Each gang will lost a woman, depends of our choice. Well, i saved Nina's sister.
EDIT: And i will be really pissed if BoN have no balls to kills those girls.
I actually looked down further through the thread after making said post and when I saw the Nina death I kind of figured this was the case. While I think this decision does make the choices more critical than the original seeing as the only real consequence we saw was the MC getting beaten by Warren's mafia if you choose one of the others vs here were the girls lose their lives respectively if you don't choose to save them, Something tells me there will be quite a few people who won't take this one all that well.
Me personally while as I said it saddens me to see it happen I am staying with this ship until it either (A) runs its course and is completely or (B) it is abandoned.
Edit: I remember sometime ago BON did something similar like this with the original where he was going to make Amy, Laura, Maria, and Lucy gang exclusives (Amy: Nesrot, Laura: Warren, Maria: Nina, Lucy: Chang) respectively however, when BON did a poll to see if players wanted this they were very vocal how they didn't want this, and BON eventually scrapped the idea. So to be honest if BON decides to go against this for similar reasons I wouldn't be too surprised.