Mod scenes for v0.84
(I will be updating as the game is updated )
Mod Mega
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install mod
-Copy the files from the MOD folder and paste them into the "Mynewlife/data" folder
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Necessary-
some images are no longer in the new versions you have to download this patch
* If some are missing, please send me a message. Patch to fix missing images Mega *Compress version Mega
This sounds like a quote from the great (Darth Simpius) who is that you ask my friend haha its been revealed to be no other then the Legendary DerrickJaxnnot only did you degrade the Dev and his ability but in your frivolous attempt at trying to pander... you also subjectified... into this being all their worth no wonder that comment was hidden behind a spoiler. Way to empower... guy. I agree with the 1st commenter the Mc has turned into some pussy whipped simp for Laura but as someone else pointed out MC is nothing but a teen himself so his actions to certain situations are understandable. Whats the difference between a Whore and a Slut= Class thats what separate the two words but there still the same exact thing.
I'm sorry to be a bother, but cloudflare's currently having an issue with my part of the world, so i can't download attachments. Could someone please upload the incest patch for 0.84.5 to any other host site?
Ok, there are 2 files attached, one with saves for story progression or and other with possibly useful saves. Each save folder also contain my config and global files, so manage you file replacing properly if you want to change the save slot number or mix my saves and yours. I advice you to read the "General things to be known" spoiler if you use my saves but, unlike Lucy, I'm not your mother, so I'm hiding it in case you don't want to read. Also I used a lot of spoiler tags basically so this post isn't awfully huge on the thread page.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Main.rar
This contains a save folder with saves after finishing Laura's quest part 1 (comic expo) and applying the bugfixes (playing the game console in the room), which I'll call "partials", and saves with Laura's story completed. On partial saves everything else is completed, only Laura's quest part2 is not, and I saved in each mafia's neighborhood so you can tell which mafia that save is for from the saves' screen (a save's info displays the location). In the complete saves, I progressed starting from the respective partials, completed Laur's quest, and saved on the Book of Faces' main page so you easily see the mafia's logo. I saved at night standing right behind her so you can turn the phone off and fuck right away. Now, here's what each file is in the Main.rar:
Also, here is what I call "complete". By all means, if I forgot something let me know, not only it will help me to have everything unlocked but also I'll update it on this post after I complete it ingame, so people can have it unlocked to it too.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Extras.rar
This contains a save folder with a "choose your mafia" save, right after the police captain interrogation, in case someone still needs (WARNING: I saved with the timer running), a couple alternatives routes, and saves right before (or as before as it was possible) my favorite one-time scenes.
Here's the file specification:
If you want saves at points earlier version's story points, or even more variation (e.g. my Yahaira fork with the story less advanced), check my save repository thread, before updating this post I always take my previous saves there, along with the previous description inside a spoiler tag. You can find the repository here.
I'm sorry to be a bother, but cloudflare's currently having an issue with my part of the world, so i can't download attachments. Could someone please upload the incest patch for 0.84.5 to any other host site?
In a weird situation where Book of Faces says I'm on Morgan quest part 2 "Use the cube to enter Lil Pop's house. And find Lil Pop's Notebook of Ryhmes" but I can't interact with Morgan at all in his home. I have no memory of doing the first part of the quest, but when I entered his house earlier I suddenly had a threesome with his mom and aunt.
I can have oral sex with both Sharon and Marge for some reason.
I've actually had this issue for a while, and earlier edited the variables regarding the director at the hospital because of this. Worried however this might cause me to have issues in the future now when the side quests appears to have greater influence on the main quest.
Edit: changed variable 261 (MorganQuest2) to 1 and it worked fine until 62 "Talk to Marge in her home", because instead of continuing the quest she just wants to have sex. Changing variable 264 and 265 to 0 hasn't helped either (SHaron Sexo and Marge Sexo).
Mod scenes for v0.84
(I will be updating as the game is updated )
Mod Mega
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install mod
-Copy the files from the MOD folder and paste them into the "Mynewlife/data" folder
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Necessary-
some images are no longer in the new versions you have to download this patch
* If some are missing, please send me a message. Patch to fix missing images Mega *Compress version Mega
In a weird situation where Book of Faces says I'm on Morgan quest part 2 "Use the cube to enter Lil Pop's house. And find Lil Pop's Notebook of Ryhmes" but I can't interact with Morgan at all in his home. I have no memory of doing the first part of the quest, but when I entered his house earlier I suddenly had a threesome with his mom and aunt.
I can have oral sex with both Sharon and Marge for some reason.
I've actually had this issue for a while, and earlier edited the variables regarding the director at the hospital because of this. Worried however this might cause me to have issues in the future now when the side quests appears to have greater influence on the main quest.
Try replaying the game using my guide (link in my sig), you will see all the game content that you will miss the first time you play it, it has just about everything on everyone and you far less likely to run into an issue if you use it.
Okay, I'll try to add more content from Maria tonight.
but I don't know if it is good to keep adding more content since (BON) it overwrites the images or removes some that are required and it is a hassle to find what they were.
I feel like the dev half the time isn't sure where he wants to go with a lot of the characters, like i'm sure the vast majority have no pre-planned story arch. Then he gets an idea that gets him hard and he goes headlong into it. That would explain the sudden big gear switches in characters personality.
Are you talking about how the characters from the OG game are to the Revamp?
In the OG game what you said sounds about right as there were plenty of character personality changes during that game.
But as for this one, not really as the characters personalities have not really changed from the beginning of the Revamp story to now as they are acting more like they would in real life in the situations they are in. BoN has also said on discord that he knows exactly where the characters and story is going.
Don't believe me, go back and replay the game but this time pay attention to the not so subtle hints about how they are.
Try replaying the game using my guide (link in my sig), you will see all the game content that you will miss the first time you play it, it has just about everything on everyone and you far less likely to run into an issue if you use it.
I'm super thankful for your guide, been great for dates etc, but I'm more or less 100% complete with everything else, so replaying the game isn't really an option.
Added this to my old post:
changed variable 261 (MorganQuest2) to 1 and it worked fine until 62 "Talk to Marge in her home", because instead of continuing the quest she just wants to have sex. Changing variable 264 and 265 to 0 hasn't helped either (SHaron Sexo and Marge Sexo).
Are you talking about how the characters from the OG game are to the Revamp?
In the OG game what you said sounds about right as there were plenty of character personality changes during that game.
But as for this one, not really as the characters personalities have not really changed from the beginning of the Revamp story to now as they are acting more like they would in real life in the situations they are in. BoN has also said on discord that he knows exactly where the characters and story is going.
Don't believe me, go back and replay the game but this time pay attention to the not so subtle hints about how they are.
I'm talking about the frequency of changes from the entire thing from the beginning of the old game right through the revamp. Its been years and the characters have changed many times. There are also still inconsistencies in the characters, even in the revamp.
Yes the characters may now have a set personality at this stage of the 'revamp'. However, i'm talking about the fact you'd usually plan out a plot and character arch at the start of a project, rather then constantly chopping and changing them on the fly.
Its undoubtedly delayed the production of the game overall by a significant amount of time by developing the game this way.