The more I play this game ( read bug ridden shit fest) the more I hate every single character. Stepmom is a complete cunt; calls mc and his sister spoiled despite having just met them, leads mc by the dick constantly seducing him and acts possessive but always says "we can't have sex again". Amy is a bitch because after MC helps out with her cheating gay boyfriend she goes right back to treating him like a shit stain. Sarah is a dumbass; she finds out how terrible Christian is, decides to not date him and a few days later decides to talk to him again and kisses him, seriously she is retarded. Laura gets pissed at mc for coping a feel despite making it clear she is interested in him. Christian is a shit head obviously though he pisses me off because he isn't as cool or hard as he thinks he is, seriously the dude would not last in any actual gang, he only thrives because dev says so. Dad is a piece of shit but I liked him more after he slapped the stepmom because she deserved it. MC is alpha cuck, only redeeming feature is his penis size, I play incest porn games and talk shit on this forum and I would still be able to bully this kid. At this point I keep playing because it allows me to delve into the mind of a complete dumbass, which could come in handy later if I decide to write a gormless retard of a side character.