4.40 star(s) 160 Votes
Jun 6, 2022
I'm actually a little curious. Is there any difference between the two Morgan routes? From a story perspective I mean. Or is it basically the same, but different "accessory"? :p


Active Member
Oct 8, 2017
This game is GREAT! Only one minus. The laughing of all the characters is rediculous. Allways eyes closed and looking stupid.
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Oct 12, 2021
In any event, not to get repetitive, I enjoyed the story, although I won't deny that at some points the utter happiness of the story....
Uhhh.. are we reading the same story? I'm happy that you've never had to worry about a hospitalized loved one but at the very least you should be willing to admit that having someone who is trying to kill you does not fit into the 'utter happiness' category. We know things will eventually work themselves out but at this point we're definitely not in 'utter happiness' world.


Engaged Member
Oct 15, 2016
Uhhh.. are we reading the same story? I'm happy that you've never had to worry about a hospitalized loved one but at the very least you should be willing to admit that having someone who is trying to kill you does not fit into the 'utter happiness' category. We know things will eventually work themselves out but at this point we're definitely not in 'utter happiness' world.
You know I am not sure if you're trying to troll, have a inability to grasp the point of a communication or just extremely pendantic and anal-retentitive. You might be the type who, when they read or hear anything they don't agree with, immediately discards everything else related to that specific point as if it didn't exist, just to try to further your point.

In any event, let me provide a clue since it's obvious one is desperately needed. I will even number the points this time to help faciitate understanding and growth.

1) The "attempt to kill" obviously failed. Did it have consequences? Yes it did and the matriarch and main partner to the MC is in a coma. However, her condition is stable, the MC can "talk" with her daily and he doesn't really have anything pesky, like a job, that he has to do daily that detracts from his ability to talk to and do pretty much anythingh he wants to do.

However, as noted, the attempt failed. The person responsibile has been identified and for the most part neutralized. We as players can expect that to be wrapped up sooner rather than later and then there will be zero 'threat'. We've also had the dev clarify that the victim in this situation will not die from her coma, and we can expect her to wake up, again likely sooner rather than later.

2) Even with the MC's wife in a coma, this has not stopped or even slowed down his sexual life:

A) he's resonnected with, and actively engaged in a romantic relation his SIL/GF of 18 years to fill in any physical need gaps that his wife being in a coma might have caused. He is also actively fucking his sister and soon to be his mother.
B) He's actively moving forward to engage his 3rd/4th oldest daughter into a secual relationship also. Based on the story we can also expect him to expand this to his second oldest adopted daughter as well.
C) He is actively pursuing other women as well for physical pleasure under the guise of advice from his wife. THis includes women both unrelated (hotel staff) and othjers like her nurse in the hospital.
D) It's been mentioned that he has a 'secret' with his oldest adopted daughter. Which knowing the story so far, we can probably correctly assume is something of a sexual nature that occured between the two of them, if not actual full blown sex that occured with the wife approval and consent.
E) The MC will lkely have sex with and/or impregnante pretty much any woman that's in the story at some point with the build-up so far, and do it easily. This includes all of his immediate family/daughters, mother (as mentioned above) other sister, pretty much anyone he wants due to "story magic" or his fame, money, giant horse-cock, extremely muscular build and apparent physical build. He also has a reputation for being generous with time, money and kindness which pretty much makes women wet and panties drop with minimal effort from his part.

3) Until this point in the story, the MC has never struggled witrh a single thing in his life. He had the perfect wife and partner fall in his lap when he was a child, he missed her for a few years and then permanently reconnected in his late teens and early 20's. Other than the obvious time now, and only briefly even then, the MC has never had a moment in his adult life where he's truly been alone to handle life's problems. He's never really worried about money, or security (job or otherwise) he's never lacked for full family support, ever thing he has touched has for the most part, turned into pure gold for him and those around him.

4) The MC can "do no wrong" in his relationships, he always says the right thing at the right time, and when he doesn't say something that should/could be said, or he doesn't know what action to take, someone that supports him fills the gap. This is most notably his wife during their marriage, she was an active equal partner to make things bullet-proof even for items that he didn't know could use some support, and she also guided everyone around him to support him even more, be it emotionally, or sexually.


So yes, having someone hospitalized is obviously traumatic, but he still communicates with her daily in dreams as if she were there. He has plenty of warm bodies to warm his bed and has a dozen active supporters who will do anything for him at the drop of a hat. As a player we know his wife will not die, the threat (what there was of it) was quickly identified and controlled, and we can expect the wifey to probably wake up soon.

Otherwise the MC has a truly charmed life. He has never lacked for security, support, sex, partnership, talent in business, etc. So yes, from a "compare this fictional life to anyone else and how does it rank?" standpoint, other than the coma which we can expect to be resolved positively and thus no longer be of impact, the MC has had a life like a fairy-tale. Hell, even when hardship happens, it's 'equalized' to so far have no long-term negative impact.

All of this is what I defined as "utter happiness". The coma and hospitalization would be horrible IRL because there is no idea if they would ever end, or end well I agree, however for the story they were grouped as "story driven conflict", and they aren't the same. They aren't expected to impact the long term story based on comments from the dev in the thread, and are there to provide a structure for the story. With the specific ideas presented here hopefully you better grasp the concepts as described, but you may still latch on to a single sentence again in a paragraphs long post to try to use some poor debate method to discredit, but that is not my concern.. :)

(PS If you want another story, with more real world impact, go play "Leap of Faith". That one will shake you to your core if you have emotions and read into a story and characters, and you seem to do so like I do, which is a good thing as a player or story listener. :))
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My New Family / My New Memories
Game Developer
May 14, 2019
you know we never considered that the mc is the one in coma and it's the wife that is ok. she is doing what she is doing to help him wake up which isn't working that well
Some people said that about My New Family. At the end of the game you will get a closeup of mcs face, then you see a flash light and the Skyrim intro plays. Don't tell anyone tho.


Apr 1, 2022
Some people said that about My New Family. At the end of the game you will get a closeup of mcs face, then you see a flash light and the Skyrim intro plays. Don't tell anyone tho.
Does the MC get to the Cloud District very often?

Why am I now picturing Lucy as a Khajiit?
4.40 star(s) 160 Votes