VN - Ren'Py - My New Memories [v0.4.5] [Killer7]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I love almost everything about the game, the only thing that I disliked was the horse "member" of the MC.. A big schlong is fine, why make it soooo big. Breaks immersion for me, sadly. But as I said, loved everything else about the game. Good story and characters.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    As of V 0.1

    I am huge fan of MNF , I was looking for his new game MNM and I have to say story is interesting and awesome characters and better art than MNF and the ending is nice .
    Can't wait to see how the story unfolds , kudos killler7 for another awesome VN .

    PROS -
    ART -5/5
    ANIME / H SCENES - 5/5
    STORY - 5/5
    CONS - none that I think of
  3. 2.00 star(s)



    Well this was possibly the most boring intro I have ever experienced. The writing is ridiculously wordy with very little substance. We are constantly hearing the MC's thoughts which amount to nothing more than him wallowing in self pity for an hour of play time. All the dialogues amounts to what kind of person the MC supposedly is. Yes, he was the very epitome of some good guy philanthropist genius architect who is a loving father and husband. That's great. It just goes on and on, with some faux drama and emotional conflicts that are not totally unreasonable given the circumstances, but is nevertheless incredibly boring and uneventful to read through.

    As with the writing, the game features some of the most uninspired visuals I've ever seen. 90% of the renders are a straight shot of a girl in the center of the screen facing directly forward. The few examples of the H scenes weren't horrible in terms of sex dialogues and renders/animation. Possibly the only saving grace of this game.

    I assume the set up is essentially the wife pulling a Jaime and giving the nod to the MC to bang all the chicks to improve their lives or something. I can already feel the cringe coming.

    I am not opposed to the idea of a feel good harem if the game frames it in a pleasant, fun and kinky way. However, this game takes itself entirely too seriously and is just such a downer the whole time. As cold as my heart is, I am not immune to getting emotional. This game, however, basically failed to elicit any emotion other than boredom because the game does very little to get us invested in the characters organically. The game is forcefully telling us that these are your daughters and loving family members and that we should care about them. It's almost as grating as laugh tracks in old sitcoms telling us to laugh.

    Keep in mind, I went into this knowing that it doesn't line up with my preferred tags. However, my appreciation for quality writing isn't so shallow that I can't enjoy a wide variety of genres. This one just falls really short and does a very poor job of drawing in the players with a great hook in the introductory stages.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    After playing MNF for so many times now, i really was looking forward to play Killer7´s new game.
    And what can i say, he did not dissapoint.
    I wasn't sure if this game could maintain the high standard of MNF, but Killer7 really did it.
    It didn’t take long until I fell in love with the characters just like with MNF.
    And believe me, i played a lot of VNs over the years. And there are not many devs out there that are able to it like Killer7 did.

    Cant wait for the Story to continue. Get to know every character even more.

    Thank you Killer7 for another awesome Game!
  5. 4.00 star(s)

    Boehser Onkel

    this story is so twisted - i need to make notices about who is who with and from whom :ROFLMAO:

    havent played the other game of Killer7 (not my kind of "art" style)

    this one here -
    is great , really , color me surprised
    the story unfolds at a good pace
    the girls are cute
    renders are nice
    thats one of the games where i dont care about lewd scenes ,
    its just the good writing that makes me go on

    i think the "attacker" will be a huge surprise , got some theories in my head
    (the girl from the hotel , the mother)

    thanks for this (so far) great game @Killer7

    gl with the game
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Wonderful start, great storytelling, good flow. Models are excellent. Pretty awesome amount of content for the first release, but as with MNF, all of the updates have a ton of content.

    Honestly just top notch VN's from this dev. Kudos!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    While not the most original plot of all time the characters are quite believable and have good back stories so far. Honestly the game is starting off all around amazing with a really large first release and the girls are quite hot, Keep it up killer!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Top notch game!

    In a review you should point out positive and negative things - well that's easy here:

    Positive: just everything
    Negative: nothing until now

    Especially to mention, that the game's story setup is kind of something new which i haven't seen before. Even it's incest and harem, the game feels completely different to all other games. Never before a story kept me cuffed so extremely like this one.

    Guess it's one of my all-times top 3 games
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    After just playing this I have to say that I was totally not expecting the story to be this good. I like the story telling and the rhythm to it. The graphics are ok and the faces are also ok. I like it more that not all the girls have unbelievably larger tits.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow, I started off playing My New Family quite a while back and absolutely love it. However this one is on a complete new level. Fantastic story and the writing has improved so much from My New Family . The characters in this are all great and look amazing. The story has made me emotional in places, happy in others a wide range of emotions, if I am honest it even got a tear or two from me in places. The interaction with the wife and the memories coming back are very well done, and without giving any spoilers the last 2 pages of the game were a great place to leave this initial release of the game.

    Too be honest I am not really a reader as I am dyslexic and normally play these games more for the lewd content but this story has got me hooked I could see myself reading it without any lewd content although I do hope to see more in the game as it progresses.
    The images are lovely girls attractive and the animations are well done, not the best I have seen but more than acceptable.

    To sum up I just want more more more
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Damn, this is good, Even had me getting all emotional, And i'm not the emotional type, But it's hitting close to home i guess, relationships wise. Keep it up Killer7, Amazing stuff so far. and so completely different From My New Family, This feels more mature, More realistic
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    What an amazing story. Played My New Family from the first update ever, and been patiently waiting for the first release of this one after My New Family had been one of my favourite games on here.

    Killer7 just knows how to make a charming, lovable game. It gets you attached to the characters, interested in the story and excited for whats to come. Especially with the ending, i just can't wait to play again!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Without realising at first that the dev is the same one behind REDACTED, I started recognising subtle influences from the first game.

    For example; poses, dialogue and dialogue choices reminded me of REDACTED in a very welcome way for sure.

    Like a warm feeling of familiarity which never becomes too overbearing or distracting (apart from one not so subtle but definitely funny easter egg).

    Without taking away from REDACTED (which stands strong in it's own uniquely quirky and charming way), My New Memories is an improvement on every level and really showcases the growth of Killer7 as a dev since the start of REDACTED.

    In terms of content, this first release truly is a rare beast that starts with a massive amount of gameplay.
    Expecting the game to end an hour and a half before it did I found myself wishing it would continue just a bit longer.
    Hoping for one more reveal, one more dream sequence, a new encounter with one of the sisters to help unveil more of the mystery and so on.

    The story truly drew me in the longer it went on. Although it must be said that after awhile, every single new encounter, which ends in a "I can't tell you more because...", puts a bit more strain on the story as it becomes more and more an obvious vehicle for creating more suspense.
    Which for the story itself is a logical step to take but a strenuous one as well given the regularity of it.

    Taking the somewhat obvious artificial suspense in stride we have an amazing start of a game with many emotionally resonating moments which add real depth to the individual characters and thus, by proxy, the player experience.

    A game that doesn't take itself extremely serious and allows an easy system for decision making, already known and appreciated from it's inception in REDACTED.
    Thereby letting the player not be burdened by many obscure options but giving clear cut choices of what to decide and an inkling of what the decisions will affect.
    Which in itself allows for a relaxed playstyle where you can sit back and just enjoy the story without feeling the need to hold a walkthrough close by.

    Something that is an absolute quality which will only be more and more appreciated with many of the other high end games having a plethora of experience changing decisions which do require a walkthrough to safely navigate.
    Here you'll know what you get when you see it and its a welcome change of pace.

    To conclude, as warned this game does sparsely show lewd scenes and practically edges you with glimpses of story yet to come.
    Yet, as we all know when edging, the resulting release will be massive because of it, nowhere more so the case than with this game.

    Edit: Was warned even mentioning an earlier game Killer7 is known for would result in the review being scrapped, hence this redacted version.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Killer7 just knows how to pull out a great story. Did it in MNF and does it again in MNM. Kudos my man, kudos.

    The characters are likeable, 2 of them bug me but knowing K7, I know I'll eventually like them too.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably one the best first releases I’ve played. It’s early but this is already a step up from the other game the dev makes.
    Graphics: 5/5
    Animations: 4/5 above average imo
    Story: This is definitely a story driven game more than lewds scenes. The story seems more believable than a lot of others and actually makes you care about the characters even in this early stage.
    Looking foward to more of this one.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    yes I like the work of killer7 but this review will be impartial ;)

    we are already starting with a new graphic style we go from HS to DAZ it's already a hell of a change !! bravo because I'm not a big fan of HS but KIller7 managed to make me change for that

    but with a game on DAZ I am satisfied, (y):cool:

    as for the story we start with a character who has lost his memory nothing new but it's still an excellent approach because we, the players, we are the same as the protagonist we ignore everything where he lives and we discover each thing at the same time as him !!:p

    well that allows the best of immersions, the best way to get attached to the characters and to create a certain bond with MC !! :giggle:

    and as usual Killer7 has created a universe where each character has a very distinct personality, with moods, emotions and the incredible connection with his twin sister

    for the story line the speed is well adjusted we do not take too much info at once

    this game made me go through a whole lot of emotion but cost me a fortune in tissue paper lol :cry::cry:

    so in summary My New Memories is really promising with a great story, a plot, future revelation etc ... everything I love about a game :love:

    here since January that Killer7 has been working in parallel on My New Memories and this has had no impact on My New Familly (y)(y)

    I don't know how killer7 manages to work so much but one thing is sure he won my trust and respect !! :cool:
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    What a start... Blown away, First of i didnt expect 0.1 to be this big an update.. Next, the story is amazing, lovely characters. MNF is already in my Stier game folder(Dont really like Honey Select art i love the game tho)... And i can tell you that MNM now got granted access to my limited Stier+ GOD LEVEL folder where only 10 other games exist.. Also GOODJOB on your first daz game.. I will be looking forward to many more great and touching hours of this lovely game.. Much Love to you Killer ;)
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is just wonderfull. The characters are well written, they personalities are well thought through. The story has packed me on so much and made me emotional. It's wonderfull combination of everything that kinda made me fall in love with this game.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Rating more on potential than actual current state since it is only a first version, but might even be a 5 star in the future.

    Art: With the exception of the blonde daughter all the models look good and unique. The animations are decent. Background is usually of lower quality.

    Story: The story doesn't feel as something special or new but appears to be a very good harem set up so I'll take that as a positive for now. Writer does not appear to be a native English speaker as some things aren't phrased quite right.

    Will keep my eye on its development might sub depending on where it goes from here.