is the people that know he lies and calls him out...this is why he is not very social on Patreon/discord.
At one point he was active on this thread....but people whit experience in TheKlub17 called him out on his bullshiet excuse whit the program and that's why he left the site )