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Hello there you wonderful and cute people out in the world!
Another week, another progress update!
Now that the My New Memories update is released for everyone, I'm shifting my focus back to My New Family. I'm already making decent progress on the first day again but I'm taking it a tiny bit slower, mainly because I just released an update for My New Memories ( and because certain people forced me to take a break

With 0.22 I want to shift the focus of My New Family a bit. Well, maybe shifting focus is not the right term. For the last few updates it felt like the MC was just heading from woman to woman, from date to date and from lewd event to lewd event. There were some more meaningful events that progressed some background story, but that's just what it felt like to me ( and some other people ). I want to make more meaningful and impactful events, events that stay in your head even after you are done with them. Think of the night in the hotel with Sandy, for example. If you played 0.21 you probably remember that Sandra and the MC wanted to head home one the first day to spend the night there. This is where I want to start these events again, these meaningful solo events with only one girl. There will be a lot of different things they're going to talk about, all of them regarding their future ( and if you are on the harem path with everyone getting pregnant, you will get some important infos regarding My New Family 2 through subtle dialogues ).
I also have a very special morning event planned for the second day, before Sandra and MC drive back to the vacation place. Like I said, I plan to do these events more again. This doesn't mean that there won't be any time with more than one girl, especially with the gingers or Mary, Becca and Elaine, for example. Just that the events will have more impact again and don't feel like a groceries you're checking off ( "I visited Maddie, next on the list is Kiara" for example ). I don't want it like that anymore. You will see what I mean once you play the update, but I hope this brings a new breeze to the game, especially because the timeskip is coming soon!
I don't want to leave this progress update without saying anything regaring My New Memories, though. First, the render in todays news is just a little fun render I made with Lina. I've been reading all of your comments and messages on the discord regarding the update and it seems like Lina is quickly becoming one of your favorites, so I thought a special render with her would be neat.
After the cliffhanger at the end of Chapter I things will change drastically again for the MC. There will be a bit more of a ... Let's say, extreme emotional moment, right when you start Chapter II. A lot of things will happen at once in a very short period of time, all while the MC is still on the phone. And this event will play very differently depending on the choices you made - Did your MC sleep alone that night, or was he with someone? This will have a pretty impact on how this event will unfold. There is also some other things that will happen in Chapter II. I'm just going to throw in a name.... Jessica. That's all you're going to get from me, for now. This is still all in early concept phases and the fully focused work on Chapter II will start once My New Family 0.22 is complete. That doesn't mean I'm not already writing a little bit, though.
And I think that's it for this week. Don't forget that Patreon will try to repledge on the 1st, so if money is tight right now ( Christmas is coming up ) or you don't want to support me anymore ( and a different creator , for example ), don't forget to cancel your pledge! I will have more to talk about special Christmas things next week. Stay awesome!